Grandfather Poem

Poem About The Bond With A Grandpa

This is the story of the bond I had with my grandfather before he died. When he died a little piece of me died, too.

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I read this poem at my grandfather's funeral and it was so perfect. This perfectly describes my grandfather and how he loved me and the entire family. I wish I would have found it before he...

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The Way We Were Our Bond

© more by Sinead Harris

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

Beautiful blue eyes with serenity of the sea,
Reflection of the skies on a bright and sunny day,
My little hand in yours, my protector and my guide,
Don't walk too fast, Granddad, for I am by your side.

My eyes are your eyes and your heart is my heart,
We share so much likeness we were never apart,
You would tell me your stories of the Vietnam War,
I felt all that pain as the enemies kept score.

Big strong shoulders not just to carry me but to carry the world too,
The strength inside of you for all you went through,
The peace you gave me knowing you would always love me,
And the kindness and happiness you gave me and I gave you.

No fear do you have or grudges do you hold, my big strong hero
So brave and so bold, a firm hand to hold me, a firm word shows the way
Your little girl forever; it's the way it will always stay

The bond that we have I have never seen or felt before
My face would light up when you would walk through the door
You tucked me in bed then turned off the light but I wasn't scared
Of the shadows in the night

For I knew it was you keeping watch over me, no harm and no badness
Would you let me see, safe in your arms untouchable it seems
After God took you away it was all in my dreams
And all that is left are my memories of you
I know you are with me and in my heart; I'm with you too.

Beautiful blue eyes with serenity of the sea,
Reflection of the sky's reflections of me,
My little hand in yours, my protector and my guide,
Don't walk too fast, Granddad, for I am by your side.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Keiwana by Keiwana, Michigan
  • 9 years ago

I read this poem at my grandfather's funeral and it was so perfect. This perfectly describes my grandfather and how he loved me and the entire family. I wish I would have found it before he died so I could read it to him. So I'm going to read it everyday until I know he heard it. Thank you for these words. :)

  • Elsa Rosenfeld by Elsa Rosenfeld
  • 11 years ago

Wow. Excellent. I never knew my grandparents but reading this poem made me feel like I really missed something in life!

  • Cotton Plant by Cotton Plant, AR
  • 11 years ago

Well today I grieve and cry of a very special person that I lost. On Saturday morning and that is my grandpa I speak of he died in a hospital in Memphis due to his heart. his heart was too weak and that he couldn't breath, well my auntie was there with him she told him she was fine go and get something to eat, the moment she left out the moment his blood pressure dropped super low, so this weekend has been very heart breaking for me and my family. I think about him every single day and cry because all I think about is the memories we shared.

  • Gia by Gia, California
  • 12 years ago

I've been wanting to give a speech on my grandfather, I hope my using your poem was okay with you - I gave you credit. Any way I broke out crying half way through because of how much the poem actually expressed me.

  • Fiona by Fiona, Australia
  • 14 years ago

Amazing writing, the words were so deep and reminded me of my granddad. Tears were running down my cheeks, I just want to thank you for posting this poem. It's a beautiful poem that I am sure to remember.

  • K by K, England
  • 14 years ago

Hello there,

Can't I just say what a beautiful poem this is. Grand fathers are such amazing people that I don't believe you can ever get over losing when you are lucky enough to share such a strong bond.

Thank you for giving me some lovely ideas as after losing him this morning my head is not exactly with it.

Thank you again.

  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 15 years ago

OMG!!!! this is ABSOLUTELY fricken amazing!!!! I honestly mean that! It made me bawl my eyes out!!! This describes my feelings about my grandpas recent passing!!!!!! I really did love it! Thank you for allowing me to read it!!

~Hannah :)

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