Grandfather Death Poem

Grandfather's Death

For my Grandfather Jack Martin, who I never got a chance to say goodbye to.

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Today I miss you a lot, Dadu, and I'm feeling so guilty that I could not see you one last time. You know what Dadu, after the death of Papa I was upset but never feel alone because you were...

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I Miss You


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

Every day I wonder why
You were taken high up to the sky,
And I didn't get a chance to say goodbye,
I'm sorry.

There are so many things I want to say,
That every night I sit and pray,
Hoping you can hear me say,
I miss you and I love you.

There's so much hurt I feel inside,
And in nobody I can confide,
But I know you are watching over us,
Up above where the angels lie.

You're in our hearts,
And there you'll stay,
And be remembered every day.
Forever I will think of you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Suriya Khazmi by Suriya Khazmi
  • 5 years ago

When I was in year 4, my granddad got beaten up with sticks by his own cousin and then the next day he got shot in the back by the same person who left my granddad for dead in the mosque. Since then, there have been so many family problems, and I see my dad always sad and feeling guilt. Baba, I miss you so much. I love you.

  • Rani Singh by Rani Singh
  • 7 years ago

Today I miss you a lot, Dadu, and I'm feeling so guilty that I could not see you one last time. You know what Dadu, after the death of Papa I was upset but never feel alone because you were always with me. But now I'm totally alone. There is no one to support me or understand me. I can't understand how I can manage our family, especially Dadi. She felt totally alone and helpless. Everyone misses you a lot all the time. Please come back, Dadu, and find a partner like you for me who will support me. I miss you a lot, Dadu.

  • Ajay Singh by Ajay Singh
  • 7 years ago

When I was 12 year old my grandfather had an accident and died. I miss him so much, all day, all night, every day. I was so scared when he left me. I don't know how I can relieve my pain. I'm sorry, Dadi Ji. If you can hear me, I want to say I'm sorry I can't do nothing for you. I miss you and love you.

  • Abu Zafar by Abu Zafar, Banglaesh
  • 7 years ago

The poem is very touching. Sorrow and woe come and go, it's true. A man has no control over it. What a man has to do is to have faith in God. That is the source on getting peace.

  • Molly Lowin by Molly Lowin
  • 8 years ago

When I was seven my grandad died. He supported me through rough times, but when I really needed him he wasn't there. Yes, at his funeral. He died three days after my birthday. I cry every night hoping he will come back.

  • Marnelize by Marnelize
  • 9 years ago

My grandfather died 5 years ago on the 8th of March 2010. I miss him so much. He was always there for me when I needed him. He was a strong man ... 3 weeks after he died my little brother was born so I thank God that he gave me a brother in return for my grandfather that he needed in heaven.

  • Malaysia by Malaysia
  • 10 years ago

I lost my granddad when I was 9. I'm 17 now and I'm still not over it. I miss him so much. I didn't get to say goodbye. He died of lung cancer and didn't tell us till it was at the last few stages that we found out. I want him back. I need him. He was my only friend. I called him Kong Kong. He is my best friend. Kong Kong if you're listening I just need you to know that I miss you so much. And I love you. Please be close to me. I love you.

  • Mahida Hemendrasinh by Mahida Hemendrasinh
  • 11 years ago

Yesterday morning ( Indian time ) 13th March 2014 we lost our grandfather, we loved him so much, and I looked for poems and I found this one, I fell in love with this poem.

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 12 years ago

My grandpa passed away today early in the morning and I wasn't there to say good bye but I'm so glad I got to see him a couple of days ago... my son who is three met his grandpa for the first time in the hospital though with really sucked I wish it didn't have to be that way but now al he does is talk about grandpa.

  • April Tol by April Tol
  • 12 years ago

Tuesday June 26 2012 at 3:45 pm I lost my papa to lung cancer. When I received the news I was miles away, I made it in time. I was looking for a great poem to read at his funeral, I came upon this great one. Love you Papa and miss you.

