Grandfather Death Poem

Poem For My Granddad Who Died

I wrote this poem for my granddad who died on the 6th march 2009. He had been in hospital for over 8 weeks; he got pneumonia and then lost his swallowing reflex and could not eat. We did not expect him to pass away because he had had an operation to fit a peg in his stomach so he could be eat, and he was doing fine. But he died that Friday unexpectedly, and by the time we got to the hospital he had passed away. I wrote this poem to be said at his funeral, and I know he now watches over and takes care of us all.

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My grandfather died this evening, and this poem touched me so much that I am going to share it with my family. I didn't know him too well. We grew apart as I got older. He moved away abroad...

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Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

We know you can no longer stay with us,
you fought long and hard to be with us.
We know you now watch over and protect us.
Although we cannot hear your voice or see your smiling face,
We know deep down in our hearts that you have not left us.
Instead every day you surround us with the singing of the birds,
the rising of the sun and the falling of night.
So many broken hearts are left behind,
But in our deepest despair our greatest comfort lies knowing
that you are now at peace with the angels and God.
So as times passes our tears will dry,
our hearts will mend,
but our love for you will never end.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nat by Nat
  • 7 years ago

My grandfather died this evening, and this poem touched me so much that I am going to share it with my family. I didn't know him too well. We grew apart as I got older. He moved away abroad and I never got a chance to say goodbye. I will miss him dearly as he was always around when I was younger and I have so many happy memories from back then. Thank you for writing this poem.

  • Demi by Demi
  • 10 years ago

My grandad passed away nearly a year ago as he chocked on some food and died! I didn't get a chance to say goodbye and that really hurts me as I loved my grandad so much. I know he's watching over me and keeping an eye on me.

  • Caitlin by Caitlin, WA
  • 10 years ago

My Pop just died a few days ago and his story sounds very similar to yours. He was in a hospital for a few weeks then he developed problems with his liver and also got pneumonia. He died three days ago and it's really hard but also nice to know that he is with God now.

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 11 years ago

My grandpa died of pneumonia. It's a horrible thing he also had lung cancer with it which made it a lot worse and I like your poem a awful lot it helps me get through tough times and I read this at his funeral and everyone loved it thank you very much

  • Samantha by Samantha, Pennsylvania
  • 12 years ago

My grandfather passed away on July 23, 2012. No one thought he was going to pass away that day but he did. I was at his house just 3 hours before he died and he was fine we were joking around and playing games, but he took my cousins to the pool and he started having heart pain. When he got the hospital he died 2 hours later. I miss him so much and I wanted to read a poem at his funeral but I didn't know what to write and this poem gave me good ideas.

  • Abby by Abby
  • 12 years ago

My grandfathers passed away three months apart from each other witch is really hard still even thought it was back in January and March. I still can't believe they are gone and it hurts me still too this day to know they are gone even thought they are my angels looking down and watching me :)

  • Emily by Emily, California
  • 12 years ago

My grandfather passed away a couple days ago. It has been very hard on all of us, and I have been asked to give a speech at his funeral. I am writing a poem of my own, and the last three lines of your poem really touched me. I was wondering if I could use them in my own? I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

  • Helen Parker by Helen Parker, Wirral
  • 12 years ago

I have been searching for a poem to give me some comfort after the loss of my grandad last week. This poem really touched me. It wasn't until after reading the poem did I read Fiona's story and realized how my grandad passed away in the exact same way in the exact same time frame. Thank you for letting me share this, it really does help when I read it.

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