Grief Poem

A Poem Of Grief For Dad

This poem is about a girl losing her dad and getting over the depression.

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My father died in my hand in the early hours of Tuesday 30/07/2019 while I nursed him as he suffered from hepatitis. My words to him then were, "However it ends, we'll always be together." I...

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My Dad

© more by Desiree Kimbrue

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

Do you know how it feels to lose someone?
How you go through grief and pain?
I know how that feels,
and how it feels to always live in rain.
I remember it like it was yesterday,
how I stood by my dad's side.
And how I couldn't bear to look at him,
but all I did was cry.
I knew I couldn't help him,
I couldn't fix his pain.
I couldn't stop myself from crying,
I couldn't help him in any way.
I wanted to help my dad,
but they said it was too late.
How could it have come to this,
to this horrible fate?
My dad was loving,
he was a caring guy.
Maybe he wasn't perfect,
but he didn't cheat, steal, or lie.
I loved my dad.
I loved him with all my heart.
But there was nothing I could do.
It was too late from the start.
They said they caught it too late.
There was nothing they could do
but just let him pass on.
It was hard, but it was true.
It's been almost a year.
It doesn't feel like it's been that long.
And it still hurts,
but he's now where he belongs.
No matter what happens,
he'll always be loved,
until the day I die
and I join him up above.
He's up there somewhere with God.
He's in his rightful place.
And even though I want him back,
it's a tragedy I have to face.
Sometimes at night
I cry myself to sleep.
But through the year of darkness,
the depression I'll have to defeat.
His love
is what keeps me hanging on.
Love is a strong word,
Because it's kept me alive this long.
But there is one more thing
that I have to say.
My dad's love will go on and on,
and he's in my heart to stay.


more by Desiree Kimbrue

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Muzha Kucha by Muzha Kucha
  • 5 years ago

My father died in my hand in the early hours of Tuesday 30/07/2019 while I nursed him as he suffered from hepatitis. My words to him then were, "However it ends, we'll always be together." I was hopeful we'd leave the hospital together. Unfortunately, after 8 days at the hospital, I left without him. Moving on is so hard. I only wonder how I'd ever cope. Your poem here speaks the exact feelings I'm experiencing.

  • Rebecca Brewer by Rebecca Brewer, Portland/OR
  • 9 years ago

I was 14 when I lost my dad to cancer. It has almost been a year and it hasn't gotten any easier. There are still many moments where I fell overwhelmed with emotions. I enjoyed reading this poem because it reminded me I'm not alone and its okay to grieve. For the rest of my life I have to live with the fact that my dad won't be with me, but it's comforting to know that he is in a better place.

  • Shams Nazir by Shams Nazir
  • 7 years ago

I'm very sorry to learn of your father's passing, and I give my condolences. I have a mother who doesn't like me, a faher who used to beat me up every time he got drunk, but I miss my dad from the age when he built a snowman in the garden and made a tunnel so that my sister and I could go through it. It's a distant memory in my mind, one that never will return, regardless of his dislike of me coming to the surface every time he was drunk. I still miss him. You only get one father in this life. He was my hero when I was young. I was the one who stayed downstairs with him while my mum worked in the kitchen. We would watch movies like Halloween, Rocky, Sinbad movies, and Tom Thumb. I even remember when Scrooge was on the one starring Albert Finny. I was siting on his lap while my sister sat on the sofa. The scene where he sent to hell. I asked my dad why did this happen to him. My father replied, "If you are cruel and evil you will go to hell." I remember this clearly. I will always be good.

  • Sydney Mae by Sydney Mae, Las Vegas
  • 9 years ago

I'm 15 years old and I just lost my dad about 3 weeks ago. I think about the future and that's what hurts the most. Knowing he won't be able to go to my graduation or wedding. He won't even be able to meet my kids. He's gone forever. Always loved, forever missed. Wishing I could give him one last huge hug and tell him I love him so much.

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 11 years ago

Beautiful, I lost my Dad to lung cancer 2-2-13 I still think of my Dad daily. I was beginning to think I was the only one still upset with my Dad's passing. Thank you for sharing your poem. (hugs to you all)

  • Diane by Diane
  • 11 years ago

I have been reading all the stories , it breaks my heart.
My dad died 5 months ago 07-09-2013 .
I just feel lost I don't even know how to explain how I feel, I can't believe he's gone .

