Missing You Poem

I wrote this for my mom who died when I was 17

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I haven't stopped sobbing since my beautiful, sweet, daughter (barely 50) passed away almost 2 weeks ago. I was calling her (she lived in Sacramento; I live in Idaho.) And she kept saying,...

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Lonely For Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

There was once a person who made me feel safe,
held my hand when I began to fall from grace.

This person was my mother; she's the one I miss.
She brought me love and endless happiness.

On November 11th 2001, you died, leaving me all alone,
Oh, how I cried.

Why did you have to go? Please tell me why.
Now I have to drink and do drugs just to get by.

I wish you were here, Mom. I miss you so much.
No one even knows what I would give for just one touch.

Why does everyone else get to have their moms near?
Do they know I'd give anything to have my mother here?

I'm sad and lost. Mom, will you help me find my way?
Will you get rid of the tears I cry each day?

I know the answer, and the answer is no,
'cause for me to move on, I have to let you go.

Mom, I love you and thank you for all you did for me,
and I hope someday I make you proud for whatever comes to be.

For all those who have a mother, please hold her tight,
and never say you hate her, even when you fight.

For you never know when she might have to go,
and the pain that it brings ... I hope you never have to know!!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Melly by Melly
  • 9 years ago

My dear beautiful, talented, kindest, gentle and stoic Mom! I love you. I will always miss you, your love, your smile that brought so much light and warmth to my heart, the twinkle in your eyes, our long intimate, inspirational talks about so many things, and most of all, having a mom and being a daughter. The world is not as bright as it used to be and the windows to so many worlds gone by are shut forever. You had a bright and beautiful life, you truly loved life and lived it in a gracious, giving and fearless way. I am proud of you and honored to have been your daughter. You will be in me and with me and with all of us.

  • Maria. Fa by Maria. Fa
  • 9 years ago

This poem is beautiful and makes me want to cry when I read it. I lost my mother when I was 24, and she was 54. She passed a couple years ago,yet I still feel the pain every day. Sometimes I forget that she's even gone then when I come home I think I'm gonna see her but then I remember she's gone.

  • Greta by Greta, ND
  • 9 years ago

I am only 11 and lost my mom a few weeks ago. My mother was only 41. This poem is very beautiful. I feel so many things without her I feel shy/less confident without her, even on the days I don't have school I feel lonely as if a chunk was taken out of my life (which it probably was). I know she was ill & she was working so very hard just to give me a "decent" life but my life was already wonderful with her. I still so very dearly wish I could have helped her but I do understand God has plans, & she's with all her family and some of her friends. Also, I'm so sad to hear about everyone else losing their moms, it's all very sad.

  • Barbara by Barbara
  • 10 years ago

My mama passed away in 2012, but I miss her every single day. I took care of her for many years after she lost her eyesight, and we were so close. She literally died of a broken heart - her aorta dissected. After three days in the hospital she simply stopped breathing. It was very peaceful, and I know she's in Heaven with Jesus and her family members.

I went to grief counseling and it helped a little, and I'm adjusting, but you never stop missing the person you loved. For me it was like learning to live all over again. I had spent so much time and effort taking care of her that I let my own life sort of go by the wayside. I didn't have any friends, no hobbies, no idea of who I was or what I wanted. People say you'll "get over" it, but you don't. Not really. You learn to live without your mom, but you never stop missing her or wishing you could pick up the phone and talk. Now that the holidays are here it's even worse. The first two Christmases I just went through the motions, barely even registering that the holidays were here. Now I'm trying to pick up some of the old traditions, like baking cookies or decorating, but there's a hollowness to it. I feel like a china cup that's lost its handle. Serviceable, but never quite the same. I really miss my mom.

  • Maryanne by Maryanne, NJ
  • 10 years ago

On Father's Day, I went in to check on my mom. She was on the floor of her bedroom and she was gone. The day before her death, my mom, who was as sharp as a tack, kept telling me she was seeing my father (deceased) and her brother (who died at age 47). Never had she spoken this way...she spoke to my teenaged daughter about moving, "are we moving? No? But I'm moving, right? I feel like I'm going somewhere" My mom's faith in Jesus was unwavering. Her last day on earth was in preparation, I firmly believe, to meet her father in heaven and reunite with my father and her loved ones. Normally, I wouldn't have spent the entire day with her. But I did on that last day, concerned about how she was talking. It was her last gift to me. I told her I loved her before going to bed. She said, "Oh child, I love you more then you'll ever know." I hugged her, turned to leave her room, and for some strange reason said, "well, bye." with a sort of laugh (never have I said good bye at night to her) She laughed, and said, "bye". I closed her door and that was the last time we spoke. She lived her 75 years for her children and husband. She was funny, innocent, and loved without abandon. God speed Mom. I will see you again. I love you more then you can ever possibly imagine.

