Grandfather Death Poem

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am 24 years old, and I lost my granddad on July 26, 2007, to cancer. Growing up, I wasn't really as close to my granddad as I was to my Nan, but over the last few years I did get really close to him. He only found out he had cancer about 10 weeks before he went, and my Nan spent the last 4 weeks of his life looking after him because she wouldn't allow him to go in hospice because he wouldn't have wanted to. The cancer robbed him of his pride and dignity then eventually his life. He just seemed to give up when he was fitted with a colostomy bag. He told me the day before he went that he was ready. I believe I am truly blessed to have had him in my family.

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My grandad became ill very suddenly in the Summer of 2018, as I was taking my GCSES. It was a very hard time because he was in and out of the hospital all the time. When returning home from...

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Goodbye, Granddad

Sarah Harrison © more by Sarah Harrison

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2009 with permission of the Author.

Heaven has received another angel,
The night sky another star.
Your life has become a loving memory.
I know you will never be far.

I know you are watching over me
As my life goes on.
I will treasure the memories I have of you.
I can't believe you're gone.

You were a loving, caring granddad.
You were there for me a lot.
You will always hold a place in my heart,
A loving, treasured spot.

You were really one in a million,
A cut above the rest.
All who knew you would agree.
You simply were the best.

So, Granddad, I will say goodbye.
I love and miss you with all my heart,
But as long as I have my loving memories,
We will never be too far apart.


more by Sarah Harrison

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Millie Toal by Millie Toal
  • 5 years ago

My grandad became ill very suddenly in the Summer of 2018, as I was taking my GCSES. It was a very hard time because he was in and out of the hospital all the time. When returning home from the hospital, he started to be on the road to improvement and was very strong until around Christmas this year. Then, he was in and out of different hospitals, under medication, and it was very hard for my family. This Friday, my grandad took his last breath whilst holding my mum and auntie's hand and having, what they didn't know would be their last conversation. His death was so sudden. It still breaks my heart. I am his oldest grandchild, and I'm reading this at his funeral. Thank you.

So sorry for your loss. I really hope my poem helped in some way xxxx

Thank you so much guys. It has made my day reading these stories, knowing that I have helped people grieve for their loved ones. As you can all probably tell, I haven't been on this site for over 4 years. I only logged back on as my sisters shared my poem to Facebook. I was so surprised to log on, see the stories and how many rates, votes, and shares I have. I'm truly overwhelmed!

  • Jenna Liddle by Jenna Liddle
  • 7 years ago

This poem is so close to home. I lost my grandad to cancer, and he was my best friend. It's been almost 2 years and I'm still struggling to grieve. My mom didn't tell me or let me see how much he poorly he had gotten. I went from seeing him play in the garden with me to the last time I saw him, in a hospital when he didn't recognize me and couldn't speak. I know my mom only did this to protect me, but I'm struggling to grieve as I feel I could have been closer with him in his last days.

  • SaminaMumtaz by SaminaMumtaz
  • 8 years ago

"My Hero Grandfather"

Oh, my Grandpa,
Where are you now?
Come back to me.
Look, you are in my heart.
Look, my Grandpa,
There is nothing but you.
Silence of my heart, Grandpa.
Look, there is nothing but you.

  • Claire by Claire
  • 10 years ago

I just wanted to say this poem really touched me and my family when we read it after our Grandad sadly passed away. Thank you for these beautiful words.

Wow thank you everyone for your comments. I haven't been on here in years as I couldn't remember what site I put the poem on. I love writing and poetry is a really big passion of mine. Thank you all for sharing your stories of how my poem helped you. I have wrote more and will share them on this site.... again thank you all xx

  • Tamika-Leeigh by Tamika-Leeigh, Emerald
  • 11 years ago

My Granddad passed away this morning of unknown causes and the funeral is already being arranged. Because I am the oldest grandchild I need to make a speech. I didn't know what to say but your poem helped bring my feelings to the surface. I am sorry for your loss and know the pain of losing a beloved family member.

  • Ireland by Ireland
  • 12 years ago

Hello, my grandad died 20 years ago tomorrow and I was looking for a poem tat I could use for his anniversary and this poem is the perfect one. Thank you for sharing it.

