Cheating Poem

I was married to a man who had a "friend". Blaming me for his need to sneak around, lie, and deny. Many days physically present, his mind so obviously elsewhere. This poem depicts a letter he should have written to end the relationship and keep our family together...

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This is a sad but very true poem. It happens all the time. usually the "friend" can and 99 % of the time is an ex..........they are an ex for a reason and if they both know it is causing a...

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A Husband's Friend

© more by Karen Warn

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

It was casual at first between you and me.
Introduced at a time when life was carefree.

You brought me comfort and put me at ease,
A sensation that felt like a warm summer breeze.

Whether up or down, it seemed only you cared,
But some disapproved of the bond that we shared.

It was all innocent and just didn't seem right.
Conversations of you always started a fight.

To avoid conflict, we hid and...I lied.
Wanting you always right there by my side.

We've now had each other for so many years.
It's hard for me to hold back my tears.

I feel so betrayed by all that you took.
But still so vulnerable when I see you and look.

I pray now and forever you stay out of my life.
I need to spend time with kids and my wife.

You have ruined my life for years - not just days.
My bottle, my friend, we need to part ways.


more by Karen Warn

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  • Yovanka by Yovanka
  • 14 years ago

This is a sad but very true poem. It happens all the time. usually the "friend" can and 99 % of the time is an ex..........they are an ex for a reason and if they both know it is causing a problem in either one of their relationships then its time to part and move on.....when things are going bad in a marriage, they tend to lean on this "friend" who will slander the other partner......obviously guys with "friends" like that need to grow up and this isn't high school anymore....a committed relationship or marriage is the new beginning, life kids and new friends with similar interests......

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