  • Jason by Jason, Ontario
  • 10 years ago

I can't explain how much this poem describes me. My life has sunken into a dark hole since my mom passed in 2007. I know it's been almost 7 years, but in that time, I've become divorced, distant from all my family and friends. I feel I'm about to lose my children too, because I can't let go, and I'm always so angry. It scares me, because I find myself thinking more and more, almost on a daily basis, about driving my motorcycle into a brick wall and just letting go. I need this. I've held on this long because of my girls, but I just don't know how much longer I can last. So many people have hurt me lately, it just compiles......

  • Sandra D by Sandra D, Los Angeles
  • 9 years ago

Jason, don't let go. You can get through this. I just lost my mom on June 2nd. I know your pain. I don't want to go to to work, don't want to leave the house for anything. Hold on for your mom - it would hurt her for you to cause harm or death to yourself. I pray and hope you are ok. Please be strong...think about the pain it will bring to your kids. It will be the same as what you are feeling....I will pray for your safety.

  • Logan by Logan
  • 10 years ago

Most touchy poem I've ever read. I m 20 years old. I lost my mom on 11 April 2014 due to cancer. I saw her in a pain that was intolerable but she fought as more as she can just for me. She was my everything. My dad died when I was only 4 since that day my mum lived for me like a superhero. She was like god to me, she was my best friend, a great supporter. I know now she's in heaven because she deserves to be live there. I just love her more than anything and I badly miss her.

  • John M by John M, Syracuse
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom on July 23rd 2011 at 93 years old. She was in a nursing home for 3 months, 3 weeks when she fell from a standing height and broke her hip and went to the hospital for an operation and died a week later of complications of a fractured femur. Before that she was taken out of the house against my will on February 19th 2011 when some one called the ambulance and had her taken to the hospital when she had an anxiety attack. Anyway I was her caregiver, I did everything for her, cook, clean, did her banking, picked up groceries for her. We were very close we had a lot of good times together and am alone now and I miss her terribly, I live in the house I lived in since my birth and in the process of getting the estate closed, I inherited the house but am going to move into an apartment once I get on my feet, so I know the pain of losing a mother. My heart goes out to you.

  • Jill by Jill, Wisconsin
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Mom on May 16, 2013! I am so lost without her! She was my biggest supporter and she was so loved! This pain is so unbearable! I just want to call her one more time and hug her!

  • Diana King by Diana King
  • 3 years ago

I haven't stopped sobbing since my beautiful, sweet, daughter (barely 50) passed away almost 2 weeks ago. I was calling her (she lived in Sacramento; I live in Idaho.) And she kept saying, (crying) "MOM!! Stop calling me: I'm SICK! I'm just SO, SO SICK!!" And then she died that night.

  • Tina Dorman by Tina Dorman, Spring City TN 37381
  • 9 years ago

On February 1st, 2009 God called my Mom home. She had been diagnosed with cancer one month prior and given exactly one month to live. I was devastated but I brought her home with me and took care of her. I was even by her side when she passed and I'm glad I was. She and I were almost inseparable always. She was more than my Mom and Best Friend. And I thought I was gonna die right along with her. It took me 4 years to find myself but I'm not the same person I was, it changed me completely. Kinda Blessed to have a very supportive Husband who without him I would not be here. But I have a long hard road ahead to get back to be the woman my mom raised and would want me to be once again. I'll get there eventually and I hope you find yourself too! My heart and prayers go out to you!

  • Joanne Ruckle by Joanne Ruckle, Exeter
  • 11 years ago

I was 25 when I lost my best friend!! she was a young 44 year old MOTHER of 2 and Grandmother of 2. They say she was taken due to natural causes, But at 44 that is not natural. Yes she was ill she turned ill at the age of 14. But she was a fighter, The strongest I have ever seen. To have Lupus, MS, Diabetes and other problem. That did not stop her from having a family and putting her family before her own needs. The date July 31 is one of the most saddest day in my life. They say time heals everything. Thank must come from people who have to not lived the pain of losing your best friend. This poem helps me to cry the tears I need to cry to help me get past that sad day. I think of her daily and I cry daily. And I cry today as if she past away today. She passed away July 31 2001 and I am still not healed. But knowing I am not alone helps a lot. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  • Greg by Greg, Warren Ohio
  • 12 years ago

Omg that poem described me too a T. I lost my mom in July of 2000 the from cancer, I was 17. What a beautiful poem.

