Cancer Poem

Poem About Struggling With Mom's Cancer Diagnosis

I wrote this poem during my first visit with my mother after learning a few days before Christmas that she has Stage IV kidney cancer. I do not live in the same state as my mother, but spent the Christmas holiday with her. During our time together, I struggled with a range of emotions. I wanted to be a source of support for my mother, and yet I was still digesting the news and trying to come to terms with it.

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I had a beautiful, loving, great marriage for 26 years to my husband. His name was Rick and he was 58 years old. I lost him to Esophageal and Spinal Cancer 5 years ago. I still feel like it...

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

Emotion. Less.
A tall order of contradictions
Conversation -
But not too much
I am touched
I smile
Trying not to display pity or pain
A mission impossible:
Be her brave and silent warrior
As she fights
The battle of her lifetime
I come up short
Faith floundering
Fear overflowing


visit Dr. Jamie Y. Marable's site

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  • Bonnie Posey by Bonnie Posey
  • 7 years ago

I had a beautiful, loving, great marriage for 26 years to my husband. His name was Rick and he was 58 years old. I lost him to Esophageal and Spinal Cancer 5 years ago. I still feel like it was yesterday. Sometimes I can feel he's watching me. And to see me so sad would break his heart. I promised him I would be happy again. But how can I be happy when I can't let him go? He passed away at home in my arms. I swear I felt his wings spread and he flew away. I am lost. I miss him so much that my soul hurts! It was him, it should have been me. But I know that wasn't God's plan.
How do you go on? Hour by hour. I hear that time is my best friend. It's been five years. My heart is in pieces all over the floor. I don't think I can ever pick them up. I don't want another man. No man can ever take his place!!! I sit here all day and night and write poetry. That helped for a while. But the memories and broken heart always comes back. I pray that nobody goes through this.

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