  • India by India
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for your touching heart poem. I lost my dad just two days back. He was paralyzed when I was very young. I can't even remember exactly when he got paralyzed but my mom told me that he had been paralyzed for more than 13 years. I am now 22 and still regret that I cannot let him live happily for a while. As my mom is only the one to support the family with 5 members, also just a poor farmer in a country side. She can't afford to send all of us to the school. And my father has been a disabled dad, looking at us with grief and pain, he always cry and prays. Whenever he saw his friends went to the fields he will cry and come back home. It's really painful to see him like that all his life. I tried my best to help him and bring him happiness one day but I couldn't for I was not educated. But as my mom afford me to go through 10 standard I went out to find a job but I couldn't get a good job. With the help of my mom and dad's prayers I somehow got a job. But so sad, my dad can't wait for me and he passed away with saying goodbye to me. I really regret for I'm too late. I wish, I at least had a good hour with my dad before he died. Death is easy for him but life for me is hard enough to break my heart and hurt my soul....God, let my dad rest in peace with you.

  • Catoosa Oklahoma by Catoosa Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

I'm 15 and I lost my dad when I was 15. He had stage IV throat cancer and passed away four days after my birthday on January 11th 2013. It's really hard, especially since I had depression problems because my sister had passed away from a drug overdose four years before. I just hope things get better for me.

  • Anna by Anna, Singapore
  • 11 years ago

My dad was a super dad who loved his family so much...he was jovial and loving dad to four of his children. I was with him on the early morning last month -20 Jun 2013 that he took his last two breathes. Being able to witness his very last moment and stayed by his side will be in my memory forever.....whenever, there are quiet moments, such scenes will be floating back again and again and I ask myself why I didn't know then that it was his last breathe on earth!

I am missing you so much daddy! Please take care of yourself now as we are no longer by your side and rest in peace now as you are no longer in pain. Please come to our dreams so that we can chat and see you again....;(

  • Anon by Anon, Uk
  • 11 years ago

Kiah- Your story is devastating- and of course you have every right to express your anger and your distress. But it's not a competition, most of us commenting here have experienced our Father's death and each of us is genuinely affected. We cannot be less upset about our own personal circumstances just because you feel you've had a more difficult bereavement. There's simply no way to make a comparison. even if we could compare- it wouldn't help. Our Dads would all still be dead and we would all still be devastated. don't measure your anger and sadness against everyone else's, it will only make you more angry and more sad. Your feelings don't cancel out everyone else's feelings and everyone else's feelings don't cancel out yours. like I said before, this isn't a competition. This is grief, it comes in all shapes and sizes and we are all just coping as best we can. I hope that you find a way to carry on living. I hope you find a way to express your feelings. I wish you peace.

  • Kiah by Kiah
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 7. It's been 8 years. 8 years ago, I lost him. Not to cancer or a car accident, any of those would have been better though. My dad killed himself. He purposely ended his own life. He purposely left me. You wanna talk about not being able to say goodbye or knowing that you couldn't help him? How about him knowing he could say goodbye, and he still doesn't. Or not knowing he was gonna die, and that it was his choice. That's the hardest part...that he left by his own choice, not mine.

  • Charly by Charly, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 10. December 20, 2006 the last day for Christmas break it was hard but I'm getting better. He died in a really bad car accident on I 70 where a money truck crossed the median and hit him.
I have a favorite poem that expresses love from God. I cried when you passed away I still cry today although I loved you dearly, I couldn't make you stay a golden heart stopped beating hard working hands at rest god broke my heart just to prove he only takes the best.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Il
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for writing a beautiful poem. I lost my father seven months ago in July 2012 after 10 years of fighting COPD/congestive heart failure. I lost my mother 15 months before my father. It has been a healing process....Your poem has touched my heart and Thank you again.

