Special Friend Poem

Poem About Reuniting With Best Friend

This poem was written for a very special childhood friend that I reconnected with after many years. I was experiencing turmoil from a tragic personal situation, and she was suddenly reintroduced into my life. She is an amazing listener and friend, and I'll love her always. Thank you, Dawn.

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By reading this poem, I was reminded of a time in the past when time and circumstances created a situation where we had to move away from all of the wonderful friends I had made and back to...

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Bonds Of Friendship


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

From the day that I first knew you,
Your heart was pure and kind;
Your smile was sweet and innocent,
Your wit was well refined.

The sparkle in your eyes was keen,
Your friendship fast and real;
Soft words were your virtue,
And humor your appeal.

We grew as friends together,
We laughed and shared our dreams;
Along the way crush or two,
Went unrevealed, it seems.

As years rolled on, our paths were split,
Our roads went separate ways;
We each pursued our interests,
That occupied our days.

We soon forgot our youthful bliss,
Of tender carefree years;
We didn't talk or keep in touch,
Throughout life's pain and tears.

Then my darkest hour came,
And tried me to my core;
To save my heart from ruin,
I closed and locked the door.

Then out of every nowhere,
With precise directed cue;
An old familiar smile,
Came slowly into view.

Although much time was gone,
And the die of fate long cast;
It was as if we hadn't missed,
A second of the past.

You listened with attentive care,
And reassured my mind;
That loving hearts are still alive,
With purpose and design.

Deep inside I've locked way,
Emotions yet untold;
As time goes on, and bonds grow strong,
They will all unfold.

So thank you, friend, for taking time,
To demonstrate your love;
It's yet another blessing that,
I'm undeserving of.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • June E. Schlueter by June E. Schlueter
  • 5 years ago

As I read this poem again, I realized it's a poem that tells a story. I've never written a poem that so beautifully and simply tells a story of an event from beginning to end. I'm going to make that my next challenge. It's a beautiful story to tell - one that many of us go through when losing a friendship.

  • June E. Schlueter by June E. Schlueter
  • 6 years ago

By reading this poem, I was reminded of a time in the past when time and circumstances created a situation where we had to move away from all of the wonderful friends I had made and back to my home town. Long after we moved back home, I was so sad just thinking of a number of friends who had made a difference in my life and were remarkable women. Eventually, if occurred to me to write a poem conveying how I felt about each of these women, but in the last stanza, I would personalize the words to each of my friends, telling them just what they had done for me or meant to me. So each poem became personal. But it wasn't enough just to write the poem, so I sent the poem to each of those women whom I missed. Remarkably, one of them wrote back to me to tell me of her recent struggles and how my poem had made her feel strong and loved. It was a beautiful letter. Sometimes, we don't know what lies just beneath the surface of people.

  • Singing Eagle by Singing Eagle
  • 8 years ago

I wanted to send a longtime friend a Valentine poem and "accidentally" came across this beautiful poem that expressed my thoughts so perfectly. We met as teenagers almost 50 years ago and were "forbidden" to be together. The years came and went, life happened. Then, all of a sudden, I somehow get a greeting card and we reconnect sharing the events and tragedies of life we endured though the years. Yet we still thought often of each other and how different life would have been. We can't change what happened in the past and how our paths are now different, but the connection was always there through the years and always will be. Thank you, Mr. Burkholder!

  • Craig Burkholder by Craig Burkholder Poet
  • 2 years ago


  • Hazel Bryan by Hazel Bryan, GA
  • 10 years ago

Marlene and I were friends all through elementary school. Upon going to junior high we sort of went our separate ways. She continued to live in Florida and I moved to Georgia. As God would have it...we reconnected through Facebook. THANK YOU SOCIAL MEDIA !!!!!! During the past 2 to 3 years we have rekindled our childhood friendship. We haven't seen each other face to face since about 1968 ....BUT WE ARE MAKING PLANS TO GET TOGETHER IN 2015!!!! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!! :)

  • Luke Tetteh by Luke Tetteh
  • 9 years ago

that is good...I think it is part of Gods plan to meet...God bless you two...

  • Cynthia H. Vaughn by Cynthia H. Vaughn, Arizona
  • 9 years ago

Hi Hazel,
I read your wonderful story. I hope you do get to connect with Marlene in 2015. What a great celebration both of you will have, when you two meet again. Good luck to you both.

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