Grandfather Death Poem

Poem About Not Getting To Say Goodbye

This is a poem dedicated to my grandpa who battled cancer and lost. Thomas Robert Reynolds died on May 4, 2008. He died in his sleep, and I never got to tell him I love him....RIP love you, grandpa

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I know how that feels. I didn't get to tell my grandpa goodbye, either. When he was sick in the hospital, I spent every night in the hospital with my mom and aunt while my grandpa was in ICU....

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I Never Got To Tell You Goodbye


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2010 with permission of the Author.

I never got to give you a hug
before an angel took your hand and gave you a tug.

I never got to give you a kiss
before you made your final wish.

I never got to tell you I love you
before you disappeared into the sky so blue.

I never got to tell you goodbye
before you got your wings and learned to fly.

All these things I wish I did; whether by choice or fate
I was too late...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erika by Erika
  • 5 years ago

I know how you feel. My grandpa died 2 weeks ago. He lived with my grandma and dad far from me, and I never got to say my last goodbye or love you. My mom sent me a text saying my dad had to talk to me about something. I had this gut feeling it was about my grandpa. I haven't seen him since I was like 3, but my grandpa and I had this special bond no one could ever replace. I was going to call him about 2 days before he died, but I never got to it because I was busy, and I feel guilty for not being able to say that I loved him before he died.

  • Sarah B by Sarah B
  • 5 years ago

I completely understand! This is a perfect poem. My granddad passed away 4 years ago and the day my mum had the phone call to go up the hospital, I stayed at home and said that I would go up later, thinking he was still going to be there. Two hours later, I had the call saying that he had passed. It devastated me that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

  • Brittany Seipert by Brittany Seipert
  • 7 years ago

I know how that feels. I didn't get to tell my grandpa goodbye, either. When he was sick in the hospital, I spent every night in the hospital with my mom and aunt while my grandpa was in ICU. Then after a few days I had to go work. That's a day I will never forget. I was a server at Crackle Barrel. It really slow and I was doing some of my side work to get out a little sooner that night. After a while of doing that and being done with what I could get done, one of the other servers came back and said there was somebody there to see me. It was my dad. I come out and with a big smile on my face and said, "Hi, Daddy." Then he said, "Hi Britty, I have some bad news." At that point my heart just jumped into my throat. He then said that my grandpa had passed away. I went to my dad's arms, which he was holding out for me, and I just hung on to him, crying. I never got to tell him I love you or I will see you again someday. I do know a goodbye wouldn't be it.

  • Kennedy by Kennedy, Phoenix
  • 11 years ago

I was on a bus back from a school trip when my grandpa died. I found out as I walked into the hospital that he had already been gone an hour. Nine months later I cry everyday and regret not going into his room to see him. We were very close. I definitely know how it feels to not say goodbye to someone you love.

  • Keyaunice,Mills by Keyaunice,Mills
  • 8 years ago

When my granddaddy died about 2 years ago. Some days I just wish that I could just go on my day without thinking about my papa. But anyways, I think it was the 12 of March. When I just put on something to wear to school, my momma came up to my room and told me this BAD news that my GrandDaddy had passed away. I never wanted to say this, but to this day I don't remember how my GREAT GrandDaddy looked. I LOVE YOU, MY AWESOME SUPERMAN

  • Carly L. Massachusetts by Carly L. Massachusetts
  • 11 years ago

This poem really gets to me. I lost my Grandpa in September. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in May of 2012. He fought so hard. He then had a stroke in June 2013. He couldn't talk much and it really frustrated him. He was in and out of hospitals all summer. When he had another stroke we knew it wasn't going to get better, but we never gave up hope and as long as we were still fighting, he was too. About two weeks before he passed he was hospitalized once again. He was fading away fast. He couldn't talk, he never got up, and slept most of the time. I never got to see him when he was in the hospital and I wish I could've. On the night of his death surrounded my his children and his amazing wife, of almost 50 years, he opened his eyes, look right at the nurse and said "justice has been served." He then shut his eyes and the Angels took him up. I love you Grandpa and I miss you all the time. I know you're watching from above and don't worry about Nana, were taking good care of her.

  • Tammy by Tammy, Greensboro
  • 11 years ago

My grandpa meant so much to me. He Would take me to tutoring and help me with my homework every summer. We had this unspoken bond between us. He would always get my favorite foods. He made the best chicken pot pie. I miss him dearly. He got up to turn up the TV sat down and then he died. It was his birthday God called him home. No time to say goodbye. He would have been 91 today. He went to heaven August 13, 1991.
I miss him so much!

  • Bob by Bob
  • 11 years ago

My grandfather died 25 years ago today. Father died before I was born. My grandfather took me everywhere and did everything with me. Got me in to sports and showed me how to cook. He died too quick and I never got to say good bye. I still carry the things he taught me. I was 9 years old then and I miss him more and more each day.

