Teen Crush Poem

I wrote this because I have a friend I'm falling for, and everybody keeps telling us we should get together, but I'm not too sure if he feels the same way about me.

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You seem like a nice person, and whoever that guy is is not worth it, so I just suggest that you move on. I know it's hard because this is no longer a crush, but you've fallen hard for him....

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My Secret About You

© more by Tennicee Reynolds

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2013 with permission of the Author.

Yeah, everybody has a secret.
I have one, too.
Most of my friends know,
But what about you?
I can't explain what I'm feeling.
Could it be true?
I'm not sure, but I think I'm falling for you.
To be honest, I think it's quite possible.
It's funny how this feeling grew.
I'm falling once again,
But this time it's for you.
Tell me you like me
Or at least give me a clue.

I know this feeling,
I've felt it before,
But that was different
'Cause he walked out the door...
I could be losing it,
But I'll let the rain pour
Because a day without you
Is like hitting the floor.
All over again,
I'll fight this war...

Standing here with you feels so right,
But something's wrong.
This rhyme is a little off,
But I'll sing this song.
It's beautiful
Because its melody is so lovely, but somehow it doesn't belong.
It doesn't have to be perfect,
So why don't you sing along?

I'm being honest.
I can't believe you broke my shell.
Everybody sees it,
So I'm like "What the hell?"
Being around you makes me stupid
Can't you tell?
You funny jerk,
Am I going to have to spell
It out so you could see?
I'm telling you I fell
For you...
Do you feel the same as well?

I told you the truth,
So now I'll go
Unless you stop me.
I'll leave you alone...
Say you feel the same
'Cause I don't want another clone...
I like you for you,
And I know I don't need a wishbone.

A friend saw you looking today
Just as I thought of this silly rhyme.
It's not perfect, but it's good enough.
Liking someone is not a crime,
So don't be intimidated,
Considering you have plenty of time.
Tell me today...tell me tomorrow.
Either way is fine...
I don't mind waiting.
Shoot, I'll give you extra time...

Another moment is passing by,
So I'll give you this 
And hopefully I won't kiss
It goodbye...
Knowing me I'll probably dismiss
The event because in all reality,
I'm just too much of a sis
To give you this poem.
I'm too intimidated, but I can't miss
Another chance to tell you the truth;
I can't waste another minute in this 'What if?' abyss
Especially without you...


more by Tennicee Reynolds

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • 2 years ago

There is this girl I have a huge crush on. I wrote her a poem - "I Hope to See You Again." She was really amazed, and this poem caught my attention. I just feel it was meant for me because the style used in it is the same I use in writing my poems too.

  • Citlali Lopez by Citlali Lopez
  • 7 years ago

One day a boy I had a crush on since fifth grade asked me if I wanted to date him, so I said yes. We dated but only for two days, so I got sad can called him a jerk.

  • Sara by Sara
  • 8 years ago

Well, I feel that. I have a huge crush on a guy. Yeah, he's handsome, muscular, he even plays rugby- all rugby players are hot in my school. It's been four years since. Now I'm 17, but I still can't move on. My friends keep asking me to give up on him. Well, they said that I'm too good for him- which I think I'm not. I used to look at him all the time. Flutters when he'd pass by me. I'm happy every time I see him. On his birthday every year I'll buy him presents. Then it'll end up at other guys. I've once gave him a shirt that I bought with my own savings at Topman, but it ended up with my best friend. It hurts me, but I don't know why my inner self has never given up on him. He was just in me. He's in my soul. It couldn't be separated. Please, what should I do. Back off?

  • Victorious by Victorious
  • 7 years ago

You seem like a nice person, and whoever that guy is is not worth it, so I just suggest that you move on. I know it's hard because this is no longer a crush, but you've fallen hard for him. You're in deep. But I think show this guy what he's really missing out on and maybe, just maybe, he will come running to you. I mean, I'm just a 14 year old, but I've been there before, and I know how hard it can get.

  • Andrew Kyle by Andrew Kyle
  • 8 years ago

I also have a crush on a girl. I never really thought we would get that close. She became my friend and later my best friend. We shared a lot as best friends until I had to let the cat out of the bag. I thought she was going to push me away, but she felt the same way too but stayed silent about it. Now we are in a relationship.

  • Lavanya by Lavanya
  • 8 years ago

I have a crush on a guy senior to me in our school. He already has a girlfriend, and he knows about my feeling. Even his girlfriend knows, and he ignores me like anything. He reads my messages but does not reply. Sometimes he messages me but stops replying in the middle of our conversation. Sometimes he passes a smile at me, and sometimes he ignores me like he doesn’t know who I'm, but his girlfriend pretends to be my friend...
What should I do?

  • Isabel Joburg by Isabel Joburg
  • 11 years ago

I have a huge crush on this guy but he does not even know I am alive. This girl in my grade somehow found out that I like him and she went and told him at the start of the year we were friends but now when he sees me coming he turns and walks the opposite way even if he will be late for class! What should I do???

  • Jowan Samuel by Jowan Samuel
  • 6 years ago

I've been through this...twice. I suggest you move on with life. Ignore him. He will see what mistake he made, just like my crush. Now that he likes me, I don't like him. It's ironic.

  • Sheena by Sheena
  • 9 years ago

That was exactly the same thing that happened to me! What I did is that every time I saw him, I would walk to the opposite direction just to get his attention. Just like what he's doing to me!!!
It's really fun. You should try it. But make sure he sees you first before you do it.

  • Kabby by Kabby, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Really cool poem. I wish I could give mine to my crush, I don't think I have the courage to though, so I totes get you! (:

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