Abuse Poem by Teens

Poem About Child Molested By Next Door Neighbor

When I was nine years old, I was raped by the next door neighbor. I never told my parents because in the same night I was emotionally torn, my father would have went to jail for murder. I'm fifteen years old now, and I wrote his poem to tell my dad what happened that night I sat in the shower for three hours crying; and what torn him the most was the two quotes I wrote, which the man truthfully said to me. Since that night, I've grown stronger and I thank him for my current outlook on life.

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Hi! My name is Dylan. I am now 17 years old, but I grew up in a house in Archer, FL. I lived with a man who was abusive sexually, mentally, and physically. He also sold me to his friends and...

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A Life Change


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

There was a chill in the wind that night,
one like no other.
The darkness made it hard for sight,
but I knew it was his brother.
The strength of his grip,
the frame of his stature;
as he grabbed my hips,
before I knew it I was captured.
My throat went dry,
I couldn't scream.
I tried and tried,
but the harder it seemed.
Next thing I knew,
an unfamiliar place;
unsure of what to do,
clothes were disappearing at fast pace.
My face turned white,
I couldn't shift.
Frozen in fright,
thinking did I deserve this?
Down my cheek,
the first tear rolls.
As he proceeds,
my mouth he holds.
"Our little secret"
he whispered in my ear.
"You better keep it!"
he became my only fear.
Blood droplets depart,
from inside of me.
Fast pounding heart,
he took my virginity.
Without permission,
without consent;
the one abduction,
he would not repent.
I thank him now,
more than ever before;
he taught me how,
it felt to be torn.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dylan Jacksonville Fl. by Dylan Jacksonville Fl.
  • 6 years ago

Hi! My name is Dylan. I am now 17 years old, but I grew up in a house in Archer, FL. I lived with a man who was abusive sexually, mentally, and physically. He also sold me to his friends and neighbors and his customers by the hour. I tried my hardest not to sleep because I was scared I would be used. I'm adopted now in a new family that is great and very helpful. Life is hard at the beginning when we are weak, but as we get strong we are able to overcome all things.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 6 years ago

I got molested by my own brother at the age of 12. It happened again when I visited my aunt and uncle. It was Christmas Eve, and my uncle took me out. He bought me a few drinks and in the early morning we went home. That's when everything changed. He became a total monster. He pulled a gun on me and said that I must take off my clothes. I had no choice but to do what I was told or I was gonna die. I was only 14, so I didn't want to die. I told my aunt, but she didn't believe me, so I had to let it go and never tell anyone about it.

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 6 years ago

I was sexually abused by my brother when I was 10. I am now 14. I started to self-harm because I saw him every day and I live with him. I am still not over it I still drink and smoke. My best friend knew about it, but she went behind my back and started dating him. I learned by myself that I am in control of my own life, and I won't get bullied or anything again because I am stronger and I have God always with me.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 6 years ago

You go girl and get your life back in control. Don't be like me and wait 4 years before you get your life back.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 6 years ago

I was sexually abused by my brother at the age of 12, and I never told anyone about it. It's actually my first time mentioning it to people.

  • Angel by Angel, Compton
  • 9 years ago

I was sexually assaulted by my neighbor . So when I heard your story it made me speak up. Now that I know I'm not alone I'm not afraid to tell my story thanks to you.

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 9 years ago

I'm afraid of telling someone, I'm 20 years old but I'm afraid of telling someone that it also happened to me. I'm AFRAID.

  • Justme by Justme
  • 7 years ago

Please don't be afraid. Ask God to help. Pray, and he will help. It may not be immediate, but you must be patient. He will help, I promise. :)

  • Brianna Porter by Brianna Porter, Georgia
  • 9 years ago

Hello my name is Brianna. When I was three my mother met this guy that I soon enough got really close to. You see, my father left when I was younger so this guy felt like a father to me. Then one cold night he came in my room and molested me. This went on for seven years. I was so frightened I still have nightmares of it. But I've learned that it only gets better and makes me stronger.

  • Nadia Storms by Nadia Storms, Wi
  • 10 years ago

My name is Nadia, I am 15, I was raped and molested 10 times. I suffer from PTSD, and rape trauma syndrome . Your story means a lot to me and makes me feel that I am not alone, for I feel this way a lot, lost in my own thoughts. Sometimes I can't handle the nightmares and stress that comes with this because it sucks. Thanks for sharing your story.

  • GylfiePennyDoll by GylfiePennyDoll
  • 6 years ago

Good luck on the road to recovery. Just remember that all things come to an end, so your suffering will end sooner or later. Best of wishes to you.

  • Greg Greg by Greg Greg
  • 10 years ago

My name is not really Greg, but after my psychiatrist showed me this, I had to reply. Girls aren't the only ones to be... used unwillingly. I was ten. He was 25. All I can say is, it destroyed me. My psychiatrist says this might help, but all it does is let me see there is more out there, fighting. Thank you for sharing your stories. I know it's hard. I would expose the man but... he died in a wreck 1 year ago.

