Brother Death Poem

A sister loses a brother. In loving memory of Joseph G. Scott, Sept 18 1979 - Feb 21 2004

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When I was 3 years old my oldest brother committed suicide in our garage. I never got to remember his face or any moments in my life where I can picture him. All I have of him are pictures...

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My Other Half


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Never thought it could be you.
I never wanted it to.
My other half of me just disappeared.
Darkness came as fast as you got your angel wings.
My tears will never go away,
My heart feels like it's been thrown away.
When I heard the news,
I fell to my knees.
Not wanting to get up,
I heard you say it'll be okay.
Flying 1200 miles to see if it was true,
Memories running through my head not believing my only brother's life was gone.
I sit there looking at you,
wanting to shake you.
I couldn't see those big brown eyes,
there's not a smile that could ever be replaced.
God, take this pain away from me.
I never got to say goodbye.
I want you to answer me why.
I was too late to take his place,
but all I can do is wait.
Till then I'll be missing him.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tina Ricketts by Tina Ricketts
  • 4 years ago

My brother was 43 when he got hit by a car on Thursday, August 6, 2020. It is so that he was hard gone in a split second. I don't understand. I guess I never will. It is so hard. I will always love and miss you, my brother.

  • Alex Barden by Alex Barden
  • 6 years ago

When I was 3 years old my oldest brother committed suicide in our garage. I never got to remember his face or any moments in my life where I can picture him. All I have of him are pictures and memories my parents/family have told me. Little over a year ago, (I was 19 at the time), my step-brother got news his fiancé had cheated on him and the baby she was pregnant with probably wasn't his. He went to the bar and got drunk, came home and shot himself. Just dealing with that was hard enough, but 6 months ago my brother Rick died of a drug overdose. I honestly don't have very many words to say anymore about loss. I've been so heavily beaten emotionally, I don't even know how to think anymore. My mind runs a million miles an hour, but my body doesn't want to go anywhere. I find myself reading these threads and it helps a lot knowing I'm not the only one out there struggling with losing brothers or sisters.

  • Elizabethey Gyrica, by Elizabethey Gyrica,
  • 6 years ago

I just wanted to say that there are no accidents in this life. You are here. Just me reading your words changed the way that I was going in my life. Thank you for being you and speaking of your innermost anguish. I feel your pain. Good vibes, energy, and prayers are sent to YOU!! God bless!

  • Sandra by Sandra
  • 6 years ago

Hi. My best friend and baby brother died Sunday, January 21, 2018. Just two months ago. This poem is an exact reflection of the way I felt seeing him dead on the hospital bed. He died suddenly with no warning. He went in for moderate dehydration and his heart just...stopped. I felt like my world had ended. We did everything together, and the days seem to be getting harder rather than easier. Thank you for this beautiful poem. It helped me feel less alone.

  • Christian Hooper by Christian Hooper
  • 7 years ago

My brother passed on yesterday. It's really hard for me. This poem speaks my heart.

  • Anthony Gibbs by Anthony Gibbs
  • 7 years ago

I miss my brother. He died only a week ago, and we fell out before his death. I am so sad. It was bad enough when I served in the army surrounded by death. I cannot since concentrate and feel dead inside myself.

  • John Raffanello by John Raffanello
  • 7 years ago

Hang on, my friend. I have lost two brothers. The other I have left gravely ill. I have often thought the challenges I've faced are more than I could handle but not for the ones in my family that are still here.

  • Jesus Princess by Jesus Princess
  • 7 years ago

I was truly touched, too. I lost my brother 23 days ago on May 15, 2017. It was the hardest thing I had to do because I had not seen him for six months. At first they took me away from him for four years; I was 14. I turned 18 and I saw him again around 3 times. I could not visit for 6 months and a stranger called me and told me he had passed. I had to go claim his body and see him lifeless 2 times before the funeral. It was hard on me. I had never seen a dead body before, and now seeing my brother's just tore me. I tried to commit suicide 6 days ago, but it did not work. You do not heal, you just learn to live with it.

