True Love Poem

Poem About The Power Of Love

A poem about the power of love, sadly now lacking in this world of ours.

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Love is everything the poem says and so much more. It's constantly putting those you love before yourself and anything else. Throughout your life you'll forget many things, but never the...

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A Gift From God

John P. Read © more by John P. Read

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2014 with permission of the Author.

Love can't be described.
It has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.

Love enters our lives
The moment we are born.
From the cradle to the grave,
Love's in everyone.

Love burns like a candle
That sometimes flickers but never dies.
Love may be invisible,
Although it's right before your eyes,

Love can leave you empty,
Love can make you whole.
Love can make or break you,
Love is in your soul.

Love is in your heart,
Love is in your mind.
Love doesn't discriminate,
Love is always blind.

Love is universal,
It encompasses the globe.
No matter where you are,
Love has a language all its own.

Love is all around you.
There's plenty of love to spare.
You cannot see or touch it,
But love is everywhere.

Love's the greatest power,
And yet it is so small.
Love's a gift from God
To be shared amongst us all.



John Peter Read was born in the East End of London in 1948. He was brought up by his Nan and mother, as his father left home when he was 5 years old. At the age of 15, John left school with just a basic education. While in school, he wrote little rhymes just for fun. A couple of his religious poems were published by the Christian church in the...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cohan Theodore by Cohan Theodore
  • 4 years ago

Love is eternal, love is pure, love does not discriminate, love is obedience, love has no jealousy.

  • Menj Gaytano by Menj Gaytano
  • 4 years ago

1 Corinthians 13
Love is patient and kind, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.
Love isn't selfish or quick tempered.
It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
Love never fails!

Love is everything the poem says and so much more. It's constantly putting those you love before yourself and anything else.

Throughout your life you'll forget many things,
but never the one who made your heart sing.
True love can never be put asunder.
Not even death's sting can steal love's thunder.

Hi sister Beryl, my Family Forum friend. Loved your sweet reply. God Bless.

  • Shum-shum by Shum-shum, leicester
  • 9 years ago

Hi, I have this best friend at secondary school who I've loved for 5 years, he has helped me through so much it's unbelievable, although I'm unsure of what the future holds for us I just know I'll be happy for whoever he decides to be with. I have never met anyone like him, the fact that he cares, understands and helps me makes me feel so grateful. I don't know whether I will be able to meet someone who will be there for me like him. He's taught me a lot as have I to him, I just hope and pray that God finds someone really nice for him who can care, love, understand and help him. I know that even if we don't build up to a relationship, I will be happy knowing I'm still a best friend standing by his side.

  • Kat by Kat, Chicago
  • 9 years ago

I love this! I agree. It's the greatest force on Earth.

  • Adam Hassani by Adam Hassani
  • 10 years ago

I loved her since the first day we met. Admiring, adoring, loving and caring for her close as a friend for 3 years. She lights up my life with her eyes that captures the rays of the sun and reflects her glittering beauty upon me. Her smile is what I carry in my thoughts on sleepless nights. She gives me motivation to pray as I pray I will meet her in the future.
Alas, I dare not to be a lover. I have too many unfixable parts as she has already have replenished her parts into a perfect mold. I saw that in her. One day as another man came to her and be her lover, I was not jealous. I was glad he was chosen. He was able to match up with her. I am happy still for them.
For every other man who comes close to woo her, I would distract her by cutting through the conversation. I thought, "Let the others despise me. I am here to maintain the likelihood of her relationship with her lover to come through. I would like to see them as a family one day,".
After sometime, I realize; what kind of form of love is this?

  • Sabina Mae Martin by Sabina Mae Martin
  • 8 years ago

Tell her how you feel. No matter what happens promise her you will always be by her side.

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