Family Death Poem

Death Of A Cousin

Dedicated to my cousin, Amanda.
Just 17 years old, texting at the wheel of a car, ran off the road and hit a tree.

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You were only 23 a father, a son, a grandson, a brother, a cousin, and a friend. It was wrong for this to happen to all of us, You were always happy and joking around and had those beautiful...

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© more by Mike Brown

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'll never forget the times we talked,
I'll never forget the secrets.
I keep them in my heart, they're locked,
All the times we shared so happily.

I'll always remember the way you laughed,
Your smile and your scent.
All the times we shared together,
All the times that we spent.

Holiday get togethers will never be the same,
Without you there to share the joy.
To watch the kiddies grow and play
And their excitement of a new toy.

Now that you're gone
All we can do is cry,
Because if love alone could have saved you
You never would have died.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Canton
  • 11 years ago

You were only 23 a father, a son, a grandson, a brother, a cousin, and a friend. It was wrong for this to happen to all of us, You were always happy and joking around and had those beautiful shiny blue eyes that everyone loved. You left us to young to soon in a winter January day. I know that you are at peace now and have no worries but nothing or no one can take the pain away that is inside me but I do know that we will be together again one day.. I miss you so much you just don't know.. I know that you forgive the man who took your life so soon and so wrongfully but I don't think I can forgive him, I know that god had a better plan for you and it wasn't here with us the ones who still shed tears for you and scream out your name, but when I look in the blue sky I see you and your blue eyes shining down and when the wind blows I can feel your gentle hands... We all love and Miss you so very much and may you R.I.P till we are together again in God's kingdom in his Heavenly Mansion.. Elijah!!!

  • Charlie by Charlie, Ireland
  • 12 years ago

My cousin's boyfriend recently passed away,
He was my family, practically my cousin!
He also has a 5 year old daughter that's gonna grow up without a dad that she adored.
Never said it but I only realized how big a part he was to my life!!
This is a really beautiful poem, you be surprised what a few words can do for some people!!

  • Aaliyah by Aaliyah, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

well my cousin was 9 & he died from carbon monoxide & I was really close to him & I wish god didn't take him he didn't even get to live half of his life RIP Farisi Ray Jackson Jr<3 we miss & love you

  • aunt mary by aunt mary
  • 16 years ago

how this has touched our family.
we just lost a seventeen year old young man, that left the road, into a ditch, tree fell and crushed the cab of his truck.
he had just finished texting.

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