Grandfather Death Poem

Poem About Remembering Time With Grandpa

I will miss him so much.

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I lost my grandpa about a year ago. I miss him more and more every day. I think of him every hour and every minute. I know he is with me and watching over my sister and me, but I just need 5...

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I'll Miss You

Janice J Andrade © more by Janice J Andrade

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

It is not long ago
That you left my life
You flew away to heaven
To be with your children and wife
It all seems like a bad dream, one I cannot escape
It feels as if I am trapped in an unfamiliar place
I used to walk in the door and see you sitting there
A smile in your weak blue eyes
Silver in your hair
But then you started to get sick
Before I knew that was it
I tried my best not to cry
It's too hard with a last goodbye
I sit and wonder even now
If you are up there looking down
Are you happy, are you sad?
Are you disappointed when I am bad?
I wish I could see you and have you here
My shining light to block my fear
But you are with me, this I know
For from my heart you will never go.


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  • Mgraber14 by Mgraber14, Bottineu ND
  • 6 years ago

I lost my grandpa about a year ago. I miss him more and more every day. I think of him every hour and every minute. I know he is with me and watching over my sister and me, but I just need 5 more minutes with him to say goodbye and hold his hand one more time. I hope we can see each other soon in heaven. All of his grandchildren got to know him very well. He taught all of his other grandkids how to drive and hunt, but he never got to teach me how to do any of that. I try to stand strong for him, but it’s not working very well. I cry every day about him leaving me, so I talk to him every night and tell him how my day was. Miss you, Gramps. Love, Morgan Graber

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