Missing You Poem

Mother Has Changed Poem

My mom used to be the person that I could count on but she isn't the same anymore she's really changed and I wrote this poem for her but I never really had the guts to show it to her

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Wow ..it's like story of my life.. My mom has a bf and now she doesn't even want to spend any time with us. She recently kicked me out of her house because she thought I was high..she drug...

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The One I Used To Know


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

what happened to the person
the one I used to know
the one who never let me down
and never told me no

what happened to the person
who used to laugh and play
there's nothing left of her
but what you are today

what happened to the person
who never let me down
she's gone now
and she left me with a frown

what happened to the person
who left me in such pain
I know now that from her
there's nothing left to gain

what happened to the person
who used to have such pride
I don't know anymore
'cause she was always pushing me aside

what happened to the person
the one who never used to cry
I wish I could have told her
I love her and goodbye


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Angie by Angie, California
  • 12 years ago

Wow ..it's like story of my life..
My mom has a bf and now she doesn't even want to spend any time with us. She recently kicked me out of her house because she thought I was high..she drug tested me and I came out negative ..she doesn't trust me anymore but its okay, I thank God that I still have my father <3

  • Bachir by Bachir, Algeria
  • 13 years ago

This is really painful! I didn't feel such towards my mother because she never let me down in happy moments or sad ones. I think and I hope this gap between you and your mother will be bridged soon, because nothing in this world can really substitute a kind mother. Just tell her in simple words what you're encountering.

  • Ursula Cooper by Ursula Cooper
  • 13 years ago

This is an amazing poem!!! I don't really have the same thing with my mum but it made me think of some of the friends I used to have. They never let me down, they were always there, they always knew the right thing to say to make me smile, but now it's not the same. Some of them have moved away, some are still around, but we're not really friends anymore and I can't trust them like I used to. Thanks for writing this poem. It made me remember all my old friends. :)

I am very touched by your poem. People can sometimes change and let us down, I understand that. I hope you and your mother work this out. You only have one mom. My heart breaks for you as I read this. I am a mother of three children and if one of them felt your pain I couldn't live with that. You are in my prayers. God bless you and help you move forward in your life and make peace. You can't change people BUT you can move on. I promise! Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. Once again God Bless

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