Grandfather Death Poem

My Grandfather passed away 2nd July 2009. I have never written a poem before nor would I know how to start another one, but for some reason I had this in my head and wrote it down. I have to be honest, the last line is something I have heard before, but I thought it was so beautiful, I had to use it.

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Goodbye Pop


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

Pop was a man who would share and joke,
But for him everyone was a bleedin' bloke.
His family made him so happy and proud,
Everyone he met he would tell them aloud.
You have left so many happy thoughts in my heart,
I am still finding it hard to believe we are now apart.
If I were given one wish what would it be?
It would be for you to be here for one more day with your family
I am heartbroken that you are no longer here.
When I think of you, I will always shed a tear.
People tell me in time the pain will stop,
But I will always miss the times I had with my dearest Pop,
And now it is time for us to say goodbye,
He will be looking down on us, wishing us not to cry,
But this I will say to Pop as a guarantee,
In our heart's a memory, and there you'll always be.

Love you Pop


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