  • Rez by Rez, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my mom 3 days ago because of Cancer. I still can't believe it and feel numb. I am 28 years old and living in Australia while my mom passed away in California. My sisters were there during the past few weeks when she was in the hospital. I tried my best to go there but I could not get the US visa last week as I am not American and I am on bridging visa in Australia. I lost my dad because of cancer 5 years ago and after that was in touch with my mom every day. I saw her last Christmas in Australia for a month and she was so happy. This poet is every one's feeling who lost their mom. There will be nothing in my life that can be the same as her. Mothers are purely angles in the earth

  • Catrina Sanchez by Catrina Sanchez, Whittier
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my mom 3 months ago, her death was sudden and a shock to us all. I'm the one who found her, and what hurts ms the most is we had a huge fight just a few weeks before she died. A very ugly fight, where we both said extremely hurtful things, I hate you was one of them. I live each day wishing I could take all those things back, I wish my days with my mom were ones filled with love and happiness, I miss her so much, I hurt every day. I want her back!

  • Edie by Edie
  • 12 years ago

I was 15 years old when I lost my mom who was battling cancer for 8 months. She lost the battle and is heaven with no more pain and suffering. It was October 17, 1980 and the pain I feel never goes away. She was only 35 years old and had a Heart of Gold and everyone she came in contact with loved her. She missed out on so much, marriages/divorces of her children, births of her grandchildren, etc. It's been a rough journey without her and it's made me a stronger person knowing she's always in my heart and soul. I will never forget you mom and I love you so much. Recently, I've had a best friends 18 year old daughter commit suicide in March and my niece last Thursday committed suicide she was only 17 years old. I only wish they knew that things always get better no matter how bad you think things are and they didn't understand that there are people they could have talked to and that tomorrow is another day. They are now resting peacefully and I will miss them very much.

  • Leroy Hargrove by Leroy Hargrove, Elgin
  • 12 years ago

My mother was the victim of domestic violence. It was something that a 5 year old boy should not see and unfortunately that wasn't the case. I'm 42 years old now and I still long for those moments that were missed throughout my childhood. I live with vague memories that continue to fade more and more as the years pass. Someone encouraged me to start a page on Facebook which I have done and hopefully it will attract others like "us" who have lost their mothers. http://www.facebook.com/ThatsMyMama

  • Robyn by Robyn, Queensland
  • 12 years ago

I lost my beautiful mum 8 months ago, my life has not been the same since she was not just my mum she was my rock my world ,my friend my counselor and teacher. She raised us four kids on her own and I will never be the mother she was. She was there when my kids were born and there when I was raped to help me through it. I will miss my mum always. I can't cry for her as I can't accept it and this is making me very sick but this poem says it all for me. thank you

  • Shelly by Shelly
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom 2 months ago, On the painful night of Feb. 08, 2012, The pain of loosing her never goes away, silent tears still fall from my eyes. Her dearest memories remain in my heart and I cry everynight, I read this poem, touches my heart, I can't imagine how hard it would have been for you when you lost your mom at the age of 17, I am 33, and feel I lost the world of my life. P.S my message for you is not to do drugs, instead do look at the sky everynight and tell your mom that you love her. Because, you want to make your mom proud at you by not doing drugs or getting on wrong track. Everynight, I look upon the sky and look at this special star thinking in my head that's my mom, I look at that star and tell my mom I love you and miss you everyday, I tell her I miss talking to her, I miss her smile, and wishing to be with her soon. But, until then I will make sure I would stay away from drugs or any thing that would stop me from meeting her again in heaven! love Shelly

  • Rosario by Rosario, Avenal California
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my mom 5 days ago and all I was wanting to do was find a poem for my mom and when I found this I started to cry because I feel lonely without her by my side. I didn't have to do drugs to get her out of my head all I needed to do was turn to God...and I know my mom would be very angry at me if I did any of that. She got to see me get married have my first child ......and I love her so much n I know she knows that........love you mom your baby girl "monka"

  • Rachel by Rachel, Singleton
  • 13 years ago

I know this exact feeling my mother what murdered when I was 14 and I'm now 21 and it still has me thinking what the hell can I do with out my mum here. There is nothing anyone can say do to make her come back or make things right but it's like a piece of your heart has broken and it is always going to be there no matter what.

