Addiction Poem

Fighting with dope, fighting against a demon

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Tasting the soft ashes in an ashtray was my first known addiction. Innocently I remember if I could just make it to where it always was to be found I knew that taste would be waiting....

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Icy Hell

© more by S Raine

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

Looking forward with fear I stare.
I face the mirror to see there.
I've lost my family, my friends are few.
You've controlled my life but now I'm through.
I'm finally strong enough to fight.
By myself I'll make this right.
I've lived in hell with my demon.
I've done your deeds, a life of scheming.
All I've loved I've lost, no hope.
All that's left is you and dope.
Seeing life smoked through a glass
To erase the memories from my past.
With every hit I kept you strong.
I've stayed weak for far too long.
I'm taking back all you stole.
My life, my love, my world, my soul.
Today's the day I leave this jail.
So take your demon and go to hell.


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  • Thomas by Thomas, Turbeville
  • 10 years ago

Tasting the soft ashes in an ashtray was my first known addiction. Innocently I remember if I could just make it to where it always was to be found I knew that taste would be waiting. Happily making it to my destiny I greedily would put both of my little hands into the bowl of that distinguished flavor. Are you able to picture a toddler whom was seemingly left alone to explore what my surroundings had to offer? I moved onto a new addiction, again the container that held my curiosity contained another flavor that it seemed in my little unknowing, learning mind to grab hold of my innocence. Sulphur. The matches that always shared the container. I still have that taste in my mouth. Not until I wrote these few lines that I went all the way back to my was only a little baby who wanted love...

I love poems about recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. While in treatment in 1990 I also wrote a goodbe poem to my drug of choice.(Cocaine) Till this day "Goodbye Mister Cocaine" remains one of my favorite poems. Keep up the good work and keep telling your disease to go to Hell

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