Teacher Poem

Goodbye To A Special Teacher

Have you ever had someone you could talk to about anything who was not your family? It doesn't have to be your family or your friends; it could be a teacher, someone at your church, or anyone. For me, it's my teacher. I trust her with my life. I feel like I can tell her how I feel about everything, and she is always there for me, supporting me and listening to me when I need to talk. Sometimes all we need is someone to talk to about what is on our heart and mind.

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My name is Audrey, and I'm in year 11. I have also had the most wonderful luck to get along with most of my teachers in my school. I have a favorite English teacher, and she is Ms. Keeping. I...

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Don't Want To Say Goodbye

© more by Asha Cook

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

I remember the times when you were there for me.
Through my many tears you helped me really see
that you were always there for me.
You stood close to me like a friend, there for me
until the end.

I will never forget you and the things
you helped me through.
My inspiration is you.
You were always there when I needed you.
I now will always have great memories of you

You would ask me, "How are you doing?"
I would say I'm fine
as tears start to form in my eyes .
You always knew that I was really not fine.

You are someone I want to be like.
I found out who that person is; that person is you.
I hope that you remember me through your days.
You have touched my heart in so many ways.

I look up to you and I see a ray of sunshine
shining in on me.
I knew God sent me one of his angels
when he sent you to me.

You help me through it all,
coming to save me every time I fall.
If I could say one word, that wouldn't
tell it all.

I am so happy to have you with me.
You helped me to really see what I couldn't see.
You helped me to find the real me.
You turned me into the beautiful person
I was meant to be.

If I say goodbye to you, I will just fall apart
because you have always been in my heart.
I don't want to lose you.
You care about me and I care about you too.

I remember the day I first met you and you met me.
It was like it was really meant to be.
You are someone I hold close to my heart.
There I know that we will never be apart.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Fiza Salmani by Fiza Salmani
  • 6 years ago

I have a teacher in my school named Ruth Seggar, and she is my inspiration. She used to help me, but some girls would say she was bad. It would hurt me, but I’d remain cool and calm. I love you, teacher. Thank you for everything.

  • Amesha by Amesha
  • 6 years ago

Aw, that's so sweet. Tomorrow one of my favorite teachers is leaving. I don't want her to leave. She's such an inspirational person to me, and I really love her. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I really appreciate it, and helping me in my studies, I can never forget you. if she does read this, I'm gonna miss you so much and everything about you. Bye! I love you!

  • Queen Jordyn by Queen Jordyn
  • 6 years ago

This poem has really brought me to memories because I have a favorite teacher named Ms. Cox. Today is May 17, 2018, which is the last day of school, and if I had a moment to read this to her I would. Today is the graduation for the whole fifth grade, and I'm going to be really sad to leave Ms. Cox.

  • Darlene Paredes Barron by Darlene Paredes Barron
  • 6 years ago

My name is Darlene, and I am 12 years old. I loved this poem. I would recommend it to anyone. I have a teacher named Mrs. Denkers, and she is very important to me. Everybody that has her hates her or calls her bad words. Sometimes I tell them, "Oh, I have to go I have Mrs. Denkers next." they start to say a lot of bad words. I agree softly, but in my heart it hurts really bad. She is family to me.

  • Audreyl by Audreyl, Hong Kong , China
  • 6 years ago

My name is Audrey, and I'm in year 11. I have also had the most wonderful luck to get along with most of my teachers in my school. I have a favorite English teacher, and she is Ms. Keeping. I would like to say thank you to her. She not only teaches me to read books, she also teaches us not to judge books by their covers. She is not only a teacher to me, she's also a great mentor and a great friend to me. I even tell her more things than my mom. she is like a sister to me. I really appreciate it. Ms. Keeping, if you're reading this, I want to tell you that you really mean a lot to me, and thank you for everything.

  • Esha by Esha
  • 7 years ago

I have a teacher named Eden Anna M.C. Coy. I would for sure give this poem to her.

  • Shad Ahmad by Shad Ahmad
  • 7 years ago

I also have a teacher I like a lot. She is very important to me, and she is always very nice. A teacher is someone who can change everything for you.

  • Sharon Nkele by Sharon Nkele
  • 7 years ago

I also had a wonderful teacher. His name is Mr. Rasi. He knew how to make me feel better whenever I felt lonely. Will always miss your teaching, Sir.

  • Sanjida Shamim Rifa by Sanjida Shamim Rifa
  • 9 years ago

I also have a teacher who is really very special in my life. At first I was very poor in my attitude and in studies as well but as soon as she came into our class something happened to me! I was changing and here I am today in the best class in my school. She was more than a teacher, she was a special friend of mine who would support and always stand by me in any obstacles I face . The teacher whom I am talking about is Mrs Raheelah. Soon the year was coming to an end and it was time to say goodbye to her. So Mrs Raheelah if you are reading this I would like to say I love you and I miss you a lot!!!

  • Rahul Kumar by Rahul Kumar, Agra, (UP) INDIA
  • 7 years ago

I have a teacher, and she is very special for me. I spend most of my time with her instead my friends. This is my last year with her, but I don't want to leave her. How can I give her best farewell?

  • Khushboo Garg by Khushboo Garg
  • 7 years ago

I also had a teacher like this. She was very good. When I was wrong she told me the way of my life. Her name is Ms. Pallavi Khanna. I miss her a lot. When the school year ended she left for her further studies.

  • Courtney Nicole Tiner by Courtney Nicole Tiner
  • 7 years ago

I have a special teacher in my life. She's like my second mother. Every time I cry she's there for me. I love this teacher so much. We have had our ups and downs, but we found a solution to fix it. Mrs. Dillingham, you are my favorite and I will miss you. I love you.

  • Blerina by Blerina
  • 9 years ago

My name is Blerina and I'm in 5th grade! My teacher's name is Mrs.Klein, she is the best teacher you can ever have. When you are sad she makes you feel better! She is always there for you. The year has gone by so fast and I don't want to leave her class. Mrs.Klein if you are reading this I want you to know that you are the best and I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me! THANK YOU!!! :)

  • Hailea by Hailea
  • 7 years ago

I have a teacher like this. Her name is Mrs. Trowbrige, and she is like a mom to me and I love her like family and I always will.

  • Grace Kennedy by Grace Kennedy
  • 10 years ago

I have a teacher just like this, He is one of the best teachers I have ever had and I will always remember him. My teacher's name is Mr. Lee. Lots of love Grace

  • Dee by Dee
  • 10 years ago

I have a teacher that's really like my Dad, and he always cheers me up when I feel down, he's always there for me when I have a frown.
He's so kind and a lot of fun, and he makes lots of puns.
They're funny, don't get me wrong, but the best memory was when he was dancing to a song.
He only teaches me in one class, but he's my number one teacher, not the last.
Huh, I just created my own poem in this comment. Strange what reading or thinking about Roald Dahl books can do.

  • Katie by Katie, Munster
  • 11 years ago

I have the most wonderful luck with getting great teachers. This year, going into a new high school as a freshman... I thought was going to be terrible, but it turns out, I have some of the greatest teachers, and I'd have to say there is no favorite, but I know my English teacher loves me, and I love her, therefore, Ms. Lemon, if you're out there and reading this... I'd dedicate this one to you! <3 with all my love! :)

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