Daughter Poem

Poem Promising To Love Daughter No Matter What

My daughter is having a mixed race baby, and my whole family has turned on her. This is my promise to her and my future granddaughter. I love them both very much.

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I can relate to this. I have a niece and nephew who are "brown" and beautiful and so sweet! This was one of the only things I ever argued with my parents about in high school. I had...

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A Mom's Promise

© more by Lesa Faulkner

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

To my little girl
Precious as a pearl
We've had our ups and downs
We've even gone a few rounds
No matter what you do
I'll never stop loving you
No matter how rough life may get
You should always live with no regrets
And now it will not be long
And you, too, will have to be strong
Soon your little girl will arrive
She will make you feel so alive
Her little fingers, her tiny toes
All baby girls have wings and halos
So don't let other people get you down
Just because her skin will be brown
So hold your head high
And walk right on by
Because God and I love you both
This is our oath!


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  • Kat by Kat, Chicago
  • 9 years ago

I can relate to this. I have a niece and nephew who are "brown" and beautiful and so sweet! This was one of the only things I ever argued with my parents about in high school. I had a close male African American friend in high school. Although, we weren't dating, we were pretty close, which I thought was so great and special at the time--30 years ago--and I still do, now! I'm proud that I stood up to anyone who thought our friendship odd or unusual, back then. We would go out dancing at teen clubs with our "mixed race" friends. Now, it's so much more common for blacks and whites to be friends, thank God.

  • Classy Girl by Classy Girl, Tura, India
  • 9 years ago

I'm touched. I love this poem! I have no story of my own to relate to yours, but I could relate to your feelings. It's making me think of my mom who has always been there for me. And as for your daughter, my message is: firstly, congratulations! And I would just like to say- when we tear open all our skin, our muscles and tissues... We can see that everyone's heart is the same... The heart pumps out the same color of blood- red. I just wish people could see it. Anyways, there's gonna be a lot of difficulties ahead but be strong. Only those who are below you will try to bring you down. And congrats again!

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