Poems With Structure
Published: March 2018

Poems with structure have a specific system of organizing the lines, phrases, or thoughts. A well-structured poem reads nicely and clearly shares the poet’s message.
30 Poems That Use A Good Structure
Phenomenal Woman
Famous Poem
Analysis of Form and Technique
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.Featured Shared StoryPhenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou this poem is a Classic that deals with every women in the world. This poem shows that beauty is compare by what society thinks a woman should looked like,...
But You Didn't
Famous Poem
Analysis of Form and Technique
Remember the time you lent me your car and I dented it?
I thought you'd kill me...
But you didn't.
Featured Shared StoryThis poem truly moved me. I am waiting for my husband to come home from hospital. He has been there for four weeks now and is still in intensive care. He was admitted with sepsis, and so much...
Life Is Fine
Famous Poem
in Famous Poems
I went down to the river,
I set down on the bank.
I tried to think but couldn't,
So I jumped in and sank.Featured Shared StoryEveryone is born for a purpose, but we forget that in pursuit of money. Then God gifted me with poetry and uses it as a medium to educate people, and in each of my poems there is a story...
My Everything
You're my love, my life,
The air that I breathe.
You're my soul, my happiness,
The all that I need.Featured Shared StoryI loved a boy. I saw him and I had never felt it before. It was a lightning bolt through my heart and soul. His hands were warm, and his smile was warmer, and his kiss melted me. But he hurt...
A Gift From God
Love can't be described.
It has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.Featured Shared StoryLove is everything the poem says and so much more. It's constantly putting those you love before yourself and anything else. Throughout your life you'll forget many things, but never the...
In Your Heart
He was so proud of his little girl.
It was her very first day of school.
He walked with her to school that day,
And she held his hand all the way.Featured Shared StoryThis poem touched me profoundly. I could not stop crying. August 31st will be five years that my Dad died of liver cancer. He and my Mom lived close by and he came to see me almost every...
You Are My Heart And Soul
Thank you...
For standing by me through thick and thin,
For not giving up on me when I didn't win,
For your patience when I kept pushing you away,Featured Shared StoryThis poem is a well-deserved tribute to all mothers of the world. I am 72. I lost my mother in 1999. One has to go. She lived her life well. I do not have any regrets. This poem reminded me...
Inside Out
Analysis of Form and Technique
Outside lives a girl with a smile that will brighten up the room,
yet inside hides a girl with a frown full of despair.
Outside lives a girl with eyes of joy that bring you to ease,Featured Shared StoryWow, just wow. That's me exactly. I go through my church doors with a smile always on my face, so much so that the youth group nicknamed me Smiley McGee, and I'm so nice to others. I guess...
Life Without You
Analysis of Form and Technique
Me without you
is like a leafless fall,
a snowless winter,
and a flowerless spring.Featured Shared StoryI'm madly in love with my girl, but suddenly things changed. She cut the communication, so I can't reach her. I don't know if she will be back. I'm feeling choked and lonely. Life without her...
One Day
One day you're gonna see her,
But she won't be looking at you.
One day you'll feel like she did,
And you won't know what to do.Featured Shared StoryI remember getting my heart broken by this boy. He was in 11th grade, and I was in 9th grade. We met over the summer. He went to my school, and he treated me like I was all he ever loved. In...
A Sense Of Love
in Wife Poems
Love is not something you see.
It's meaning everything to me.
It's needing to have you in my life,
So much that I made you my wife.Featured Shared StoryA beautiful romantic poem, William... Those in love don't see love, they feel it. Hidden in their hearts are the secrets. Only they know what lights their fire, The mystic magic of...
I Wish He Knew
Analysis of Form and Technique
I wish he could know
What I'm too scared to show.
I wish he could see
Just how much he means to me.Featured Shared StoryDear Ana, My heart goes out to you. I'm considering myself a very romantic person, and with my life's (quite substantial) experience I can safely tell you this: based on what you wrote...
When I Am With Her
Analysis of Form and Technique
When I am without her,
the sun doesn't shine as brightly.
When I am without her,
the clouds are dark and foreboding.Featured Shared StoryI met her in med school. She is called Mariam. She is so amazing, and being with her is the most beautiful thing in my life. Her smile makes me feel heaven is for real. I am gland to say I...
Can't Accept That You're Gone
I hate that I can't see your face,
except for a picture on my mirror.
But I love that when I look at it,Featured Shared StoryI'll be honest, this really hit me hard. It made 7 years that my dad has been gone on April 8th. He died April 8th, 2015, due to stage 5 pancreatic cancer that spread to the lungs. According...
Clear Vision
in Inspirational Poems by Teens
She longs to be pretty,
Because all she sees are her flaws.
She doesn't see that those "flaws"
Are really her perfection.Featured Shared StoryThis, to me, describes something similar that my friends said/wrote about me. It shocked me at the time how much they cared about me. I felt unlovable after me and my mom started fighting...
Just Like A Child
in Faith Poems
How I wish to trust
In life, no questions asked,
Hanging on God's words,
Confident and relaxed,Featured Shared StoryIf we all followed the beautiful simple sentiment of the poem we wouldn't have half the troubles we have.
If Only I Knew
Analysis of Form and Technique
If only I knew that our time would be so brief,
Spoiled you rotten I would have done.
If only I knew that would be our last phone call,Featured Shared StoryMay 2, 2016 I lost my little sister who was only 45. Every day brings the challenge to go forward.
In Good Time...
in Hope Poems
Life can seem an endless maze,
The twists and turns, lulls and delays,
But things always fall into place...
In good time.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
I'm Dying On The Inside
Analysis of Form and Technique
You see a smile on the outside,
But that's all you can see.
What if tears run down my face on the inside?
Featured Shared StoryThis is my poem of the day because I feel the same way. My boyfriend and I were going through drama, and he think it's okay for him not to say how I feel about it, but it hurts me deep inside...
Love And Hate
If Love is a dream,
then I shall always dream.
If Love is an earthquake,
then let it shake me.Featured Shared StoryThe conflict between love and hate is beautifully brought out. It is said that love and hate are like the two sides of a coin which remain so close to each other. This reminds me of the poems...