  • Shanice by Shanice
  • 11 years ago

I was 11 years old and when my granddad passed away. We were out in London that day and my dad and brother were with him. We were going to get wedding dresses and had chosen them and arrived home at 10:30pm. I went straight over my friends house, because they all knew he had died but did't tell my sister and I. When I came home I saw his bed was down and his room was emptied but I was crying and I went back over my friends house. Megan and I cried and slept at her auntie. I never got to say good bye. I miss you granddad. xxxx

  • Katie by Katie, Wi
  • 12 years ago

My grandpa passed away when I was at home. But I live in WI and he was in Florida. My dad was there, but I never got to say goodbye. I really miss him. I cry almost everyday.

  • Scherrie by Scherrie, Beaumont
  • 12 years ago

I was 2 years old when my grandpa died so that means I never have a chance to say I love you and a chance to say goodbye.. I cry everyday. I just wish I can see him

  • Alice by Alice, Australia
  • 12 years ago

My grandfather, was in a nursing home when he died. When I was really young like 6, he got dementia. So I never remember him without it. My dad went once a week to feed him and so did some of his siblings. When he got really bad with a second illness, we all knew this was it, that he was going to die. I was going to go see him with the rest of the family but I just couldn't go, I was going be in tears the whole time. The last time I saw him was about 3 or 4 years before his death and I am kicking myself that I didn't go. That's why the poem applies to me, I never got to say goodbye, never got that final hug, never got the final kiss. Thank you to Emilee, the author of this poem

  • Amy by Amy, Fort Wayne USA
  • 12 years ago

My Grandpa died on 10-13-2010 at the age of 87. He had Alzheimer's disease and the last words he said to me was...... pretty pretty girl and he gave me a kiss. I remember the phone call a few nights later I was up in my room coloring a picture for him and the rest of my sibling were sleeping plus my dad. I heard my mom start to cry a littlie because she was on the computer then she came upstairs and told my dad what was going on.

  • Salma Flores by Salma Flores, Los Angeles
  • 12 years ago

The same thing happened with my grandfather. He was diagnosed with cancer in the pancreas February, 1, 2012.I remember crying soo much that day. We were super close. He taught me to walk and went everywhere with me. He would go to the hospital a lot and come back fast. The nurses never tried to helped. We watched him suffer for a long time at home. It hurt. A lot.In an oxygen tank day and night. He couldn't talk. February 21, 2012 was a life-changing day. I remember getting home that day. A hospital ambulance was there. They loaded my grandpa and I told them to take very good care of him. He was going to a senior hospital for 3 weeks to be cured. That night, 7:00, we got a heart-stabbing phone call. My grandpa had died. I felt my life flash in my eyes. He was gone. I cried so much. We were invited to see him. We arrived at 8:00pm and I remember walking into the room. I was drowning in tears. The doctor patted my back and said "sorry for your loss." I remember softly saying "me too" and walking to my grandpa. I soothed him and kissed him a lot. I miss him to this day. I'll never get over him. I pray every night. I love him so much. My 13th birthday is in 4 days. It rips to know he won't be here, other than my heart. I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH GRANDPA. ...RIP...

  • Jess by Jess, England
  • 12 years ago

I am 4500 miles away from my family and cannot attend my grandfathers funeral on Monday. I hadn't seen him since January and this poem is exactly how I feel.

  • Mikayla by Mikayla, Peshtigo
  • 13 years ago

My grandpa died the 15th and it's been very hard. I am 13 and I knew I couldn't go to the house to see him because I would be to sad :( and now I wish I could of done that. I really wasn't close to him because it was my moms boyfriends dad. I take him as my papa because I love him like my papa. and this poem really umm.... says what I really could or should of done

  • Melissa by Melissa, FL
  • 14 years ago

I just lost my grandfather nine days ago. My parents moved us over 1,000 miles from the rest of my family when I was a child and as an adult could not afford to travel back. I had only seen him twice in the last 15 years. This poem is exactly how I feel.

  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn, Mb
  • 14 years ago

Wow, I understand where you are comming from. This is a very good poem, I think. My Grandpa passed away when I was out at my nephew's birthday party, and me and my parents, and my 2 sisters, were there when my dad got the call that my mom's dad passed away. We were always close, and we knew that the time was comming, but that doesn't stun the shock and everything that goes through your mind when you learn that your grandpa passed away. My dad had to drive 2 hours to tell my brother before someone else did. My mom, and one of my sisters, drove 2 hours to the hospital to be with the rest of the family. My other sister didn't get a chance to be with the whole family. Our family was close before, but that day, our family was closer than ever. I am never going to be able let go, I love my grandpa so much, and miss him so much.

  • Marcie by Marcie, Baltimore Maryland
  • 15 years ago

Hey, I know how you feel I'm still not over my grandfather death and he been gone for like 5 years now. I was in school when my grandfather died. I didn't have the chance to say bye to him and to tell him that I love him and its hard for me to think of him. Me and my grandfather were soo close. He was my hero, my bestfriend. Just stay strong and keep your head up and know that he's watching down on you keeping you safe :)

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