Special Friend Poem

Poem About A Cherished Friendship

Sometimes we forget to tell the people that we love most how precious they are, but it's never too late.

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I don't think this poem is just about platonic friendship but also about romantic couples who began with a foundation built on friendship then let it grow into something more beautiful. As...

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Our Friendship


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

As I think of our friendship, I begin to see
Mere words can't describe what you mean to me.
When this cold, hard world has me lonesome and blue,
I look up to see my angel, my sweet angel, you.

You dry the tears that fall from my eyes.
You bring me sunshine to brighten my sky.
You rescue me when I'm scared and alone
And take my hand to lead me home.

No matter the miles that keep us apart,
We're always together in each other's hearts.
Sometimes we take for granted, I fear,
The ones who are so close and dear.

We get so caught up in life and things we must do.
Sometimes we forget to stop and say I love you.
If ever you felt I forgot or didn't care,
Let me stop right now; my true feelings I'll share.

You're the sun in my sky, the bed where I lie.
You're the home where I'm safe, the field where I play.
You're everything I am, everything I do.
So what I am saying is I LOVE YOU!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

This is a treasure, magnificently beautiful, a poem so many can relate to.

  • Miguel by Miguel
  • 5 years ago

I don't think this poem is just about platonic friendship but also about romantic couples who began with a foundation built on friendship then let it grow into something more beautiful. As long as you always remain friends, then you can weather any storm.

  • Melbourne Australia by Melbourne Australia
  • 10 years ago

When I read this poem it reminded me of my friend who lives several hours away and has just had a kidney removed and is finding things very difficult at the moment. We have been friends for over forty years and I wish we lived closer so I could help her recovery. I'm going to send her a copy of this Poem . I hope the author doesn't mind.

  • Donna by Donna, Missouri USA
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me think of the wonderful friendship I have with my best friend Louise. She has always been at my side through all the good and bad times. I do not know what I would have done without knowing that there was someone in this world that really loved me for the person that I am. She helped me get through so many hard times in my life and it is because of Louise that I was able to lift my chin and start believing that my life will get better especially knowing I have a friend like her at my side. Thank You Louise for being my best friend ever. I hope it never stops.

  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 14 years ago

I had a friend once a really nice friend it was a she, she was with me every were I went, she was with me when I was in hospital , with me when I was at my only children's funeral, the twins died in a car accident, she was there through it all. She saw the best of me I thank you for being my friend her name is Poppy and she is a German Sheppard. I love her Thank you doggie for always being there for me but she is dead now I miss her very much

  • Chris Simons by Chris Simons, England
  • 14 years ago

I met Joyce when we were both young mothers,. We went through measles and mumps , potty training. We would moan about our lives and played the "what if we won some money" wish but we never did. Then when my daughter Eleanor was born profoundly deaf and had to make numerous journeys to the hospital, Joyce would come with me, the years passed, bringing with it gray times and bright times. Our friendship became stronger when she wanted to leave her husband, when she had a nervous break down together we faced them. When my daughter married and had a baby William, Joyce was his god mother, and she was there as we buried both the baby and Eleanor dying together in a house fire. Her strength was there mourning together, The phone rang it was her daughter "Moms dead she sobbed" I thought the bottom had fallen out of my world. I miss you so much my dear friend but love never dies and I will always love you thank you

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 15 years ago

This poem is wonderful. One of the best poems I have ever read and it was the perfect poem to put in a card.

  • alicia by alicia
  • 16 years ago

hey I love this song because it reminds me of my two best friends Bitt & Jamie... I love them with all my heart and always wil..♥

  • Rozy by Rozy
  • 16 years ago

I love this poem it made me so happy because it reminds me of my friend, I love her oh so much and I always will love her.

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