Teen Crush Poem

Poem About Falling For New Girl At School

I have this big crush on this girl I met at school. I really like this girl, but I am sure she does not like me back. There really isn't much to say. I feel as if the poem conveys the message very well.

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I, too, have a crush on a girl in class, so last week on my birthday I kind of worked up the courage to finally tell her exactly how I feel, but it didn't turn out quite as well because she...

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The Sad Truth


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2014 with permission of the Author.

The chaotic noise inside the class,
The live chit chat that every group has.
Yes, another semester is at hand,
Another great year is about to land.
Friends hug like there's no tomorrow,
Happiness is in, no more sorrow.
I see new people walk inside the room,
New batches of friends are about to bloom.
But one person caught my attention:
A girl with this kind of perfection
Walks like a model on a runway,
A girl who stole my heart away.
Her eyes sparkle like the stars above.
That look she gives me that I really love.
Her smile takes my breath away.
I know that I won't let her slip away.
I want to tell her what I really feel,
Wanting to tell her that this is real.
Oh, this feeling that I hate,
A feeling that would not obliterate.
Want to know about the sad truth?
That there will never be a "me and you."
Yes, that is the sad truth
That you'll never say you like me too.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Allan Smith by Allan Smith
  • 6 years ago

I, too, have a crush on a girl in class, so last week on my birthday I kind of worked up the courage to finally tell her exactly how I feel, but it didn't turn out quite as well because she completely ignored my text, and I couldn't help but feel like an absolute idiot. My best friend covered for me. She lied and said I was drunk, but honestly not a day goes by when I didn't feel miserable whenever she smiles back at me. The fact that she ignored me shattered my heart because I now know for a fact she doesn't care. That's what she told my bestie.

  • Eimear Cormican by Eimear Cormican
  • 6 years ago

Me too. I've got a crush on a boy at school. I don't know if he likes me or anything, but he knows that l like him. For some reason he keeps acting like he likes me back. He keeps staring at me, and when we split classes he keeps staring and talking to me. When he is talking to his friends he always trying to act cool, but I liked him for 5 years.

  • Ethan Broitman by Ethan Broitman
  • 6 years ago

I was in love with this girl for about 2 years, and I finally worked up the courage to tell her how I feel, so I spilled my heart out in this text. I told her that every time we talked it instantly made my day better and that I have loved her since the moment we met. She never responded. About one hour later, her BOYFRIEND texted me, saying that she was taken and that they just started dating, so he wasn’t mad or anything. I later saw that she blocked me on Instagram too and was showing my text all around school. But what’s crazy is that if she were to ask me out now I wouldn’t even have to think about it. YES!

  • Mics G Soguilon by Mics G Soguilon, Philippines
  • 7 years ago

Oh my, I can relate. I also have a crush on a guy in our class. On the first day of school I just thought he was attractive, but I didn't know I'd have a crush on him. I feel a stirring every time my mom calls on him to recite (my mom is also our teacher lol) and when he stares at me and talks to me (but I feel awkward). I really hope we can be close as the days pass. At least I have an inspiration in our class. hehe

  • Adnan Sadiq by Adnan Sadiq
  • 8 years ago

The sad thing is that my crush sibling-zoned me (she said that I'm like a brother to her). The first time I saw her my heart melted. I was so stunned I didn't say a thing. She probably thought I was creep then. Now my crush is my closest friend at school, but she never sees me the way I see her.

  • LOvingwithoutexpecting07 by LOvingwithoutexpecting07
  • 8 years ago

I experience this too because it's natural to have a crush. This poem gives me an idea to create a new and original poem myself.

  • Silentlover by Silentlover
  • 8 years ago

This is happening to me now. It's my last year of school and this guy likes me (his friend told me), and I just don't know how to respond because he is my classmate, and yeah, it's awkward because we rarely talked before, but I feel I like him too...

  • Magmamilius333 by Magmamilius333
  • 8 years ago

This is the same way I feel about the girl I like, but every time I try to give her hints it just feels weird.

  • Deborah Sibale by Deborah Sibale
  • 10 years ago

This poem describes how I feel about my crush... I really do like him but I do think that the feelings ain't reciprocal. Even if I wished he knew, at times it's best it just stayed the way it is.

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