  • Elaiza by Elaiza
  • 13 years ago

I liked your story I lost my mom recently. I'm 14, she died May 5th 2011, she died of an overdose with drugs and mixing alcohol and stuff and if you have to do drugs to get by be very careful. I'm only 14 and I do drugs and I think to myself everyday I'm disappointing my mom because she wouldn't have wanted me to do the same things she did and I miss her more than anything. I never knew if she would just leave one night and not come back. I knew something was wrong when I woke up and she wasn't there. I just miss her sooo much and I know how you feel but there's not one day that's goes by and I wish I can see her face just one last time so I can tell her I love her

  • Taunton by Taunton
  • 13 years ago

I was very shocked to find this poem I thought I was reading about me the only difference was my mom died September 29th 2001. I also was 17 and just like you that's how I've felt. Today is her 10 year anniversary and it still feels like I just woke up and was told. It will always feel just like it happened yesterday. It feels nice to know someone else knows exactly how I feel. Cause no one else can understand until it happens to them. I'm sorry for your loss too. Thank you for posting this now I don't feel all alone. Xo

  • Caroline by Caroline, Leeds
  • 13 years ago

Wow I really feel for you. I'm older than yourself but your poem touched my heart and I cried. It says it all I lost my mum Oct. 2010 and still feel the intense pain some days I get by but other days I just break down and cry. People say it gets easier. When, if ever it does, that time hasn't come yet. I also lost my dad 6 months after my mum. We will never get over the fact our mums have gone till we meet again. Hope you have made your mum proud. All the very best.

  • Karen by Karen, Ny
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mum on my wedding day 12/23/2006 and I am very sad that she is not here. I never got to say goodbye. My life is so crazy right now how I wish she were here. Thank you for this poem it is really beautiful.

  • Littlemiss by Littlemiss
  • 14 years ago

You're not alone and I know how it feels. I lost my whole family at the same time. My mom, dad, brother and sisters, they all left me alone in this tough world. I tried to be patient and wait hopefully one day they will just appear in front of me, esp. my mom. I miss the moment when she hug me and do things that no body could do. I miss her warmth. And I agree with you. For those who still have parents, please be nice to them. Even they annoyed you or bothered you just love them and be with them.
Please stay strong and remember you're not alone. Everything happened because there are reasons for it. Let's fight together! :)

  • Jersey by Jersey, Manila
  • 14 years ago

simple poem but so expressive, I could almost feel the author's pains.

  • Barbara Johnson by Barbara Johnson
  • 14 years ago

I know exactly how you feel I was 17 years old when I lost my mother it was the hardest most devastating thing that ever happened, I did not know how to live with out her. it got a little better over the years I am 25 now. and I still think of her more than anything. I wish sometimes that I could see her, hear her, smell her one more time. it still is a struggle, but I manage. if you ever need someone to talk to I will always be happy to listen.

  • Malia Pouhila by Malia Pouhila
  • 14 years ago

I can relate to this story because I know what its like to loose a parent I lost my dad in 2000 and every day of my life I wish he was here, he's never met my kids or my husband and so when I married I never had a big wedding only cause he wasn't here to walk me down the aisle anyway the pain that you feel when you loose a parent is not anything I would wish upon someone its just something you don't want to ever experience so until then don't ever take your parents for granted.

  • Boitumelo by Boitumelo, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

I'm so touched by this poem and can't help it but cry. I lost my mom when I was 18 years and that was 4 years ago but everyday it feels like it happened just yesterday. I know what you're feeling even now I'm writing this in tears, because loosing a mother is the worst thing that can happen to a person and every day I pray for the impossible, I pray that this is all a dream, I can just wake up and my mom's death was just a bad dream.

  • Celeste by Celeste, Sydney Australia
  • 14 years ago

Your poem was so very beautiful. I am in tears. My mother died 11th of August 2000, it was 9 days before her birthday. Last time I saw her was 8 years before that. I couldn't even go to her funeral because I couldn't see my father without wanting to kill him, because he molested me as a child. Fortunately I still had phone contact thanks' to my surrogate mother who also got to know her over the phone.