  • Sue Land by Sue Land
  • 12 years ago

My 4 year old daughter lost her beloved grandad today after a year long battle with leukemia , I cannot find the words at the moment to actually tell her that he has died but I am finding strength in reading your poem. He was such a huge part of her life and the hole left behind will be massive but he will leave a legacy of love in her heart which I will keep alive x

  • Kacey Mitchell by Kacey Mitchell, Muskegon Michigan
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my grandpa yesterday due to cancer he fought for 5 years and he finally lost the battle. I have had the honor of knowing my grandpa for 24 years and getting to know what a great man he was and is. He will always be in my heart and in my dreams. Oh how much I miss him. I moved in with him in 2011 before I had my son and he got the chance to watch his final great grand child grow up and turn 1 years old. He had such a great personality and a funny sense of humor. He had such a great heart and loved his family more then anything. family meant everything to him. He held on as long as he could and I thank GOD that I got 24 years with him. I LOVE you so much grandpa and will miss you so much

  • Joyce by Joyce, Manila Philippines
  • 12 years ago

Hi! I just lost my grandpa last March 24 and it's father's day today so I search for a message or poem for him , a message that will truly say what my heart really wanted to tell him and I found this! Thank you for posting it.. it's really hard to move when you lost someone you truly loved, someone that has been your hero all your life, someone who took care of you since you we're a little girl, I love my grandpa he's my IDOL...!!!

  • England by England
  • 12 years ago

I lost my grandad to cancer 3 days ago now, everyone one has been asked to write a little something, whether its feelings or just memories, but I was having a little bit of trouble, because I could go on for ages, so I decided to look at poems to try help me out and then I saw this and it touched me so much, I feel like it makes so much sense for my grandad, so I'd just like to say thank you for your inspiration and I'm sorry for your loss

  • Kirsten by Kirsten
  • 13 years ago

Hello I lost my grandfather to cancer too, now I have a reason to cry, it really hit me, I am try to cope with it but every time a holiday comes up, its sad and emotional, cause he's not there, I wish they'd find a cure to cancer already. its hard to watch someone go through all there, he was a really strong and wonderful guy, he was in world war two, he lived a great life. Grandfathers are really the best :D

  • Bobbie by Bobbie
  • 14 years ago

I really miss my grandpa he died today and I told him I'd never leave him behind and all I know is he's not going to be in pain anymore and I know he'll be in a really really better place and will take and give my grandpa a pair of wings and grandpa will fly to a place were he's loved

  • Keith by Keith, Northern Ireland
  • 14 years ago

I lost my hero to cancer yesterday... I'm desperate to find the strength to speak at the funeral, and I'm finding inspiration in your beautiful words... thank you so much.

  • Beth by Beth, Manchester
  • 14 years ago

My grandad passed away 2 days ago, I want to say a poem but didn't know if I could do it, but looking at this poem I think I could do it for my grandad. It is lovely.

  • Belize by Belize
  • 14 years ago

My papa passed away 5 day ago and they wanted me to say a poem . I'm not very talented so I was looking for a poem online. I say this poem and it's exactly how I feel about papa. You're a very talented poet

  • Sheryl by Sheryl, New Zealand
  • 14 years ago

My grandfather just passed away 11 hours ago and I am going to say a speech or poem at his funeral and came across Sarah's poem and it is just beautiful and so true of any special grandfather. Has given me inspiration to try and write my own. Thank you

  • New Brunswick Canada by New Brunswick Canada
  • 14 years ago

My Papa passed away June 26,2010 after a 5 month battle with pancreatic cancer. This poem was is how I'm feeling and the other grandchildren as well.

  • Virginia by Virginia, NH
  • 14 years ago

My Papa just passed away and I loved him very much. I wanted to be able to honor his memory but I'm not much of a writer. I saw this poem and it was exactly what I was feeling. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone you are very talented and I am also sorry for your loss.

  • Danielle by Danielle, Kissimmee Fl
  • 14 years ago

My grandpa just passed away a week ago and I could think of anything to say at his funeral so I began to read poems. I came across this one and it inspired me. Thank you so much!

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