Inspirational Poem

Poem About There Always Being Hope

Hope you like this poem. Never rest without success

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It is must-read poem for people who dream and dare to work for its fulfillment. One would experience all kinds of struggles on this path and have to be very strong, enduring all pain,...

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A Voice Behind

© more by Pearlyn

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

When into sorrow, my poor soul sinks
When a sound of despair in my heart rings
I'm strongly pushed to do my best
By a voice that says, "There is still hope you dare not rest."

When chains of sorrow surround me well
When in my self, I feel like hell
I'm forced to face life with its tests
By a voice that says,"There is still hope you dare not rest."

When I just feel like crying aloud
When all my worries rise like a cloud
I'm guarded safe like a bird in its nest
By a voice that says,"There is still hope you dare not rest."

From all my fears, I now am free
I'm good and strong, I could clearly see,
But can anyone say, is it from east or west
That I hear the voice, "There is still hope you dare not rest."

With hope and courage, I just am full
Because of the voice, that gave me a very strong pull
It's my loving God, the unseen guest
Who says,"There is still hope you dare not rest."


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  • Shubhika Gupta by Shubhika Gupta
  • 6 years ago

It is must-read poem for people who dream and dare to work for its fulfillment. One would experience all kinds of struggles on this path and have to be very strong, enduring all pain, suffering and sorrows and just believe in the almighty that all will be good.

  • Tamatha Knauber by Tamatha Knauber
  • 6 years ago

I absolutely love this poem. It moved me. I love the way that God is indeed our only source of hope that we as humans have in this world in which we live.

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