Brother Death Poem

Poem From Dead Little Brother To Mom

This poem I had made for my mom and my little brother and ever since my little brother passed I've been working on this poem he had passed August 4, 2004! and it was hard for me cause it brought a lot of memories to me so yeah and maybe if you lost a little brother or something then this is how you or your mom or whoever can feel like this too!!!! So hope you like my poem!!!

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My little sister died a year ago because of a disease that runs in the family. I miss my little angel. My other sister has been scaring us; she's been going through near death moments. If I...

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I've Earned My Wings


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry mommy I left you so soon,
I was there when the angels woke you up at noon.
I know I was gone from the flash from the start,
Mommy Remember!
I'll always be in your heart.
I listen to you dearly, when you visit my grave.
Please don't cry, be sad. Continue to be brave.
I didn't mean to leave you and daddy so soon.
I was looking from heaven when everyone released their balloons.
Take care of my big brother, big sister, and daddy too.
There will always and forever be a part of me living in you.
I'll be waiting for you here, at the golden gate.
Time is ticking mommy, Please don't be late!
I long to embrace you in my arms.
Don't worry Mommy!
I'm at a place where there is no harm.
I've earned my wings. I live in the sky.
I'm watching everyday mommy so please don't cry!

                 Love, Your Son


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Bahiyyah Hite by Bahiyyah Hite
  • 8 years ago

My little sister died a year ago because of a disease that runs in the family. I miss my little angel. My other sister has been scaring us; she's been going through near death moments. If I lose her I don't know what I am gonna do with myself. This poem touched my heart. I'm sorry about your death, but I hope you make it through and stay strong!

  • Judy Estes by Judy Estes
  • 7 years ago

My daughter also passed from an old disease called Scleroderma, Lupus, and Raynauds. Dear God, I miss her so much. It has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father.

  • Cindy Bibber Spear by Cindy Bibber Spear
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my 17 year old son and my 19 year old nephew in a drunk driving accident on July 30, 2014. My sister and I were still reeling from losing an Uncle close to our age a year ago AND our mom died in a head-on collision August 23, 2011! This poem made me cry over the recent loss of my son, but it is just perfect for both my sister Cheri and me. Thank you for sharing.

  • Marquetta Shade by Marquetta Shade, Eufaula Okla
  • 11 years ago

My oldest son Chris Shade was 26 yrs. old when he got murdered. My son gave this 17 year boy a ride. A ride to a church, and the young man shot my son twice in the head. My son died instantly. The boy then sat in the same seat with my son dead, drove him 35 miles from Eufaula to Muskogee. Parked my son in front of this young mans house, stole my son's $1500.00 dollars and stereo equalizers. Then drove my son about 5 blocks from his house and parked him in a vacant parking lot. The detectives arrested him 4 days later. The judge gave him life w/ possibility of parole. It will be 4 years for me losing my son on 02/18/10, and it's still hard for me. I haven't forgave the boy yet, and I know that I need to. But just haven't yet, but in due time. I'm still hurt.

  • Suzie King by Suzie King
  • 11 years ago

My name is Suzie King, I love the poem. My son died from suicide June 11, 2008. I miss him so much, he was only 21 years old. He will always be my baby. I go to the cemetery all the time to talk to him still, it does not ever get any easier. I definitely feel your pain.

  • Jessika by Jessika, LA
  • 12 years ago

On Sept. 10 2011 I found out my nephew of 3 months passed away. It was devastating. This poem very much related to his death and family. He has a older brother that is soon to be 3 and a sister that turned 4 yesterday. When he passed I started looking up poems so I could print 1 out and give it to my brother and sisteri n law. It's a really great poem. (: rip chance!! Aunt sika loves an misses you oh so much

  • Sebokeng by Sebokeng
  • 12 years ago

The poem reminds me of my late brother who lost his live in a car accident when he was only 7 years old of age and my mother was furiously, physical damaged and I thank God I managed the stress and accepted his death.. I know he is resting in peacefully place. May his soul always be with now and forever more

  • Angie by Angie
  • 12 years ago

I Just lost my son last month to SIDS, this the most hardest thing a family can go through, I miss him so much. When I came across this poem It made me feel better. Thanks RIP my Angel Baby Jojo

  • Lexington Oklahoma by Lexington Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

My son Tyler was killed in a car wreck Jan 13 2012. He was standing on my front porch when I left for work and the next time I see him he's in his coffin. "I've Earned My Wings" is written for a younger child. Tyler would have been 20 next week. By substituting a Mom for mommy and brother for daddy it is a very fitting poem for the back of my sons headstone. Well our headstone. I'm getting a mother son stone. The poem makes me cry everytime. The hardest pain to endure is the pain of losing a child, we are planning his birthday celebration in a couple of days. Friends and family will go our the cemetery and we will write messages on our balloons sing happy birthday and let them go

  • Lucy by Lucy, Texas
  • 12 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. I lost my son at 19 weeks pregnant. His 1st birth date is coming up on Aug.. 2. I'm trying to think of how am I going to do on this day.?.? Even though he lived for 20 min, I miss him dearly. I'm glad you shared this poem with us. I love it!!

