Cancer Poem

Baby With Cancer Poem

I wrote this poem after my son was diagnosed at 4 with a rare brain stem cancer. As a mom, this was MY WISH

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My son was 9 years old when he was diagnosed with Meduallblastoma stage 4. He went through radiation. At Age 16 1/2 it came back from radiation on his spine glioblastoma (inoperable). Sadly,...

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My Wish


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

My wish this year
Is for you to remain here
I wouldn't know what to do
If forced to lose you

That beautiful smile on your face
Always illuminates a gloomy place
The love that you show me
The way you try to make me see

You will always be my baby boy
That sparkle in your eyes gives me joy
Holding you from the moment you were born
Memories will be comfort, when it's time to mourn

When it's time for you to leave
It will be hard for me to believe
I hope you will feel my last touch
Baby boy, I will miss you so much

If I have to say goodbye
All I will do is cry
Watching my little boy go
My heart will ache with sorrow

When you're gone watch over me
Baby boy make me see
The wings that you earn,
and also the message, I need to learn

My wish this year
Is for you to remain here
I wouldn't know what to do
If forced to lose you

My baby boy
I will always love you


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Love by Love
  • 6 years ago

My grandmother had breast cancer, and she died five years ago. She was my favorite, and it was really sad to me. I hate to see other people sad. This poem really touched my heart.

  • Courtney Shaw by Courtney Shaw, Arlington Texas
  • 10 years ago

My nephew Jantzen has brain cancer. He was diagnosed after he turned one and was almost done with his chemo after he turned two they found 14 more tumors. He went back on the chemo and it looked good the tumors were shrinking. Today we found out they have gotten bigger and he has about 6 weeks to live. This poem is perfect thanks

  • Shellie by Shellie
  • 10 years ago

My nephew was diagnosed at 4 weeks old with ALL. He was in remission for a year and a half now at the age of two and a half, he has relapsed. They only were weeks from removing his central port and were talking about giving him his vaccinations. He needs a bone marrow transplant now and we are all praying for a match but we need him back in remission first. I would not want to go through this for anything in the world and thank God every single day for the health of my child. I pray for all of the little souls and their families who are going through and have gone through any of this. It is unimaginable unless it is happening to you.

  • Dawn by Dawn, New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

I was deeply touched by this poem. I too had lost my son at 4 to a brainstem tumor that was to aggressive for chemo or radiation. He was my hero. He was a brave little boy throughout his battle as was your little angel. May god bless you and your family

  • Sister Lydia by Sister Lydia
  • 13 years ago

I buried a child. I would not wish this on my very worst enemy.

  • Andie Marie Stephens by Andie Marie Stephens
  • 13 years ago

I'm so sorry for all of you. I'm only 15- have no children but still feel all the pain all of you are going through. If I could, I would change places with each and every one of you. To take your pain, and suffering away. I know right now it seems hard to see- but everything WILL be better soon. All of your passed love ones are looking over you. Your sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews, granddaughters, and grandsons. They all love you, and know you did everything in YOUR power to keep them living the wonderful lives they were living. It will get better soon enough, but until it does- you're all in my prayers.
<3 Andie

  • Carla by Carla, Australia
  • 13 years ago

This is hard to type as I lost my baby boy last week. His service is on Saturday was not to cancer but still just as hard.

  • Mary-Anne by Mary-Anne
  • 14 years ago

I really like this poem it touched my heart and I can say this cause I lost my dearest grandad from liver cancer and I hate to see people sad about it

  • Jorge Torres by Jorge Torres, California
  • 14 years ago

My son is 17 months old and was just diagnosed with a Anaplastic Ependymoma and we are fighting for his life and your poem touched my heart in so many ways.

  • Danielle Egan by Danielle Egan
  • 15 years ago

I have a Aunt that's fighting pancreas cancer and now I don't what to do she's so scared and so hurt. My family and I are trying so hard to keep her happy and trying to keep that smile on her face and this makes me so sad cause I'm afraid to lose her...but reading this poem made me realize that I should stay strong for my Aunt and that no matter what she will always be with us in our hearts and that she will always be near.

This poem really touched a place in my heart.

  • 15 years ago

My 5 yr old was just diagnosed with a level 4 glioblastoma, a vary rare brain tumor. I'm so sorry to here you are going through such a rough time. Your poem really touched a place in my heart

  • Michelle Hurst by Michelle Hurst
  • 8 years ago

My son was 9 years old when he was diagnosed with Meduallblastoma stage 4. He went through radiation. At Age 16 1/2 it came back from radiation on his spine glioblastoma (inoperable). Sadly, he passed away at age 17 on Jan 26, 2012.

He was the bravest kid I've ever known. He always smiled and not once complained and said why me? Ever since he walked he loved football. Especially U of M. When I lost him, I LOST MYSELF! IT HURT TO LIVE. But today, 5 years later, life is good. He would want that for his family that loved him more than life itself. I will never forget him ever. Love yourself and your kids. You never know when it's the last hug or kiss.

  • stephanie by stephanie
  • 16 years ago

This poem has really made me open my eyes. My boys are healthy thank the Lord, but I'm a full time mom, own a business and my husband is in jail. This has just made me open my eyes and see how in any second your everything can be gone. I would be lost without them so I printed this and I'm going to make it bigger and hang it where I can read it everyday. Thank You and God Bless.

  • 16 years ago

This story has very much touched me. My two year old nephew has leukemia (all) he was doing ok and was in maintenance, but then he almost past because his heart was racing so fast and he almost went into cardiac arrest. But he is doing ok now and we need all the prayers and support for our little man.

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