  • Jazmen by Jazmen
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Daddy 10 years ago :( I'm 17 now, when he left I was too little.. we didn't share stories or jokes . I didn't learn from him to much .. I can say I don't remember everything about him . I'm so sad because of that . Sometimes when I see a kid with his father I see how unlucky I am, I'm so sad without him right now :( Sleep in Peace daddy I miss you

  • Asha Singh by Asha Singh
  • 12 years ago

This poem was beautiful, I too lost my Dad on 24/Nov./2012, 4 weeks tomorrow he was only 67 he had an a operation, on
Thursday 22/Nov. 2012 pneumonia, (fluid in his lungs) operation was successful, 2 days later he was meant to come home on that same day, Saturday, he died after a visit to the toilet. Never even came home. No! What really happened? Only you know Dad, you said you felt like a new man, you said you could breath again! Let me go on my own!!
Why Dad, What happened? I miss you very much. I can't get my head round it! You came in my dream last night you was walking all alone, I can't stop crying, hope you rest in peace! Dad love you always forever! You were a good man!

  • New Zealand by New Zealand
  • 12 years ago

This poem was beautiful! I lost my dad on 5th of Feb. 2012 and It was completely out of the blue! He was only 56 and what made this worse was the fact that he died overseas. Took us at least two weeks to get him back home and it was the most treacherous pain having to wait and not knowing when he would be back. Love you forever dad.

  • Haseeb by Haseeb, Afghanistan
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father on 21/08/2012 at 5:15 am in the morning, everyday when I wake up I start thinking about going to meet him but later on I realize I lost him ... he is not with me anymore and again my eyes get wet... and I convince myself that one day I am gonna be standing just next to him ... and wish to hug him and cry in his shoulder...
Love you dad ... Always in my heart

  • Great Britian by Great Britian
  • 12 years ago

Well, I lost my Grandad on the 22/06/12, I loved him so much, he had been very ill, I understand that heaven took all the pain away and this brought a tear to my eye :'(

  • Liverton Mlanjeni by Liverton Mlanjeni, Johannesburg South Africa
  • 12 years ago

Well what a nice poem, my tears flowed down my cheeks as I read it, I experienced almost the same. Lost my dad on the 4th of January 2012. The reason I can't get his death off my mind is because all the drama happened in my eyes. Dad suffered a severe stroke that probably offers only a minute to save someone's life, out of that there is no way out. I tried everything I could to see my dad walk again but I guess when time calls upon us we can't object. I miss him as he was my hero and still he is till we meet again..

I salute you dad.

  • Shireen Khan by Shireen Khan, Pakistan
  • 13 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. I remember the time when my dad passed away. I was studying in college at the time, and although my dad was in his sixties and no longer a young man, I was utterly devastated by the loss. For six months I felt the world had come to an end. Slowly but surely, the wound in my heart began to heal. I can't imagine what a shock it must be for a very young child to lose a parent. My heart goes out to the writer of this poem, and to all those who've lost their dads at any stage in life. I recall the song------
'0 my papa, to me he was so wonderful
Oh my papa, he always understood
No one could be so gentle and so lovable
Oh my papa, he always understood
Gone are the days when he would take me on his knees
And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter
Oh my papa, to me he was so wonderful
Oh my papa, he always understood.

  • Alison by Alison, Anaheim California
  • 13 years ago

To make it short I should just say that the poem touched my heart so much and should to others too:)

  • Sister Lydia by Sister Lydia
  • 13 years ago

I'm so sorry you experienced this grief. I, too, went through it in 1985 and I thought I would never overcome it until I had a bigger challenge to face - the unexpected and sudden death of my 18-year-old daughter, Candice in 2001. I tell you this: burying a parent or spouse is grievous and natural but one day you will heal. May you never be called to bury a child. Again, all my sympathies and may you be comforted until you meet your father again: not as daddy but as brother in the Kingdom of God.

  • Alison by Alison, Anaheim California
  • 13 years ago

The poem touched my heart and it was such a support to all of those people who are going through so much pain. It touched my heart and was the best poem I have ever read.