  • Serenity by Serenity, Baltimore Md
  • 12 years ago

I was 13 years old when I lost my grandfather. He died when I was in school I never got to say goodbye I did everything with him he took me to and from school he is still my role model and he'll always be my bestfriend and grandfather it's been 6 years he has been gone and everyone says it gets easier no it's harder I still miss him like crazy and it's not a day that I don't think of him <3

  • Kiran by Kiran, Uk
  • 13 years ago

Hi. My name's Kiran. My pops (mum's dad) dies when my mum was pregnant with me but my dad's dad was alive and well in India when my mum gave birth to me. I first met my grandpa (papa as we call him) when I was 5 years old. he was amazing. he always used to spoil us rotten. I only ever got to meet my papa Ji 6 times in my life and I regret not letting him know how much he was loved. He died 17/03/2011 and the anniversary of his death is coming up. Don't let your loved one's not know they are loved. Before it's too late and they're gone. I don't want you to be in the same situation because it is a painful one

  • Clarksville by Clarksville, TN
  • 13 years ago

My grandpa passed away when I was about 5 years old. They say that kids don't remember anything about when they were little, but I remember everything, how he used to play with us, he use to talk to us all the time and he would always take me with him where ever he went. I never got to say good bye cause my parents felt that it wasn't a good idea for my brother, my sister, and me to be at the funeral. I'm 26 years old now and I still miss him very much because he was my best friend. Thank you for sharing this poem. Just a little advise, if anyone ever feels that your children shouldn't be there for their grandparents funeral, please think twice, cause I promise that's something they will never forget.

  • Pia Prudente by Pia Prudente
  • 13 years ago

I lost my grandfather last week, on a Sunday.. he died of a dissecting aneurysm and although I'm a doctor, I could not prevent it from happening.. I'm close to my grandfather, couldn't imagine life without him.. we love him so much and he was the best grandfather.. I already miss his smile, his text.. we haven't even said goodbye because at a snap of a finger, at a blink of an eye, we lost him forever

  • Madison Tia by Madison Tia
  • 14 years ago

Only this morning, when I came home from a friends house, I was told about my dear Grandfather passing earlier this morning. Now, as I read these different poems for the funeral, I can barley see the screen because tears cloud my vision. The last time I saw him was 4 days before he passed. I never thought that I would be saying goodbye forever. It's still hard to process, but I know I have to do it.

  • Haylee by Haylee
  • 14 years ago

I recently lost my grandpa who has been suffering way to long. I have not seen him in over a year and I did not get to say my last goodbye to him before he passed away. I love and miss him a lot. There is not a day that goes by where I do not think about him. I'm sorry for your loss. At least we have angels watching over us

  • Susan by Susan, Philadelphia PA
  • 14 years ago

I liked your poem. I lost my grandfather 23 years ago and the words were very touching. Not only did this poem make me think of my grandfather, it also made me think of my grandmother, who passed away 5 months ago.

  • Laura. B by Laura. B Poet
  • 15 years ago

Thank you all for reading my poem. I am so glad it has been of some use to you.

Laura B

  • keisha by keisha
  • 15 years ago

I lost my grandad on Sunday and I was looking for poems and this one makes a lot of sense as I never got to say bye :( and it hurts doesn't it x

  • andrea by andrea
  • 16 years ago

I lost my grandfather, and I was looking for a poem to read at his memorial service, and I absolutely love this one, I find it so sweet and caring. Very nice to whom ever wrote this.

  • charles kozlowsky by charles kozlowsky
  • 16 years ago

I am doing a eulogy for my grandfather who just passed away and wanted a poem, besides the words I had written already when I came across this one it touched my heart and I will read it tomorrow at his funeral. Thank you so much for publishing it, it will live in my heart forever

  • Jason Ross Koblogina by Jason Ross Koblogina
  • 16 years ago

I recently lost my grandfather, I loved him so much, and I looked for poems to read for the funeral and I found this one, I fell in love with this poem.

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