Rape Poem

Poem About Being Raped By Father

This is a story of what happened to me. Ever since I started writing about it, things have gotten a lot easier and are much more clear to see. Still, because of this, I have been forever changed.

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As I read your poem, I can't come up with words to explain how good it is. I was 4-5 years old when my father forced himself on me the first time. I was so scared because my mom was in jail...

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Forever Changed


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

I heard the footsteps coming and I knew this would be another long night,
And something inside me screamed this time it really isn't right.
The words he was saying were ruthless and cruel,
And each time he hit me, I sat there and obeyed each and every rule.
I sat there blank faced and scared knowing that I couldn't cry,
For I knew what would happen if he saw the tears in my eyes.

Each and every swing felt worse and worse,
And then all I wanted was to be dead in a hearse.
He got real close and whispered, "Bitch, I wish you weren't alive,"
And all I was thinking was you're right, I wish I wouldn't survive.
He threw me against the wall then proceeded to pin me to the ground.
He hit me again, covered my mouth, not letting me make a sound.

I started to struggle and tried to release myself of his forceful grip.
Then the next thing I heard was a loud, horrifying rip.
His hands were cold and I cringed at first touch.
I don't understand how a father could hate his daughter so much.
I froze, and I couldn't believe that this was really going on.
I just kept looking at the clock, wanting him to be gone.

I tried so badly not to think of the sharp pain,
And this wasn't part of his usual game.
I closed my eyes, wishing the time would just pass by,
And that next time I opened them I would be up in the sky.
He pushed harder and harder and excruciating pain was all I felt.
The next thing I heard was the unbuckling of his belt.

Something happened inside of me that I cannot explain.
I got this surge of energy and said, "F you and your reign."
Somehow, someway I got out just in time.
But what he had already done will never get out of my mind.
From then on my life has been forever changed.
It was like all I knew had been rearranged.
I hate him with everything I have in me and so much more,
And one day I want to end this war.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lilah by Lilah
  • 3 years ago

I was raped by my uncle when I was 3, and I never told anyone. I was so young, and no woman or man should ever have to go through that but the world and the people in it are just cruel.

  • Nicole W by Nicole W
  • 5 years ago

As I read your poem, I can't come up with words to explain how good it is. I was 4-5 years old when my father forced himself on me the first time. I was so scared because my mom was in jail for his mistakes. I was more scared for my sister. She is 13 months younger and even that young, I'd never let him or anyone hurt her. When my family came and took us away, I was so happy to be as far away as possible. A few year later when my brother died, he showed up at the funeral. I was 12 years old. I shut down completely. I remember him yelling when he was being escorted out that me and my lil sister were his girls and I lost it. I tried to tell my mom once, but I didn't know how because he abused her too. I finally told her when I was 20. When I told my aunt, she said they suspected it because I never let a man hold me. That hurt because I felt like they didn't care enough to ask. Now I'm 22, and it feels better to have my mom there for me. Even though the physical and emotional scars are there, it's nice to have her know.

  • Angel Surren by Angel Surren
  • 5 years ago

Between the ages of six to ten I was raped by a babysitter that is my grandpa's brother. I was left there while my mom went out drinking. I thought I could trust him, but I still have the scars and the memories that I will never forget.

  • Ivy Rose Wood by Ivy Rose Wood, Hartville Mo
  • 9 years ago

My grandfather raped me when I was 10 and I still never told anyone.

  • Sarah B by Sarah B
  • 11 years ago

You are very brave to write about what happened to you. It's been six years for me and I have never told a soul until now. I was raped at age 11 and you have really helped me with this poem. maybe one day I can tell my bestfriend and hope she doesn't see me any different.

  • Sunflower by Sunflower
  • 11 years ago

You are very brave for expressing yourself. Please, know you are not what happened to you. You are a beautiful person with pain in her heart. And, you can have a great life. You can be, do and have anything you want. Somehow, you'll have to accept what happened to you and put it behind you. It's not easy, I know, but you your heart will be free of anger, hate and pain once you accept what you can't change. I wish you success and hope you find happiness in you heart. Life is meant to be enjoyed. As long as you are alive, there's time to enjoy. Much Love to you.

  • Angana by Angana, India
  • 11 years ago

I so wish to hug you write now dear author, as we share the same pain.. only it was my maternal uncle who raped me for 2 years. It brought my tears. It reminded me all the terrible times, the horror. I wonder if we can ever come out of that trauma

  • Ashley by Ashley, MO
  • 12 years ago

Your poem was really well written. I understand some of the things you wrote in your poem. I tried to resist against his grip and the words he said were so terrible. I started to cry and he ordered me not to. I know the pain you are feeling inside. Thank you for sharing this with us it helps me not feel alone.