  • Teresita Corona by Teresita Corona
  • 7 years ago

Hi Jesus. I understand what you're going through. I lost my brother 4 years ago, and just like you, I wanted to die. My life had no meaning without him. I felt that I was going crazy, so I decided to return to school to deal with my pain. I must admit that it was not easy. I think this type of pain never goes away, but being in school helped me a lot. I advise you to try to find something that you like and that you are passionate about and cling to that to mitigate your pain.

  • Kim Curran by Kim Curran
  • 7 years ago

To the girl who tried to commit suicide to join her brother, I, too, lost my brother, and as you, I felt life is not worth living without him. But it's been a few years, and now it gets better. It's hard every day knowing there is no more him on earth, but I try to stay strong 4 my mom and him. I know he would want me to live. So as the days go by, you'll get try to hold on...

  • Aarti Soni by Aarti Soni
  • 7 years ago

My brother died when he was just 3 years old. This 07/08/2017 will be his 17th death anniversary. He was newly admitted in a school and was in kids group. My mom gave him peanuts to have it in a break time because he demanded that day. It was the first time my brother gave a kiss to my mom on her lips but she never knew that it was the first and last time.. at 2 pm in the afternoon the school clerk came home with his dead body and my mother was in a deep sleep. My father was working when clerk informed him about this. After that it's been 17 years. My mom never feels sleepy at 2pm because every time my brother comes in her mind. No one in my family eat peanuts because it reminds us of him. He died because of a peanut. A small piece of peanut got stuck. He was just 3 years and he experienced death in a very bad way. Unable to breathe. After this I just pray that no child deserves this. I was a 7 month old baby when he died, but I still cry for him and wish that he were alive.

  • Niladri Chatterjee by Niladri Chatterjee
  • 7 years ago

My brother passed away on December 23, 2015. It was all of a sudden after lunch when he was having coffee. Suddenly he fell, was shouting, and then was gone! We used to chat with each other on phone. It's so painful that I can't accept fact. He was fit and fine.

  • Ronniehodson by Ronniehodson
  • 8 years ago

My brother passed away on the 1-3-2017 at 2 o'clock in his bedroom at home. He was 55. His poor wife was there with him. He had type-one complications leading up to his sudden death. It has torn our hearts apart. We look for answers but to no avail. I feel like a child crying in the dark. Some years ago we lost our beautiful mother and father, but this pain is different. It goes deep. I can't think right. I can't stop crying. My doctor has put me off work with bereavement. My wife has been my rock. She's says I don't know what to say. I can see the look of loss in her eyes for me. My brother was a good man, never hurt anyone in his life, always had time for others. If there's anyone out there who are going through the same as my family, I feel for you. BILLY, my brother, you will always be in my heart and thoughts.

  • Habz by Habz
  • 7 years ago

Hi, I feel your pain. I lost my brother 8 years ago while he was playing football, and suddenly he passed away. I still can't believe he is gone. I hope you get better soon.

  • Ana Claudia by Ana Claudia
  • 8 years ago

My sister just passed away 15 days ago. She was walking in her house and just drop dead. She just drop dead in front of all my family. My mommy and my daddy saw my sister die. My heart is broken because I can't fix my parents' hearts. My heart is broken because she was my beloved sister. She was my best friend. She was my love.

  • Jessica Jarvis by Jessica Jarvis
  • 8 years ago

My brother passed away a day after my birthday in his sleep. He was only 38 years old he had a lot of heart aches from ex-girlfriends. I'm raising his 3 young children which I started raising them almost 3 years before he passed away. My parents are raising the older children since they were small. I had signs before this happened. I went to a psychic to have my cards read appropriately 7 years ago. I was asked is there anything you don't want to know. I said no. She said she sees a tragedy involving 3 children. I couldn't think of who or how. My brother passed this year Dec 6 in his sleep. Roughly 2 weeks or so before he passed I started having a hard time breathing late at night. For some reason I was afraid to fall asleep, as if I wouldn't wake up. Before that, I felt someone at my bedside the first thing I said was, I'm not ready. I started tearing up. I don't know why or how this happened to me weeks or month before he passed away! If only I knew who the signs were for.