  • Sara by Sara, Pakistan
  • 10 years ago

My name is not actually Sara, I just don't want anyone to really know who I am. I do however live in Pakistan, where I was molested until I was about 13, by someone who worked very closely with my dad. I won't go into detail about what happened, but I still haven't told anyone, and I'm 15 now. This man I trusted and cared for, who has a family of his own did that to me. He took so much away from me. I read all these stories about these brave people who were able to build up courage and talk about what happened to them, persecute the people who would do such a horrible thing. I can not put into words the utter pain I am in, how I feel, and what's going on inside my head. All I can tell you is that I'm going crazy. I have come to the conclusion no boy would want me, and I feel like whoever will want to harm me in future will not be stopped. I'm in this numb state, in this constant sadness. I've developed anorexia nervosa, but I will not stop. I don't know anymore. All I need right now is someone who has been through what I'm going through, and can talk to me and relate with me and convince I'm not crazy, I'm just torn. Damaged, tired of this helpless feeling I get. Unable to bear it anymore. I want to wake up happy, and i want to sleep without nightmares and his touch. I don't want to feel his hands on me in my sleep, and every fucking corner I turn. I want it to stop, I need this to stop. Please, if anyone is willing to comment on this.
Anyone. I just need someone.

  • Alex by Alex, USA
  • 9 years ago

I understand you completely. I'm 15 as well. I feel like I am going insane. And I guess I shouldn't really be on here because it takes me to a dark place reminding what a plague this is. I just hope I can provide some comfort in my babbling. I want help but not from a shrink but from someone who can understand the pain. The trustlessness. The effects. I told my friends and they claim how sorry they are for like a day, maybe two, then move on. But what they don't understand is after they move on to their happy go lucky lives, we stay, reliving the touches everytime someone brushes against you, or gets too close. Its fucked the world that we know exists. But all we can do is fight and give a huge "FUCK YOU!" to the cycle and to the people keeping it in circulation and starting it. ~MUCH LOVE AND HOPE, Alex

  • Survivor by Survivor, United States
  • 9 years ago

Sara I am so sorry for all that has happened to you. I beg you to tell your parents. The biggest mistake that I made was not telling my parents. I do regret it because if I would have told them, my sexual abuse would've stopped long before it ended. You are a very brave and courageous girl to even post about it I commend you. Please talk to your parents.

  • Maribel by Maribel, USA
  • 10 years ago

This hasn't happened to me, so I will not say I feel your pain, but I do know that you will get through it in the end. You just need to come forth and tell your parents or anyone who you feel is going to help you through this. I have had nightmares, but not of actual people who I know. Just know that you're not alone and that some people had it worse and some others aren't here with us right now. You can get through it. I promise.

  • Stephanie Graham Washingtion by Stephanie Graham Washingtion
  • 10 years ago

This is so sad it reminds me of my past. When I was six I was raped by a stranger. Then a year later I was being raped almost everyday for seven years. I was always scared I didn't tell my parents until this year because I was scared. The men that raped me didn't just do that they beat and let people use me for five dollars.

  • Margo by Margo, Nambucca Heads
  • 11 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear that happen to you all, it's sad what some people do to other people. I was raped and beaten from the age of 11-18 by my own father. The day I turned 18 I moved out and started living on my own. I used to get so scared that my father was going to come and get me because I'm only 18. Now I have been living on my own for about 4 mouths now and within those few mouths I feel like I have gotten stronger each day. What hurt me most was when I finally told some one my step mother didn't even believe me, but my mother did after I had to proved it to her.

  • Niharika by Niharika, India
  • 12 years ago

I was 14 and was always unwell. My parents wanted me to be shown to a priest who would cure me with prayers but instead he made me unconscious and raped me. I gained consciousness only when the pain was unbearable. I've gotten over it by now. I'm 17 and strong enough. All I want to say is that it may be hard and difficult but be strong and talk it out. It helps :)

  • Blank by Blank
  • 8 years ago

I am so sorry for you all and I am glad this has not happened to me. I now this kind of thing is life scaring and I am also surprised that a priest did this horrible thing to you.But you never know who is a bad person.
All of you are very tough to have to be living through this knowing what happened to you.

  • Jessica Henry by Jessica Henry
  • 12 years ago

I was molested from the age of 5-15 by my uncle, cousin, granddad, and my dads best friend. I always thought that it wasn't worth living and that I was a nothing. I still feel that way. I feel like hiding and that no one is supporting me. it's a sucky feeling.

  • Arpit by Arpit
  • 6 years ago

Oh poor girl, I am really torn into pieces right now by reading all the comments above and below this story. How can men, males, do such horrific, cruel, inhuman sin? I feel so sorry for you that you went through all this. I get goosebumps while reading all the stories here. Even relatives are not pure anymore. I really wish I could do anything for all you girls.

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