Daughter Poem

I struggled with post-natal depression for 2 1/2 years after my 1st and only child was born. The bond between us was weakened through this terrible illness. After being given the all clear, I went on to wrestle with feelings of guilt for not being as good a mother as I could have been. I wrote this poem when I was feeling my very best after going through all of this. I hope you enjoy it as it came straight from my heart. I wouldn't be without my baby for the world. I now know I have nothing to be feeling guilty for.

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Yep, I like the poem very much. I'm also the mother of 7-year-old daughter. It's true, the role of a mother is difficult, but when the seed starts growing into a plant then you cherish it,...

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Looking At My Child

© more by Dee McDonald

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

I look at my child as she looks at me,
And into her eyes I look and I see
The innocence that fills her unspoiled soul.
These moments I wish I could treasure and hold.

But my baby is growing, and influences are strong.
I hope she remembers the right from the wrong.
I've tried hard to instill these virtues inside,
But regardless, she still fills me with happiness and pride.

The job of a Mother can be very hard.
With tears full and plenty, your heart can feel scared.
When you look at your baby filled with happiness and glee,
No better reward for a Mother can be.

As hard as it is or as it can be,
I'd never trade this experience for anything, you see.
The innocence she holds she has passed on to me,
And a much better person she's helped me to be.


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  • Ranu by Ranu, Mumbai
  • 13 years ago

Yep, I like the poem very much. I'm also the mother of 7-year-old daughter. It's true, the role of a mother is difficult, but when the seed starts growing into a plant then you cherish it, and all the pain goes. Yes, I can proudly say that I learned a lot from my daughter and getting better day by day with her. AND enjoying my childhood in her company. And thankful to God for this precious gift. May God bless her always and she gets the best of the best in her life.

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