  • Jake by Jake
  • 8 years ago

I read these poems and responses with sighs and tears. My mother and brother died together in a car accident almost seventeen years ago-- and nothing has been the same since. Always and everywhere I think of them. The pain is permanent. The anger is inadvisable. The cynicism is incorrigible. I remember reading an exchange between Robert Kennedy and John Kennedy when the latter was President. Talking about President Lincoln, death dominated their discussion. RFK said the following to JFK: "If you go, I want to go with you." That is how I feel and think every day. And one day I will receive my wish and leave this venal and vain world.

  • Safia Mohammed Alli by Safia Mohammed Alli
  • 8 years ago

I lost my brother 5 months ago, and reality has still not hit home. I put my life on hold to get him back on track after discovering his wife in bed with his so called best friend. I broke my brother to the tinniest pieces. She continued to play mind games with him. She never loved him. He loved her unconditionally. No matter how she hurt him, he was always ready to forgive. At the end what they wanted should look like suicide actually turned out to be murder. My brother whom I gave up my life for was murdered. God does not sleep. They will get what they deserve...NOTHING.

  • Niva Shrestha by Niva Shrestha
  • 8 years ago

Life can be so unpredictable and wicked at times. Like they say, "life is a sweet lie and death is a bitter truth". Life goes on no matter what. Life has been so harsh on me that now I'm harsh on life.
I can truly understand how you might be feeling... People say nothing lasts forever but what about the pain of seeing someone so close to you go so far away forever? Losing that person who was my hero completely shattered me. Being only 2 years older than me, my only sibling, we had this inseparable bond. Reading this poem and all stories, I realized that I'm not the only one to have gone through the pain of losing a brother. There are other people also who can understand how I feel. I can never forget him. I've been counting everyday.. it's been 488 days, since God took him away from us. I still don't want to accept the bitter truth. I still wish this all to be a nightmare and hope of waking up one day to see my brother.

  • Caroline by Caroline
  • 8 years ago

I feel your pain. I lost my brother and his baby brutally. He was the better of the men in my family, my man figure. Gone at the snap of a finger. My heart aches but will go on. It's a major loss, but they would want you to live free.

  • Marva Paris by Marva Paris
  • 8 years ago

My brother passed 10 yrs ago. Nothing makes it better or easier. Time doesn't heal, talking about it doesn't help. Although I do talk off him often. He was such an amazing young man, died way to young. He had dreams, aspirations, and loved life. He touched so many people, over 3000 people came to say their last goodbyes..I was so sad, and so proud that day. I always told him he was a star, he finally got to see the outrageous impact he'd made in his short's not fair, I miss him everyday, I've cried for ten years. It's impossible to figure out why, why him. I replay that day, everyday, the worst day of my life.

  • Susan by Susan
  • 8 years ago

I also think of my brother's passing from 1993. I think of him often. No time heals, talking about it doesn't help. You just live with it. There was no reason behind it. Broke my mother's heart and now she is gone. I think often of when we were kids. So useless of life.

  • A.E. by A.E., IN
  • 9 years ago

I just received the news that my best friend, since grade school, has passed. He knew me better than anyone. We decided it would be best to preserve our friendship by not becoming romantically involved. As we grew older, our differences split us into opposite directions. But, the love always remained...
I immediately burst into tears. We were so young and never quite came around to saying everything we wanted to one other...
Your poem soothes my spirit. Thank you.

