Death Poem by Teens

Poem From Teen Girl Whose Mother Died

I'm 16, I lost my Mom last year on March 29, 2012. It was the most painful thing I have ever had to deal with. First her death, then Her birthday, Easter, Mothers Day and my birthday all within a 3 months span. I cry myself to sleep every night. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost there Mom.
I just wish I got the chance to say goodbye.

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It’s been a month since I lost my best friend, my mama. She was so happy she even prepared tea for us. When I woke up, she told me to go back to sleep, that she would wake me up later on, so...

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It's Not Fair!


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2014 with permission of the Author.

Why can't you be here?
I need you.
Yeah, yeah. "You're still with me."
But how can I know for sure?
It's not fair.
I want you to be here physically. With me.
I can't stand it!
I need you now, I need your advice, your hugs, your kisses.
Dad doesn't have that "special touch."
I can't talk to him about certain things.
Not only did I lose my Mom, but I also lost my best friend.
It just isn't fair

Seeing how other kids treat their parents upsets me.
Hearing kids wishing their parents dead angers me.

You didn't deserve to go.
You were a fighter... But I guess it was your time to go.
Heaven needed another angel, and they decided you would be the perfect choice.
I'm glad you're not in anymore pain, and you don't have to go through any more suffering.

I miss the sound of your voice.
I miss seeing your smile,
Your soft eyes, your comforting touch
Your faint, sweet smell, your long phone calls
And your soothing ways.

I miss you.

I had so little memories with you and I wanted much more.

It just isn't fair.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Judy Alimbara by Judy Alimbara
  • 4 years ago

It’s been a month since I lost my best friend, my mama. She was so happy she even prepared tea for us. When I woke up, she told me to go back to sleep, that she would wake me up later on, so I slept. When I woke up, my mom was sick and couldn’t breathe well. I sought help from the neighbors since I was alone with my 3-year-old niece, and they rushed her to the hospital. My mom was fighting, but unluckily she passed on. It has not been easy, mostly because my niece keeps asking me when is mama going to come back, and I have to lie to her. It hurts me so much as the days are loooong and so are the nights. I miss how she prepared tea. I’m in a lot of pain. I miss my best friend. I miss my mother.

  • Elanor by Elanor
  • 8 years ago

I am 17 years old. I lost my mother on the 29th of August 2016. I was 16 at the time. She died unexpectedly in my bed. I did not get to say goodbye. My mother and I were really close because dad left when I was younger. Does it get easier? I told her everything, and now I'm all on my own. I can't even explain the pain.

  • Beth Grings by Beth Grings
  • 7 years ago

My mom passed in '15, very unexpectedly also. Believe it or not, I do feel your pain. My mom passed on a very happy day that we had just spent together doing fun things. Then that evening she suffered from an aneurism. She left this earth way too soon. Yes, there are times that I cry myself to sleep too. And no, I won't say I understand ‘cause we all grieve in our own way. I'll just say keep looking for signs that she is sending to you. They might be small, but to you they're huge. My mom has sent cardinals to be by me on different occasions. Keep looking 'cause they're there.
God bless you,

  • Joana Miranda by Joana Miranda
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry. I cried when I read this because of the pain you are feeling at such a difficult age! I am 52 and lost my best friend 9 years ago this November. If we do God's will, hopefully we will be with our dear mothers and our heavenly Father in heaven one day. May God bless you.

  • Fern by Fern, Washington
  • 9 years ago

I'm 16 too. I lost my mom a month ago in a tragic swimming accident in the river. I haven't met another teenager who has gone through the same, deep pain in losing a best friend, teacher, playmate, soother, therapist, and mother all in one. I am terrified to live a whole lifetime with out an amazing woman like my mom to lean on. Your poem was beautiful, you have a talent. Don't lose it.

  • Cindi K by Cindi K, Tacoma WA
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my mother 2 days ago and its the hardest thing I have ever ever had to deal with, she was my best friend too, we did a lot of things together, me and my daughter live with my mom, so we all are close. My heart goes out to every daughter who loses their mother no matter what age you are it is one of the hardest thing in life to deal with. I have this empty feeling in me and I can't explain it. I am having a hard time dealing with this and my daughter is the one that is keeping me going.

  • United States by United States
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mom March 30,2013. She wasn't just my mother but my best friend. We did everything together. The day she died she took a part of me.

  • Brenda Nemic by Brenda Nemic
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 15 and my mom a year ago when I was 32. It was hard when my dad passed but almost unbearable sadness since my moms passing. Mom passed away March 16th, moms birthday is April 27th, mothers day is in may, mom and dads wedding anniversary (also the day we buried my moms ashes beside my dad...thought it would be neat to join them in death as they had joined 44 years prior in life), dads birthday May 29th, dads passing June 8th and finally fathers day in June as well. So I know your pain all too well and I find every thing you stated to be so true in my own life. I will pray for us both to someday find understanding and peace and to maybe one day be happy again just as our moms, and my dad would want....take care

  • Colleen Decker by Colleen Decker, Ft. Lauderdale
  • 10 years ago

I too lost my mother at a young age. I am 40 now and I still wish I could have her back. My heart goes out to this young lady.

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