  • Maxine by Maxine, Birmingham
  • 13 years ago

Hi my name is Maxine I lost my son Kevin 24 years ago, it doesn't get any easier just harder, but no-one only my dad understood the pain now my dad has gone its just me who understands the pain. I miss cuddling him he was five months old when he was taken from me why god do I miss him my little man .

  • Feleacia by Feleacia, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

Hi my name is Feleacia and I lost one of my cousins its almost been a year now and it is still pretty hard for me. I wish she was back and I know how you feel keep your head up .

  • Vicky Tiffin. Ohio by Vicky Tiffin. Ohio
  • 13 years ago

My cousin lost her two boys January 24th last year they both drowned in the river with their best friend. They were all very young and we all miss them very much but one day we will see you guys again. I want to dedicate the poem I read to their mom. I love and miss all of you.

  • Kaitlynn by Kaitlynn
  • 13 years ago

This poem is very sad. But it is a good poem. I was much younger when I lost my baby brother but I'm now 14 and still dealing with it. All I have is a picture and a death certificate to remember him. R.I.P.

  • Christy by Christy, Maryland
  • 13 years ago

My best friend just lost her daughter on July 15th, 2011....Aubree Faith was born June 24th, 2011. She was only 21 days old. And was my first Goddaughter, I was soooo happy when she asked me to go along the journey with her. When that phone call came across about Aubrre passing, I was devastated. Aubree died from SIDS~ I didn't know what to say or how to even feel. Knowing that my best friend had to go thru something so terrible and I couldn't console her but so much. This is a very nice poem...If I can find a way thru the tears to read this again I definitely would! Good job...Love it~ RIP Lit'l Miss Aubree, We love and miss you bunches~ <3

  • Virginia Roy by Virginia Roy
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so beautiful.
Today we said our goodbyes to our precious daughter Tami, or loving son-in-law Rick and our adorable grandbaby Bailee. They were taken from us so quickly and tragically on June 12, 2011. At their service today we released 100 blue, red and pink balloons, and I believe they were watching as they took flight, because they rose and went straight towards the direction of where they had been living and where other family members were, that were not able to be with us on this difficult day :) I am going to print this off and put it with our memorial collage that we will be making in their honour.

  • Karen Quabeck by Karen Quabeck, North Brunswick N.J.
  • 14 years ago

Well on February 8th I lost my only daughter to a very serious car accident that took her life she was only 17 years old. She has 2 brother's and we really don't know how to cope with our loss. We loss their father the same month last year and October of last year her grandmother and now her I can't believe I'll never see her again. I love and miss her so much I sleep with her coat at night so I can be close to her. How does a person cope with the lose of their child I don't know I feel like my daughter is helping me through.....

  • Alea by Alea, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

beautiful.... My goddaughter died at 7 months in February from SID's.... we all took it hard her mother especially ...for her first birthday we had a party at her grave and released so many balloons and every week her mom goes to see her and this was just AMAZING

  • Erika Murguia by Erika Murguia
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched me my nephew just recently past in Oct. we miss him so much and this poem just makes me miss him more but I will be with him one day <3 thanks for sharing your poem .

  • Allison by Allison, Melbourne Australia
  • 14 years ago

Just beautiful indeed. I'm sorry for all the loss that touches peoples hearts when a baby dies. My cousin/family just lost her little 6 month boy to SIDS (cot death) this week and I was searching for something to put in a scrapbook collection...and this is the perfect poem if you don't mind it being shared. Its a beautiful way to heal and share in the grief. We all have ways of dealing with loss and expressing this. You have a Godly talent of the written word. Thank you very much for sharing :-) Allison- Melb Aus

  • Kristi by Kristi
  • 15 years ago

My 3 month old nephew just died and I was sitting here making a poster board for his funeral and visitation this was perfect to put in a frame. You really touched my heart. All the words that were to difficult to think about you put together perfectly!

  • becky by becky
  • 16 years ago

this poem is amazing .it touched my heart and soul. I just lost my baby brother, back in November, and I was looking for the perfect poem to print out and fix up in a frame for my mom, and this one just touched me so deep. thank you for sharing it with the public. and may you and your family find comfort in the good lord above us.

  • T. Elkins by T. Elkins
  • 16 years ago

I'm a mommy that lost a daughter and this is precious. We released pink balloons at her funeral and I felt like she seen them and us the entire time. That sad day will stay with me forever but so will she, in my heart and in spirit.

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