Depression Poem

Poem Trying To Explain Depression

I've suffered with depression for 4 years, and recently I have found that writing is my way of release. I don't always write about mental health, but I feel my pieces on that subject are my best because I understand my mind better than anything else. I want to help people who are struggling, because even though I don't know what you're going through, I know what it's like to feel scared, trapped and alone.

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This poem really catches something in me. I'm 17 and have struggled with depression since I was around 12. Diagnosed when I was 15 and hospitalized twice for trying to end my life. Depression...

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Demons Inside


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2017 with permission of the Author.

It's hard to explain those
demons inside,
the daily struggle,
the daily ride.

When will they go?
When will they end
these terrible thoughts
that they send?

They make me
hate myself.
They fill my head
with torture and doubt.

I'm tired of crying,
I'm tired of trying,
I wish I could believe
those demons were lying.

It's a constant battle
between them and me.
I just want to end it all
and be free.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Naila A. Rais by Naila A. Rais
  • 7 years ago

I can understand the pain. It's very hard to bear. I loved reading this poem. I feel like I am not alone. There are people who understand, whether they are near by place or by heart. Keep it up. Keep on moving forward.

  • Margaret A. Savage by Margaret A. Savage
  • 8 years ago

Hi - I'm 61 and have had to deal with depression off and on for 30 years. Like you, I have written many poems because I find they help to release feelings that sometimes cannot be explained to others. I related with your poem so much that I may put some of my own on this site. The more people talk and share about depression, the more others can accept that it is (unfortunately) quite common.

  • Emelia M. Stephenson by Emelia M. Stephenson, Fort Madison, IA
  • 8 years ago

This poem really catches something in me. I'm 17 and have struggled with depression since I was around 12. Diagnosed when I was 15 and hospitalized twice for trying to end my life. Depression and the death that I wanted to come with it was never something I feared, and I still don't. But I can honestly say I would never try it again. Depression becomes manageable when you actually see what your almost death does to the people you thought "don't care." I had never seen my dad cry in my entire life, but that day I saw my dad cry, and it was then I knew that dying because I didn't think I could handle my depression isn't what I wanted anymore. I wanted to deal with it, not originally for myself, but because after that I realized there are people who need me here and what use would I be if I wasn't? Don't ever think that no one cares. Don't ever let your depression get the best of you. Don't ever give up the fight for your life, even if you don't want it. You are here, you are important.

  • Autum Rios by Autum Rios
  • 6 years ago

I can't say that I have suffered more than you, but as far as I know, I can't control the thoughts that run through my mind every day. It's hard for me to share this with the people I love and care about, but with people who understand more about this it's better than trying to explain it to people who don't. My life has taken a turn into the darkness, and poetry has gotten me to the point of return. My passion for poetry helped me realize that there are more people in this world that would be horrified and hurt if I would end my life.

  • Somendu Sahoo by Somendu Sahoo, Kolkata, India
  • 8 years ago

I feel sorry for the situation you went through in your life, dear. Now you have realized what the journey a life has. Life is a pendulum between tears & smiles. I salute you for your immediate personal attempt to get back to the complete understanding of life. May God bless you, and I hope that you will write some heart-touching verse. I look forward to reading your poetry. dear.

  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 8 years ago

I was truly touched by your story. I have done the same. I'm 16 and still struggle with depression, but the day I put myself in the hospital and saw my dad cry was the day I knew he needed me. Thank u for sharing your story. It helped me realize I'm not alone.

  • Aimee Jones by Aimee Jones Poet
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry to hear about your journey with depression, I'm glad you understand that people do care because that's a thing that a lot of people don't realize! I hope it all gets better for you!

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