Missing You Poem

All Things I Never Said

She's no longer with you and suddenly you're filed with regret with all the time you never spent together and the things you never said.

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Beautiful poem. I lost my mom 13 years ago, a month before my wedding day. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Just to say to her.. '' I LOVE U''

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My Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

I fall down on my knees and begin to cry.
For I never wanted you to leave my side.
I wanted you to be by my side forever and ever.
And I wanted to leave your side never.
For you were my mom and I'll love you forevermore.
Every trouble I went through, you're the one who opened the door.
I lie on the ground crying more than ever before.
I had so little memories and I wanted much more.
I was too caught up in my friends.
I never had time to spend.
I want you back; it's not fair.
A mom like you was very rare.
I love you, I love you, please come back.
My whole life just fell off track.
Now that you're gone, I have nowhere to go.
I need you here; there's so much more I need to know.
I miss you, I wish it never turned out this way.
Now that you're gone, there's so much to say.
I'm sorry for the fun times I could have spent with you.
This isn't happening; it can't be true!
I love you, I love you, PLEASE come back home.
Now that you're gone, I'm all alone.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Noms by Noms, Johannesburg
  • 9 years ago

Beautiful poem.
I lost my mom 13 years ago, a month before my wedding day.
I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Just to say to her.. '' I LOVE U''

  • Janasha Anderson by Janasha Anderson
  • 11 years ago

This poem has me in tears! I lost my mom to suicide thirteen years ago! I miss her so much it hurts!!

  • Marian Taylor by Marian Taylor, Stanley VA
  • 11 years ago

This story reminds me of my grandma who was always there for me. My parents had separated when I was didn't have much and worked very hard. My grandma was always by my side until April 21,2003 and passed away on my birthday. I've always wondered why on my birthday, but she never leaves my mind. What I wouldn't give to have back. For I know you're in heaven safe and sound.

  • Prabodh by Prabodh, Mumbai
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I lost my mother yesterday and I wish God conveys my feelings to my mother .I love you Mom and I will miss you all my life.

  • Lyndsey Hope Simmons by Lyndsey Hope Simmons
  • 13 years ago

This made me think of how many times I was a little brat to my mom. I really wish I could go back and love on her. I seriously started crying. I miss my mom she passed away in April ever since then my life is going down hill. I hate my life without my mom and I'm only 13...

-RIP MaryAlyce Caroline Patterson-Simmons
♥ you will be missed dearly

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 14 years ago

I was 19 when my mom passed away. I moved to Florida and I only came home one time to visit her before she passed away, so I understand this poem!

  • Jeanne by Jeanne, Castro Valley CA
  • 14 years ago

This poem brought me to tears. It went directly into the heart, and voiced everything that went unsaid. You never really know how much you can miss someone until they are gone and you can't imagine life without them. The poem truly touched me.

  • Paige by Paige, Reilly
  • 15 years ago

This poem touched my empty heart...my mom and dad divorced when I was 3 and dad got custody. I didn't see her often...October 6 2001 my mom was killed in a car accident. I was 6. She was the only one in the car who wasn't drinking and had her seat belt on. I still cry because of the pain and I'm 15 now...I would give any thing to remember her voice and to feel her hug me one last time...I have almost no memory of her, only pictures...

  • Jaydee. by Jaydee.
  • 16 years ago

it touched me, it was beautiful. I lost my mum at 9 and was caught up in everything else.
my favorite.

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