  • Amber by Amber, CA
  • 12 years ago

I'm doing a project for Health and I found this very emotional. I thought that the rapist was a stranger until you got to the part when you said you couldn't understand how a father could hate his own daughter. This is very inspiring.

  • Raven by Raven
  • 12 years ago

Dear author. Your poem helped me get thro a time when I was raped also. It made me realize I can be stronger. When I needed to I would read it. Thank you for publishing such a wonderful poem <3

  • Tammy by Tammy, Tx.
  • 12 years ago

You are a very strong person I can only imagine what you went through in the rest of your life I too an a victim. I read this poem every day at school because I'm in ISS for yelling at people or fighting. People joke about rape and abuse but they never know who has been through it.

  • Sabryna by Sabryna, Two Rivers WI
  • 13 years ago

It's so scary to think how young these kids can be that get raped. I was raped 3 different times. My first time was when I was 9 by my cousin on my dads side, second time was 14 by my uncle my moms brother, third time was by my brother's 18 year old friend who slept over on his birthday. The first time I was raped I didn't tell my parents till I was 13, then the next year I was raped again. He went to jail and got kicked out of Florida for it but now is living with my grandmother even though she lives 4 blocks away from me? Sometimes I'm scared that I will run into him and I wouldn't know what to do?! But I just try and forget about it but sometimes its hard to because people in my school like to joke about the word rape and they don't stop and think about how it could affect others around them. So I also write poems about them or talk to my boyfriend and vent to out loud and scream in a pillow and scream "WHY ME!?"

  • Candy by Candy, Los Angeles
  • 13 years ago

I feel you a whole lot! this happened to me 3 years ago when I got raped by my best friend who I thought I could trust. I still feel like if it was just yesterday, this devastating feeling will never change. It made a big change of the way I feel about guys, sometimes I feel very insecure. I see his images around. I know revenge is the only way to ease the pain but I'm being strong and letting him realize that I'm not as cruel as him and just letting God deal with his sin. Instead I pray for him and I try to forgive but it's hard to forgive a person like this. So, I write letters to him but I keep them to myself, also poems about this tragic day.

  • Kaliegh by Kaliegh, Maryland
  • 13 years ago

You are not alone. My 21 year old cousin raped me back in January before I turned 15 and I am just now going to the first trial in November .. hang in there you will make it through . what doesn't kill you makes you stronger !

  • Kira by Kira, California
  • 13 years ago

Very well written!!! I love how you just put a lot of emotion into the poem. This poem does not have to be for someone who went through rape but, it can be for anybody who's going through any kind of abuse or struggle. I know that it's not an easy thing to write a poem and display it for lots of people to see. As that said, I commend you. Well done!

  • Lea by Lea
  • 13 years ago

Same thing happened to me long time ago, it all started when I was just 7 years old and lasted for 6 years. My father died when I was just 1 year old and this man was the father I thought I had for he was living with my mother. He raped me for 6 years. I wonder if all this would happen if my real dad was here. I feel your pain. Nicely written. I just wish we can write about something other than this.

  • Heather Costigan by Heather Costigan
  • 13 years ago

I read this and stopped dead in my tracks. The exact same thing happened to me, except it was a 'friend'.. I know that probably doesn't help you at all, but I know what you've been through. The beating and force is so much to take on, you really do wish you wouldn't survive it. I do not know if he walks a free man. But if he isn't in jail I know how you feel, first hand. I feel like I'm always watching my back, and seeing his shadow in the dark. As to your writing, it is simply beautiful. It takes on your story, yet at the same time showing how you feel.

  • Hailey by Hailey, Hawaii
  • 14 years ago

Wow. It sucks that you had to go through that! This was really well written! I love how you extended on your thoughts, rather than what was physically happening! Good job! and you're an extraordinary person for posting this. I bet it helps many people that have been raped and taken advantage of!

  • Paige by Paige, Australia
  • 15 years ago

Dear author, your poem was really well written. I myself have been through your trauma, my sister and myself were raped by a family friend, and I will never ever rest till he is behind bars, he is still free roaming. so God help me, he has what's coming to him. I am truly sorry, keep going and try live on, your stronger then any man who could do that. Promise.

  • Steph by Steph, Australia
  • 15 years ago

Wow, is all the words that came to my head once I read your story. This feels so tragic and sad, and I wish I could run into that room and save that girl. Good work on the life likeness.

  • Centail Murray by Centail Murray
  • 15 years ago

I found your story really good I feel the struggle and pain you felt through your words, and plus you are a great writer. I like how you wrote it and style.

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