Grandfather Death Poem

A few weeks ago my very much loved Poppy died of lung cancer. It all happened so fast, as if I blinked and he was gone. So I decided to write this poem for him to let him know how I feel. I know before he died hearing that a song was made for him made him so glad; we sang it at his funeral. I thought I would make him even happier by writing him a poem. I love you so much, Poppy, and we will always be together. Love, Kyra xxx

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My grandfather died from a heart attack. He always loved me and was a very good man. I miss you and love you. You're always in our hearts.

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Together Yet Apart

© more by Kyra Lee

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

It's gotten harder and harder
since the day you went away
but still people keep telling me
everything shall be okay

I know deep inside
that it's better up there
but we're not together
which makes it unfair

Seems like yesterday
that we were together
then I opened my eyes
to realize gone means forever

It hurts and it aches
it's slicing my heart
for the rest of my life
we shall be apart

I'm waiting for the future
hoping to see
that when I die
You'll open up those gates for me

Having a Poppy
with a heart made of gold
is my favorite treasure
which will never grow old

Family reunions
will never be the same
'cause you're not there with us
to be stronger I aim

Your chair at the table
is empty and cold
you need to come home
I need someone to hold

Now that you're gone
I have no one to run to
Am I doing this right
please send me a clue

I don't understand
the meaning of life
I can't get this right
Keep getting in strife

Do you know
How much we all love you
Do you realize
How much I trust You

You're officially gone
But forever in my heart
You and me Poppy
together, yet apart


more by Kyra Lee

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Barot Trushang Nilesh Bhai by Barot Trushang Nilesh Bhai
  • 8 years ago

My grandfather died of a heart attack. He always loved me, and he was a very good man. I miss and love you. You're always in our hearts.

  • Barot Trushang Nilesh Bhai by Barot Trushang Nilesh Bhai
  • 8 years ago

My grandfather died from a heart attack. He always loved me and was a very good man. I miss you and love you. You're always in our hearts.

  • Roky by Roky, Middlesex
  • 10 years ago

My granddad died of heart cancer in January and it felt like I lost part of me. This poem is so lovely and it sums up how I feel perfectly.

  • Gavin by Gavin, Cambridgeshire
  • 10 years ago

My Granddad passed away yesterday after a short fight against Cancer. Looking for something to read at his funeral next week I stumbled upon this poem... Perfect, thank you!

I'm now off to get some more tissues!

  • Michigan by Michigan
  • 11 years ago

This Piece was very touching. Your poem is exactly how my grandfather died. He died of lung cancer and heart problems. He died in March 30 2010.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 12 years ago

My poppy died 49 years ago today. I was 6 and now I'm 55. I miss him. He died of lung cancer and heart problems. There is no one like him. Thanks for sharing your poem.

  • Lani by Lani, California
  • 12 years ago

This poem moved me so much because I've lost my grandfather 7 years ago and I have always wished that he was here with me every second. He was like my father he gave me the love that my own father can't give me. Every night I cry wishing he was here but see they can't come back. :'(

  • Tina by Tina, Kentucky
  • 12 years ago

My grandfather died back in June. He did died of lung cancer, he was 82 years of age. I have lost loved ones before and the hardest was him. I still have not completely accepted his death. I came across this poem and it just pegged it. This poem touched me deep in my heart and on a spiritual level. I, myself, write poems and nothing I wrote for his death seemed satisfying, this poem is great. I know it hurts to have a loved one taken from anyone, and I know this poem helped me, and I know its going to help others.

  • Chelsia by Chelsia, Maryland
  • 12 years ago

This touched me majorly! My Poppie died of lung cancer August 2003. I was young and don't remember a whole lot but it still hurts. It does get easier though and there are little things that happen that remind me that he is still watching me and guiding me along the way.

  • Helen by Helen, New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem, it describes my feelings for my Popsey or poppy as I called him both. Touched my heart. He is being buried in 3 days after fighting aspestosis (lung cancer) for 15 months. He had an awesome quality of life for almost 92 years, even climbing trees! I miss him very much as we were best friends. Thank you so much for your writing talent and I'm so happy others seem to have found comfort in your poem. :)

  • Phillip by Phillip, New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

I lost my grandfather it will be ten years in September. He was my best friend the only father I ever had He used to smoke and died of lung cancer. I wish I had time again with him and see him smile again, but I know one day I will see him again and we can be together forever in happiness. R.I.P Grandpa I love so much and I miss you more than all the stars in the sky.

  • Paige Rhyl by Paige Rhyl
  • 13 years ago

Hey everyone I'm Paige and my granddad passed away in June 2011. He died at home he died of cancer. I miss him loads his laugh and his smile is still here today with me. I don't understand why god took him. I heard god only takes the good and that must be why I miss him so much. His laugh his smile and his hugs. I love you granddad R.I.P grandad. I have lived with him since I was 6 months old and now he has gone I feel lonely. I miss you maybe soon god will open them gates for me and till then goodnight and god bless

  • Doncaster by Doncaster
  • 13 years ago

My grandad had cancer but then he died a couple of days after I went to see him. It was only 6 or 7 years ago I really miss him R.I.P grandad miss you loads xxx

  • Nerissa Vaughan. Brynmawr by Nerissa Vaughan. Brynmawr
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touches me as in 2006 I lost my grandpy but really thought he was my father. He died from Lung Cancer.
I wish that was still here but I know when ever I hear the wind whistle it reminds me of him.

  • Serita by Serita, Rocky Mount NC
  • 14 years ago

This touched me as well. My grandfather passed of lung cancer also. He took his last breath the exact same day my grandmother was buried a year before. They raised me & now they are both gone. He is truly missed & THANK YOU so much for writing this heartfelt poem.

  • Alyssa Il by Alyssa Il
  • 14 years ago

This poem has both made me cry and give me hope. Today is the anniversary of my grandpas death. He passed from lung cancer as well. He was my best friend and my superman. This poem has been read by me a million times and each time it makes me cry. RIP grandpa we love you!!!

  • Kassidy by Kassidy
  • 15 years ago

When I saw this poem I couldn't help but to start crying. It was first time I heard someone else call there Grandpa Poppy like my family does. This poem touched my heart very much because I lost my Poppy this past January to Heart and Kidney Failure. I too was very close to my poppy he was my hero.

  • Jordan by Jordan
  • 16 years ago

I lost both of my grandfathers to lung cancer. I read this poem, and am still balling. Knowing, as today is Christmas, they wont be there. I send my condolences as you have the inspiration and the talent to write. I wish I had the same. Best of luck with the healing, its been 2 years for one of my grandfathers, and a year and 7 months for the other one.

  • Grace Wylie by Grace Wylie
  • 16 years ago

Most of us have the experience of losing a loved one. We all understand the pain and darkness of the situation. Although, I do believe that sharing each of our unique experiences could help others who have yet to understand the meaning of loss.

  • Megan Swanepoel by Megan Swanepoel
  • 16 years ago

This poem touched me very deeply, and really does pull at my heart strings. My grandfather, who we too call Poppy was diagnosed with lung cancer 18 months ago. He is still here with us today, but is fading fast for we are living on borrowed time. I am battling to come to terms with his illness and dread the day when he isn't here anymore, this poem does capture many of the feelings I have for my Poppy, we are very close, he and my grandmother live with us and they are more than just grandparents to me.

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