Addiction Poem

Battling Alcoholism

After battling Alcoholism for more then 20 years, I just woke up one morning and decided that I'd had enough.

It was then that I sat down and wrote this poem. I haven't touched a drop since.
That was 7 years ago...................

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I really enjoyed reading this, it made me reflect back to what I have done to my son. My life is so much better today. I have been 14 months sober from alcoholism. Thank you for letting me...

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© more by Shirley J. Stankiewicz

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

(Ode to Alcohol)
The queasy feeling in my stomach
The pounding in my head
The only thoughts in my mind
Were wishing I was dead

My forehead covered in cold sweats
Body shakes beyond control
The endless aching in my bones
As you consumed my very soul

The minutes turned into hours
The hours turned into days
suddenly, every moment that I ever lived
Was just a smoke filled haze

As I watched my body waste away
And my life slowly coming to an end
I realized. That I was wrong
You're the devil & not my friend

So, I'm taking back what's left of my life
Not one more second will you dominate
I'll bet the strength that lives in me
You didn't anticipate

Cast you spell on someone else
Find another unsuspecting prey
I came to live, NOT to die
And my life begins TODAY...


more by Shirley J. Stankiewicz

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Karen Johnson by Karen Johnson
  • 3 years ago

Frustrated by all the delusions stuck in my head. They cannot escape. There is no outlet for them. They have no air. They cannot breathe. I am suffocating in my own head. Where has my life gone? Alcohol is here for me. Alcohol helped me. Alcohol hurt me. Alcohol won. There is no turning back now. Three days without a drink. Pressure all around. Neighbors. So called "friends". Let's have a drink, they say. Is that all I'm good for? Good time girl? I am tired. Tired of it. Probiotic drinks today. Need energy. Energy to fight. Maybe, just maybe, I can fight off what I already know has taken over. Shame. Shame is overwhelming. Too numb to cry. Need to cry. Need to rid my body of all the toxins. Need to sweat. Need something. Anything. Help. Scrambled phrases, scrambles words. Like I see in my head every waking moment... Help.

  • Katherine by Katherine, SJ
  • 13 years ago

You feel pain? Guess what? Everyone does.
You want to drink? Guess what? I don't want you to.
You're drinking? Guess what? You're also screaming and hurting me.
You're in pain from your hangover? Guess what? I'm in pain from last night too.
You forgot what you did to me last night? Guess what? I'll always remember.
You're sorry? Guess what? Never in my life will I ever forgive you. You do this almost every night since I was a baby, twelve years ago. You promise me you will stop but instead you drink on my birthday. You have brought evil to my spirit. And even now you stumble into my room and call me a few choice words. I just hope you read this someday and look past your greediness, selfishness, and pain to finally see me, your child you have tormented for the past twelve years, mom.

  • Tim Reckley by Tim Reckley
  • 8 years ago

I really enjoyed reading this, it made me reflect back to what I have done to my son. My life is so much better today. I have been 14 months sober from alcoholism. Thank you for letting me read this. I recently just started reading poems tonight and what a relief it is for me.

  • Carmen by Carmen, FL
  • 14 years ago

I have struggled with a life long addiction of a different sort, but this poem from someone who has struggled with it for 20 years and then overcame it and able to share it 7 years later is life altering to me. It has made me change my perspective to realize this "friendly" addiction is actually the devil- my enemy.
Thank you Shirley for your courage and for this poem.

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