  • Tracey by Tracey, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

I was so touched by you poem, but also want to encourage you. I am a mother myself, who lost my precious sunshine son on 7 September 2008 (he was murdered). I will be praying for you that you would get the strength to beat the drugs, because I'm sure that's what your mom would have wanted for you and to be proud of you. Good luck and God bless.!

  • Susan by Susan, Philadelphia PA
  • 14 years ago


I thought that your poem was touching.
It will be 24 years this Saturday that my mother passed away due to a brain tumor. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. She was sick for a long time and watching her suffer, especially toward the end, was difficult for me.

Do me a favor, take control of your life; it's not worth it to let yourself go; you'll only hate yourself for it.

  • Jacklyn by Jacklyn, ON
  • 14 years ago

It is so touching! It must have been so hard. My mom was holding my Grandma's hand when she died of breast cancer, but I've never really had to experience something like what Stephanie experienced. I'm feel so sorry for you, but I know I'm not your mom, but please don't go on drugs it the worst thing you can do to yourself, honestly!

  • Cheyenne by Cheyenne
  • 14 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes, I am sixteen now, but my mom passed away when I was twelve, even though it was four years ago since I saw her face, the pain still never fades away. The intensity decreases, but it never fully goes away. I would give anything just to see her one last time. She was my best friend, and it's so hard to remember much, but she was such a great person, she made everyone laugh and feel safe. Even though, our mothers are gone, their memories will forever stay within our hearts<3

  • Trisha by Trisha, OK
  • 14 years ago

This poem means a lot to me I can relate to how you feel and the stuff you do I just lost my mom this last summer and it's hard to let her go.

  • Kingston JA by Kingston JA
  • 14 years ago

this poem touched me I lost my mom in 2005 to cancer now my step son just lost his mom he ask me to read a poem for his mom at the funeral I came across this lovely poem it made me cry thank you

  • Amber by Amber, PA
  • 14 years ago

This poem is amazing, it made me cry cause I know how this girl feels, I lost my mom almost 3 years ago to cancer and its the hardest thing in the world to go through, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her and how much I wish I could of had more time with her, for those of you who are lucky and have your mothers. Make sure you tell her you love her everyday because you never know when it could be the last day you have a chance to.

  • Michele by Michele
  • 14 years ago

I know how you feel and I feel exactly the same way I had to watch my mom die for 8 months. Her blood sugar dropped and she went brain dead but we didn't know that for the first few months. It was so hard to let her go especially to be the one to say ok I have to let her be in peace and pull the plugs. She was just suffering and I sat by her side for 16 hours after they unplugged the machines and watched her take her last breath. It was the hardest saddest worst feelings I have ever felt I know how you feel and I'm sorry

  • Nicole by Nicole, New Zealand
  • 14 years ago

When I was 3 I was crying in the back seat of the car in my car seat cause my brother had not given my toy back. My mum turned around in the car while she was driving and she crashed in to a big truck that was on the other lane and now my mummy is dead thanks to Me and my brother for fighting. Now I am 10, I go to bed every night praying for my mum to come back so I could meet her just once, and I am a foolish child for not been quiet in the car. So here's some advise be quiet in the car so the driver can concentrate.

  • Lacey by Lacey, Flordia
  • 14 years ago

I know how you feel I didn't lose a mom or a dad I lost my uncle I can't say I know your pain because I don't. But every time the phone rings your heart stops. I do feel really sorry for you and I wish you could see your mom one last time because when my uncle passed in March. I cried and cried and I know not even 1,000 tears can bring him back but I really want you to know that you do have people here for you. So get off the drugs and beer and look in the sky and tell your mom you love her because I look in the sky and tell my uncle I love him each and every day.

  • Aashimi by Aashimi, India
  • 14 years ago

I can't seem to stop crying. In fact, I stumbled upon this page because I was crying and lonely and I googled "death mom lonely".
My mom died when I was 17 too... 25th November, 07. And I am missing her so much. I would give the world to just be able to hear her, feel her near me once... just once. Please, God.

  • Dacy by Dacy, Chicago IL
  • 14 years ago

WOW. I'm looking for something to post for my Mothers Birthday and she passed on 11/11/03. It hit me hard that it is a coincidence that so did yours.

