Teacher Poem

Poem Tribute To A Teacher

This poem is about a girl who had a person that was there for her no matter what. This person was like her personal guide for the world and told her a lot of things in life. The girl takes everything the person says literally, but she's also learning from them. As she grows, she realizes what the person meant.

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I have a brilliant teacher who is my surrogate mum. She's the first and only teacher who has managed to make me cry out of joy. Before I met her, I never knew what unconditional love was...

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You Told Me


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2012 with permission of the Author.

You told me to listen to my heart
But it wasn't speaking

You told me to wait
But soon I got impatient

You told me to feel
But I didn't know how to feel beyond my body

You told me to see through it
But it wasn't made of glass

You told me read between the lines
But there was nothing there

You told me to be careful
Does it mean I was too careless?

You told me I was blind
But still I could see

You told me we don't have time to spare
But who were we giving our time to?

You told me stop being so closed
But I wasn't a door

You told me "don't cry"
Was I suppose to force myself to be happy?

You told me to forgive and forget
But it's not easy

You told me to love
But what is that?
You don't know what it is until you find it
Where is it?
Nobody knows

You told me a lot of things
And I didn't really know what they meant
But I've grown now
You're gone and I wish you would tell me some more


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mrinankita Roy by Mrinankita Roy, Kolkata,West Bengal, India
  • 8 years ago

I am really touched. It is the poem that I found perfectly relating to my teacher. Her name is Payel Banerjee and I love her just like my mother. She is holding even a better place in my heart than any other person in my family. I can share everything with her. She is very friendly, caring, lovable and reliable...I just love her...

  • Ashley Marilynne Wong by Ashley Marilynne Wong
  • 6 years ago

I have a brilliant teacher who is my surrogate mum. She's the first and only teacher who has managed to make me cry out of joy. Before I met her, I never knew what unconditional love was...

  • Ngo by Ngo
  • 11 years ago

I has found me in your poem. Thank you so much!!!

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