Family Death Poem

Death Of A Cousin

I wrote this poem for my cousin, Debbie Taylor, who was also my teacher at the Christian School I go to. I miss her so much. It just doesn't seem real that she is gone. I prayed for God to help me with my poetry and this one just came pouring out of me. I just wish I had gotten more time with her. I wanted her to see me graduate, get married, have kids, and become a teacher like her. I just wanted one more everything with her. I guess that is why I titled this poem One More.

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Wow. I wrote this poem a few years ago for Debbie. I am so touched by all of your stories and how much you loved my poem. Thank you all so much for the positive feedback. It was a blessing to...

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One More


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

When the sunny skies turn from blue to gray,
I can't help but wonder just what you would say?

I wonder if you know how many lives you have touched.
Do you know that people here love you so much?

Can you even know how many dreams you made come true,
Or if you can hear the voices saying I love you?

Do you know how many lives you have changed
And how many lives you completely rearranged?

I wish I could have just one more year,
Because I can't picture the rest of my life without you here.

Just another chance to spend the night and share a laugh.
Another day of school with you is what I'd like to have.

Do you know you'll be greatly missed by us all?
Just one more time I want to hear your voice when I call.

Just one more laugh, one more time to see you walk through the door.
Another smile, another story, another hug, another day...just one more.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Maranda G. Brice by Maranda G. Brice Poet
  • 12 years ago

Wow. I wrote this poem a few years ago for Debbie. I am so touched by all of your stories and how much you loved my poem. Thank you all so much for the positive feedback. It was a blessing to read this. Y'all are in my prayers and once again thank you.

  • Vinay by Vinay
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin Vishnu on May 6 2012:-( My pain due to his absence is unbearable. We planned so many things together when I last met him. We both stayed in different states In India and I met him last December 2010. I saved all my leaves for more than one year to spend my time with him when he finishes his engineering course. But on a dreadful day I heard that my boy is no more. He was pulled down by death in water. He walked happily out of his home never to return back. I daily regret that I could not even meet him once before he left us. At least once come and share those moments with me. Life is difficult without you here:-(

  • Pembroke Pines by Pembroke Pines
  • 13 years ago

My grandma just died I am 12 she was 68 and she had a hard attack it was soooooo sudden she was doing fine so everyone never knows if you will wake up the next morning. Her funeral is on Sunday and I'm going to read this poem. There will be 368 people there cause she is sooooo very loved but everyone has to go.

  • Trinidad by Trinidad
  • 13 years ago

My brother died at 31 years old, one year ago from a brain tumor. We were looking for a poem for his one year anniversary this one was perfect. Thanks.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Tx
  • 13 years ago

My 15 year old died in a terrible auto accident August 3rd and this poem is perfect for her!

  • Angelica by Angelica, Wisconsin
  • 13 years ago

Last year I lost my great grandmother to lung cancer, so sudden. This year I lost my cousin who just turned 23, 7 days before she passed also of cancer. It's hard to lose one person, to lose another right after never gives you time to recover. It's impossible to do so. Reading this poem, made me cry. It's very beautiful.

  • Indy by Indy, Australia
  • 13 years ago

My mother died 14 days after I was born and my brother had died when I was 7. I read this poem and it made me cry, my dad has a girlfriend who I really don't like. I'm 9 years old right now and I would love to spend the rest of my life with my mum and brother if I could at least have my brother and mother here :( I really love this poem <3
from Indy

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