Anger Poem

Poem About Bad Parents

How do you forgive someone who can't be forgiven?

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Dad, you were never home and I rarely ever saw you. When you were, you would only come to pass through. Your stench of alcohol was so strong. When you'd drink, we'd never get along. In your...

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Angie M Flores © more by Angie M Flores

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

Tell me how to love someone
who doesn't love me back.

Tell me how to respect someone
who doesn't deserve my respect.

Tell me how to trust someone
who betrayed me so badly.

Tell me how to care for someone
who never cared about me.

Tell me how to speak nicely to someone
who only spoke down to me with bad words.

Tell me how to get along with someone
who brought me nothing but endless tears.

Tell me how to get close to someone
who caused me so much pain.

Tell me how to forgive someone
who hurt me so severely.

Tell me how to open my heart to someone
who broke it to pieces too many times.



I am a girl with a deep passion for writing, my mind can go on and on. My goal in life is to complete my own autobiography. Give me a pen and sheet of paper and leave me to my thoughts. The quiet ones are always the ones who have plenty to say.

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  • Stories 9
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Boise Calap by Boise Calap
  • 5 years ago

My parents are the best thing for me, and I would never leave under a tree, but there are some things that need to be changed. They would be mad at me for doing something, but they won't scold themselves for doing the same thing. They want me to do my best. They always tell me that it's ok to lose and I should take a rest, but they never kept their promise because they criticize my work after. They say they're tired and I know that, but don't they know were also exhausted? I tried making things right, but they won't stop and it's making me cry. We're not slaves, we're humans too. Why can't they give respect to us too?

  • Haley by Haley
  • 7 years ago

Dad, you were never home and I rarely ever saw you. When you were, you would only come to pass through. Your stench of alcohol was so strong. When you'd drink, we'd never get along. In your room were bottles of pills. You were so messed up we couldn't even pay the bills. I've learned to live without you around, because all you've ever done was make me frown. When the time comes I'll be brave and maybe visit you someday at your grave.

Mom, I have this really bad memory of me and you. Every time I think of it, I feel blue. I feel like as a mother you didn't know what to do. Never once did I feel like I could look up to you. I'd go to school with black and blue bruises. But when someone asked, you already came up with excuses. When I was 3 you beat me so hard. After the hospital I was scared. For you mother, I had no trust. You being a good mom was never discussed. Every day I think of this thought, "Why did you and Dad have kids if this was how you knew you were gonna treat them?"

  • Quino Kumul by Quino Kumul
  • 7 years ago

When my mom died, my father, 2 brothers, and 3 sisters treated me if they don't want me in their lives. Then they started to hurt me like lashing me and insulting me, so I start to hurt me by cutting my hand with a razor.

  • Makayla Tate by Makayla Tate
  • 7 years ago

When I was five I was taken away and had to go live with my mother. When I was about 12 I learned that my mom didn't want me at all, but I had to go see her every other Saturday, but her girlfriend burned me on the side of my nose and lied about it. I cry because I love her so much but she doesn't deserve it at all.

  • Kristen Bonta by Kristen Bonta
  • 8 years ago

I thought of you today. I looked for your car, I looked for something that's not gonna happen. I miss you more and more every day, but I know I'm better off without you, but my heart just aches for you. Sometimes I'll catch myself looking at your picture or I'll reread our messages and then I just ask myself why are you doing this to yourself? He doesn't what you. It was so much more than just break up and get over him. It was break up and take time to heal because I deserved to take time and heal. You were like a drug and I needed you. I feel like my heart will never be the same. We fought most of the time, but who doesn't fight when they're together? I wasn't perfect and neither were you. And that's what you wanted. When reality got too hard you blamed me for it. I made mistakes, but I didn't blame you for them. I keep reaching for you, but you don't reach back. I don't apologize for fixing something that you broke.

  • Amy Chicago by Amy Chicago, Illinois
  • 9 years ago

This poem really connects to me, my oldest cousin is the worst, she always screams at me for doing nothing, she tells me not to give her attitude but she gives attitude to me all the time. What I hate is that she is the oldest and I can't do anything about it! She always swears at me, even when she is happy she still swears,
.......that is why this poem is so true to me

  • Mary Holmes by Mary Holmes, Nebraska
  • 10 years ago

It shames me that some dads can always ask a lot of questions when it comes to the care of their child, but can never give answers as to why they can't provide for them. If you know you don't have consistent contact with your child, why do you make it your child's responsibility to contact you? If I was to up and leave my children one day without reason, would the "dad" step up without excuse then? I can only think of a couple that would. The ones that stay in the area seem to have more excuses about "daddyhood" than the only "one" that can make any excuse because he lives out of town. Funny, I always have that one that knows my number whenever he's thinking of a "booty call", but still no mention of how your child is doing. Hmm.. But, I'm always the one to get blamed if they act up in school, at church, or even at home. And why do you ask "if" your child needs anything? Of course! You're just the dad, because a "father" would automatically know the answer. If you say, "I want to spend time with my child", don't come get them so they get "babysat" by someone else. And newsflash, they just passed the law to increase minimum wage. So stop giving your child "one dollar" every time you see them. And please, stop feeling like a human ATM machine. Don't you have to withdraw a minimum of twenty dollars, Mr. Dollar Man? It seems that as a single mom, I've had to take the fall for everything "daddy" isn't doing. How did I get blamed for the "sperm donor" who refuses to see his child at all, but can take care of children that aren't even his? How do you spread a rumor about the one who's always been there for your child? As I recall, you were the one cheating on me with a woman who's facial hairs matched yours? The only mistake I made with you was believing your every word. Actually, I do believe you to some extent, because all you did was "put a baby in me". And to the one that believes that this will always be yours, remember you can never claim anything that was never fully yours in the first place. But your child is! I never planned to be a single mom. That decision was made for me when "daddy" wanted to do different. You will always be a father, but will you ever be a dad?
Fed Up

  • Georgia by Georgia, Wimbledon
  • 12 years ago

I so agree with this poem as I feel the same way with my family, you really displayed how family can be hypocrites! Well done!

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 15 years ago

wow, your poems are so touching and beautiful. I love them. I am sorry to hear that your mum hurt you so badly :( i hope that you will find joy in life if you already haven't. xoxox

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