  • Timothy O. by Timothy O.
  • 13 years ago

I know how it feels and even more. I lost mom when I was four more than 3 decades ago, on April 8. She was 31. Two decades and a year later, I lost mom's first daughter, my elder sis. What I still think about till this day is the fact that sis too was 31, and it was April 8. I never knew mom, I must say, and that's enough to begrudge death. In the case of elder sis, she was my ally, my pal, my confidant, a friend among friends, in fact my everything. This poem hits me bad and sends me to the memory lane. I too, like the poet herein, knew big sister was dying slowly, and that it might be soonest, but not when. There was nothing I could do but stare at her alone thinking along, reading my thoughts. Unlike this poet I never witnessed her death. I went to school; on my trip back home, I went straight to her room to see her but met an empty room. On inquiry, my half kid brother gave it to me straight, "Big sister has died!" Is she at mortuary, I asked? "No, she has been buried two weeks ago, at the villa." He said. I left the city to the villa and saw the mound, like a big ridge, still fresh. I never got over her exit until I started seeing her in my dreams often and was assured she was safe in the inner worlds. That's how I partially got over it. So I understand the poet's experience, having lost her dad. I grieved with her all the way, especially not knowing what really took his life as the poem did not specify. I feel Desiree Kimbrue.

  • Sergio Sandoval by Sergio Sandoval, Plains Tx
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on October 21, 2011. At 5:30 p.m. on his bed in his house in front of my mother and I. I understand every broken heart that reads and wrote each one of these stories. The question still stands why do the good ones have to go? I'm 28 about to be 29 on November 27th. It all happened before Thanksgiving, my birthday, and Christmas. Or should I say, "it all happened to fast". The man that once held me up in the air that to me was like, Superman!. Was now gone!!! I ask God, "make me strong and wise like my father once was! Only you Lord can make of me your Humble servant, Amen".
My heart goes out to all. God give us the strength because only through you Lord we will meet again!

  • Frances by Frances, Seagoville
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on October 14, 1983 28 years ago this month. And he too was my best friend my hero and I miss him and everything that we done. I miss being in the 18 wheeler with him and laughing I miss him going to my softball games I miss his smile and great looks. But what I really miss the most of all is him being here for my mom who loved him so very much. My dad was no saint but he was the best he could be. I still miss him today just as if it was yesterday when he had his truck wreck. And now I will be losing my mom soon. I was just told she has stage 3b lung cancer which is very little from being stage 4. The doctors don't know how long she has and they are right only God knows that but I know when she is gone I will be alone in this world and that is the scariest feeling in the world. I live with her now so I will be here when she takes her last breath. So to all of you who have lost there dad. I can not say it doesn't get easier it does but you will never forget that day.

  • Melissa Urey by Melissa Urey, Warren OH
  • 13 years ago

I lost was my dad He had passed away seven months ago. And it was just so hard for me because 10-31-10 I was at a skating rink and I had fell. I was rushed to the hospital. And the doctor told me that I had fractured my fibula. So I was already trying to deal with all that. But then on day three of me having my big big pink cast on. My father had passed away. And I didn't find out until 3 days after he had passed away. And that was just so hard for me to lose my dad. His funeral was that week and It was even harder. I cried the whole time at his funeral. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Alls I could do was look at the casket. I wanted to say something at his funeral. But I didn't know what to say. So I found a poem that said what I wanted to say. It was so hard for me to get through it but I did. But I'm sorry that I made everybody cry. I just miss my daddy and I never got to say good-bye. It was so hard for me to leave the funeral home. Because I just wasn't ready to let him go.=(

  • Helena by Helena, Aus.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on the 17/07/10 to cancer.
It was 5 days before my birthday, I'm 14 and my dad was my everything, he was my best friend, he taught me so much about everything, life, school, he helped me learn to spell, he taught me to drive a car, he took me everywhere.
I miss him with everything I have, and I hate how I can't have him back, but all you can do is carry on with your life with his memory still in your heart, and knowing he's proud of you and is always watching over, and in time you can be with him again.
Rest in peace my father.

  • Jay by Jay, Kent
  • 13 years ago

my dear dad died of dementia a year ago, I stayed with him till the end and it was very hard to say goodbye, he wasn't just my dad he was my friend, he knew how to make me smile and to make all my dreams worthwhile, if god said to me you can have your dad back I would say no because now he is out of pain and with my mum and every one he loves, so sad he is not here but glad he has a wider vision of everything. my dad always said do not look back and be sad look back and be glad, I know I am glad that I had a great dad sleep well with the angels dad god bless

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, N.C.
  • 13 years ago

I was 10 years old when my best and fav Grandpa died he was very sick and the doctors said that it was his last chance to live ): Some days I get upset wishing he was here to talk to me and the really sad part I miss about him is he would always ask me to eat eggs and liver mush with him and it just tears me up when I eat eggs and liver mush. But I will admit he's in a better place. I'm 13 years old now. I miss him with all my heart he would always have something for me to laugh about. sometimes I lay in my bed and cry because all I think about is when he used to make me laugh when I was down and now he's gone ): I miss you grandpa.

