Inspirational Poem

Encouragement To Live In The Moment

This is a lesson I learned about not living in the past nor being kept in bondage to regrets about yesterday's mistakes.

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Very easy read. Very good content. Advice I agree with. It can be hard for me to leave yesterday behind, but I can't relive it. So, I access it for what I did well and wrong. I try to learn...

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Live In The Now

© more by Lenora McWhorter

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

Look not back on yesterday
or what you have left behind.
For only today is yours to claim,
and this moment only is your time.

Fret not on what has been
or on what has passed you by.
Yesterday is far behind you.
You can't change it if you try.

New opportunities await you.
They come with each new day,
so look ahead with faith and hope,
and blessings will come your way.

Keep faith alive in your heart.
Live full and live well each day.
Do all the good for all you can
to all those who pass your way.

Yesterday is out of your reach
and tomorrow is not yours to claim.
Only this moment belongs to you.
So use it wisely, in Jesus' name.


more by Lenora McWhorter

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Very easy read. Very good content. Advice I agree with. It can be hard for me to leave yesterday behind, but I can't relive it. So, I access it for what I did well and wrong. I try to learn from it and move on.

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