  • Norma Azurin by Norma Azurin
  • 10 years ago

My younger and only brother passed away so unexpectedly on New Year's day 2015. No signs no symptoms at all. He was physically fit. The night before (New Year's Eve) we had a family dinner to welcome the new year. In his usual jolly banter, he was joking and laughing with us. The next day, at around 3.00pm, he was gone. The shock was unimaginable. Up to now I have been so disconsolate. I was so grief-stricken big time. He was my rock and we were inseparable.

  • Charley_paige_xoxo by Charley_paige_xoxo, Reading
  • 8 years ago

My brother past away 10 years ago on Christmas Day. I understand your pain. Every night I feel pain and feel more and more upset. I don't want to be without him.

  • Carmen by Carmen
  • 8 years ago

So how did you learn to go on without him? My brother passed in 2014 and I am breathing, but every day I cry.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Texas
  • 9 years ago

Only time will bring some kind of comfort. You will find yourself break down on random moments. Just know that it is ok and it is a wound that you will always carry with you. I lost my brother 2 years ago and I am here in front of my computer with tears running through my cheeks, listening to one of his favorite songs. It's hard, just make sure to get yourself back up again and love life. Be thankful, for every day is a blessing.

  • Mimi by Mimi, Oregon
  • 9 years ago

I am still in a denial mode. I lost my little brother six moths ago. I saw my little brother on Wednesday June 3, 2015 around 3:00 pm. Normal, nothing unusual. He was happy, kind,thoughtful, respectful and had lots of plans. The next day June 4,2015 around 3:00 pm, he went to take a nap and never woke up. How can I believe this? It's very hard to accept and move on.

  • Me Cox by Me Cox
  • 9 years ago

Norma, I understand your story so well. My grandson, my granddaughters youngest and only brother passed away the same way. We ate lunch together on Friday and then Saturday morning at 10:19, March 1, 2014, he was gone. No warning, physically fit and no symptoms. I know the shock and the feeling you are experiencing. He was my only grandson and in 2008 I lost my only son. I have had a double hitter. We have to pray for each other, those of us who have a loss like these, because if you haven't gone through it, you do not know how it feels. Norma, I am so sorry for your loss and will keep you in my prayers. Just know that your brother is still with you, just in another form. Sometimes I just look at the trees when they sway, butterflies when they go by and the rain falling from the sky. If you sit and be still, you will feel his presence for these are the works of the Lord. Take some time to just sit and mediate in the yard and you will feel his presence. I hope this helps you....

  • Lee Morrison by Lee Morrison
  • 10 years ago

Hi Norma
I can totally understand what you are going through.
My younger and only brother passed 3 years ago today. We had the best relationship ever and it's still so very hard at times.
I do know he is still with me and watching over me. Little signs like the TV changing channels and lights flickering. All explainable.
Talking to him helps a lot even if I'm angry at why he left me.  
I live for myself and my brother and often say, when I do something special that, this is for John.

  • Shirley Bell by Shirley Bell
  • 10 years ago

My brother passed away 6 months after my dad. He was ill at my dad's funeral but we didn't and he didn't know that. It was cancer, and the sad news after that was my Mum passed away 7 months after my brother. All theses poems touch me big time .

  • Elizabeth Johnson by Elizabeth Johnson
  • 6 years ago

I'm so sorry for everyone here! My little brother died 2 years ago tomorrow. We knew he was dying. I watched him go a little every day. He was younger than me. I was about to turn 49 when he passed; I asked him please don't die on my birthday, which it doesn't matter because around the time is the same hurt. He gave me instructions for taking care of our mom after his death, but I've been failing miserably. Last night God allowed me to dream of my son dying. I really thought it was real. I cried so hard my husband woke me up, and I called my son who had me feeling better in no time. Those few minutes of thinking my son had died let me know how my mom feels every day. After my brother's death he made me promise to take care of her and I tried, but it's not easy. I still have not grieved for him. All of your stories have helped me, which will help her. Be blessed.

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