  • Sneha by Sneha, India
  • 14 years ago

my dad died a month ago!
these poems comfort to some extent! but the real pain is inevitable!
someone whom you love soo much is taken away from you...FOREVER!!
all the stories I read above...makes me cry knowing why attachments hurt soo much!!
its hell hard! only WE can understand each others pain.. live with such a sour truth is hard!
death is easy...peaceful...
life is harder!!
I just pray god blesses all..!!

  • Marylynn by Marylynn, Espanola
  • 14 years ago

Hi, My name is Marylynn and I lost my dad on August 13 of 2010 at the age of 37. It has been almost 7 months and still no pain has went away. That poem touched me because my 3 other siblings and my mom were at his bed side when he passed away. It was the worst thing that could of ever happened to me. My dad and I were so close. I was daddy's little girl and he always called me "MO". I remember still until this day when he first gave me that nick name. I miss those days. My dad passed away from a very bad sickness. I miss him so much. He had been suffering for a very long time. Everything said on that poem is exactly how it felt how everything is. Its so sad not having a dad. My family is separated and my mom aint around for us. We all live in different homes with other family members. I have a lot of support but I know it will be a very long time before I can get over it. But the question to me still is, will I ever get over it?

  • Amber by Amber, Quartz Hill
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad when I was ten it has been almost 7 years next month. It has been hard. The thing that has got me through it is knowing he is watching over me .When I did lose him in the car accident I just couldn't believe it at all sometimes it still doesn't feel like it has happened and three and half months before I lost my dad I lost my mom too and I was ten for her too. I lost her cause she choked on her throw up in her sleep the doctors said she was brain died and she had to be taken off support it was hard but I have gotten through it.

  • Lynne by Lynne, Overland Park KS
  • 14 years ago

Nine months ago I lost my dad unexpectedly during a surgery...this Christmas is so tough...he made it special for kids whose families could not afford Christmas by playing Santa and eating cookies and milk with them...and he made so many special for me. This poem reads just like I felt and how I feel now. We all hurt the same way, and I don't think we ever get over it. Time cannot take away what we had and time cannot heal the loss we live with every day.

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 14 years ago

I know how it feels. It's been 2 years since my dad took his own life. It feels like yesterday when I came up to him and gave him a hug. I still cry. I have my times when I don't want to do anything. I will never forget that day when I found out he was gone and never to be seen or touched. I would never wish on someone to lose their parents, it's so much pain.

  • Diane by Diane, Boston MA
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad only 8 days ago. The pain is enormous and although physically I am not alone, I feel so secluded from everyone, everything. Taken suddenly, so tragic and devastating. My dad is my hero, always will be...I'm alone, and it's ok - I know that what I'm missing is with him. when his journey is done, and he has settled into eternal life, he will give me the strength to get on... I know he will do for me. He needs my heart and soul to carry him through this journey.
I miss you every moment.

  • Deborah by Deborah, Louisville KY
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad on 6/10/09. I knew it was coming, but I had no idea just how much pain it would cause me. I am 34 and I thought I could handle it a little better than I am. I still feel as if he passed away this morning instead of 6 months ago. This pain is horrible, this is worse than just a broken soul hurts.

  • Lilly by Lilly, Ipswich
  • 15 years ago

I was just 11 when my dad had a brain tumor and every day since then it has been so hard. My dad is slowly dying and I can't help him. I know how hard is it to try to stay strong. I try but I can't go on. My dad is my life my soul and all the grief I'm going through has struck me from behind I never thought it would happen to me until it happened to me.

  • Kelly by Kelly
  • 16 years ago

I lost may dad, my super hero, my best fried only three weeks ago. I am still coming to terms with this but this poem..... I swear seems like the words were in my brain already.
I just lost my father to cancer and for the last four days of his life I was there twenty-four seven watching my father fade away.
I hope the person who wrote this poem has found some comfort since and can only hope that I will as well.
Thank you

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