  • Veronica by Veronica, Texas
  • 15 years ago

My dear precious momma passed away January 24 2010. I can't picture my life with out her. I hate it when people tell me it's gonna get better but it's not because I'm always going to have her on my mind and it will stay that way. When I read these poems it just breaks me down bad. You should listen to the song First Lady-Missing you. Take Care I know your mom wouldn't want you to do drugs nor drink so that would be something she would be proud of up there (:

  • Cassandra by Cassandra, Atlanta GA
  • 15 years ago

Hi Stephanie,
Your poem is very expressive. I love you dear, as I am a mother of three daughters. I lost my mom almost two years ago this month. So, I understand what it means to want that special "touch" of a mother's love. But please know that Jesus' love is there to heal and mend your broken heart. Take care and I love you.
Ms. Cassandra

  • Danielle Kent by Danielle Kent
  • 15 years ago

This poem is so touching! just made me cry! I feel for all you people that have lost your mums I cannot even bear to imagine my life without my mum. I shake and cry to even think about it! me and my mum don't stop arguing all the time and there has been times when I have said I've hated her in anger. I'm never ever going to say it again I love you mum with my whole body mind soul and heart!xxxxxxxxx

  • ravvy by ravvy
  • 15 years ago

Hi, My mom passed away last month and I am going through the same pain, it's so difficult so hard. Everything just happened in front of my eyes, but I couldn't do anything. I just pray to God to keep everyone's family safe because it's an Irreplaceable void.

  • rebecca by rebecca
  • 15 years ago

we'll I've read your poem and boy I feel for you. my mum has just split with my dad and she's finding it hard , she keeps saying that she don't won't to be here any more . I hope she don't go do something stupid .. anyway try and come off the drugs your mum wouldn't want to see you like that she'd want you to be happy

  • burimi by burimi
  • 15 years ago

really good poem , I know how you feel I lost my daddy one month before .

  • videlia by videlia
  • 15 years ago

Wow I get you I lost my mom when I was only 6 and now I'm 12

  • Courtney Loyer by Courtney Loyer, Lawrence
  • 16 years ago

omg this poem is how I feel to. I lost my mother when I was 9. Your words are very kind. and it touched my heart when I read this good poem. I know how it feels . It's a lot to loose your mother.

  • arleen by arleen
  • 16 years ago

wow I am a little older than you, I am a mother & a grandmother. I lost my mum, it was so unexpected so it came as a complete shock. talking to her on the phone on the Sunday, the next day I get a call. I managed to get down there only 1 hour before they turned the machines off & I still don't know if she knew I got there before she slipped away. your mum would want you to live your life & be the best person you can & remember mothers always have a special place in our hearts forever & ever.

  • me... by me...
  • 16 years ago

wow... that's exactly how I feel... my mom passed about a year ago.... its hard... I'm 17 now... but yeah.. I miss her a lot

  • Te Atawhai by Te Atawhai
  • 16 years ago

Yes It has and now I am so sad and I am so sorry that you lost your mom and now that I have read this poem I'm going to spend ever minute with my mom even if she doesn't want me to because I love my mom........

  • patty by patty
  • 16 years ago

omg this poem is AMAZING.. definitely made me cry!. I can feel your pain.. even though my mother has not passed away, it seems like it. I miss her so much, but most days I think she doesn't feel the same. I haven't seen her for 6-7 years now. But this poem made me want to talk to her

  • jamie by jamie
  • 16 years ago

I know how you feel because when I was 7 I lost my mom. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. yeah I know she is not here physically but mentally she will always be by my side. I love her so much and I always will. you and I will soon see our moms again. when the time comes we will all be happy again. your mom and my mom are all watching over us....

  • jessica kelley by jessica kelley
  • 16 years ago

my mom passed away about a year ago and I am saying the exact same thing. And it is true those of you that have a mom NEVER say I HATE YOU, I WISH YOU WOULD DIE, because I promise you that you will regret it if anything happens to your mother. Crossing in our prayer, Amen

  • Ambika Adhikari Tiwari by Ambika Adhikari Tiwari
  • 16 years ago

Dear Stephanie, you touched my heart. I know no one can give you the love that your mom gave you but I will love you I am a mom too, I am crying and thinking I wish I can give you one hug for your mom.

  • nikki by nikki
  • 16 years ago

I really am touched by this poem...my mom died when I was 16 of cancer and I sat and had to watch her suffer...she was not only my mother but also my best friend I could trust her with everything and she was always there for me...it's like you took all of my thoughts and wrote them in this poem.

  • kayleigh by kayleigh
  • 16 years ago

omg that poem did touch me it bring a tear to my eye that's a sweet poem and its got a meaning.
its really sad and so so sweet.

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