True Love Poem

Love Finds A Way

This is a story of young, unrequited love that finds its way. I loved her from the 1st day. Sadly, the love was not returned. We stayed friends for years, but lost contact. When we found each other again, her feelings mirrored mine, as I always wished they would. We are now happily in love, and have been for a number of years.

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I am in love with a girl, it's been five years now but we're not dating yet. I've been trying to show her how much I love her. It's really hard for me, I don't think I can be in a...

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My One, My Only, My Everything

© more by D Lancaster

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

For so long, I wished for the day.
The day that our love would find its way.
From my heart and into your soul,
The feeling so strong, I had no control.

When that day came, when I found you again,
I vowed never to make the same mistake.
I knew I would never let you go,
For my life is now complete in a way I cannot show.

For eternity I will spend making you believe,
You are the sole reason that I breathe.
My life is yours, my hopes and desires too.
Until my dying day, my heart is reserved just for you.

You are everything I could ever need and more,
More than I deserve or would dare wish for.
You are my baby, my angel, my dream girl.
I'm thankful every day that you are my whole world.

For the time I spend with you, my heart truly sings.
My one, my only, my EVERYTHING.


more by D Lancaster

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nthabiseng Bodibe by Nthabiseng Bodibe
  • 4 years ago

I have been in love with my best friend for about 2 years now and it's driving me crazy. I think he loves me too. I mean, he's said it before. We've spoken about this situation in front of us and yet we're still not together, and I doubt we'll ever be. I don't even know how we got to this point. When he looks at me it's like I'm the only thing in the world. Then in a matter of moments all of that fades away. I feel like he's scared of loving me. We haven't been together but every day since we admitted our feelings for each other is worse than all the heart breaks I've been through.

  • Jermie Fletcher by Jermie Fletcher
  • 6 years ago

Am in love with a woman I met five years ago. She left me wondering what I did wrong. Her smile is like light that brightens up my day. My life is not life if I can't have her in it. I prayed every night until the day she came back. Somehow God answered my prayers. Thank you, oh Lord, for blessing me again.

  • Jennifer Warshefski by Jennifer Warshefski
  • 6 years ago

A lot of people throw the word love around like free business cards. They say, "I have no words to describe it, but I just love them." Every word has a definition to describe what it means. If you can't describe to someone how or why you love them, it isn't love. It's just feelings that are new and exciting that make you feel so good about a new relationship. Love is deeper than the surface. It explores parts of the human soul that not even attraction could reach. It brings out parts of us that we never knew we had or were even capable of being. It's loving someone despite their flaws, current nature, ambitions, or state of mind. It's being completely open and honest with each other despite any situation or topic. Love is showing and telling one another how much they mean to each other. Fireworks are loud, colorful and bright, but there is nothing better than a dark, quiet, and calm starry night.

  • Ray Johnson by Ray Johnson
  • 5 years ago

I enjoyed and appreciated your comment. It almost touched me as much as the poem. Thank you for sharing your thoughts for us all to read.

  • Kimberly Piescor by Kimberly Piescor
  • 6 years ago

My story began in Spring 2011. I met a man whom I became very fond of. We are both artists. Very passionate in every thing that we do, including how we communicate. Our dating continued through 2016. We shared a lot of the same perspectives in life, only I became disillusioned with the relationship when our wills became a battling ground. Love, I was believing the source of fibers that glued me to this relationship. We had developed patterns in our relationship that became like a jigsaw puzzle, all the while my heart was breaking from the inside out. Not to mention my chief problem was focused on drug addiction.

In 2016 we parted for a year and a half, still my heart was not willing to let him go. I believed I truly loved him. He is always there to catch me when times get tough for me, an excellent ingredient for building a true relationship. In our process of letting go and coming back to each other, it has taught me the real lesson in building a meaningful relationship. I love him.

  • Faith Mutuchi by Faith Mutuchi
  • 6 years ago

I am in a one-year relationship, and I love my boyfriend so much that it sometimes makes me do stupid things like there is a girl who he always talk to I had to send her pictures of me and my boyfriend so that she can leave him alone. My boyfriend got mad because I did that. I apologized to him, but he said I had to give him time to make his decision. I love him so much that I don't want to lose him. He loves me, but now he sees me as the girl who likes bringing issues. What should I do to make him see that I'm deeply in love with him?

  • Anshika  Mishra by Anshika Mishra
  • 7 years ago

I am in love with a boy; it’s been 7 years now. We are in a relationship, but sometimes he acts like he doesn’t care about anything. But sometimes he shows that he cares so much. I don’t know what is exactly true. When we fight, he sometimes shouts at me and tells me to shut my mouth whether I am right or wrong. His best friend said to me that he’s so flirty, but I know that every boy is flirty. His friends tells me that he talks to so many girls. I’m not sure what to do.

  • Kristine E Werhope by Kristine E Werhope
  • 7 years ago

When a man shows you who he is, believe him. His friend seems like he's trying to tell you something. He may not be your forever man. Seven years is a long time to not be sure about someone. Seems like you really do know the answer to your question. Move on and if he moves on with you, then you'll know.

  • Barbara W. Yates by Barbara W. Yates
  • 7 years ago

For so long I just wanted to be loved. I met my husband and fell in love with him, but a month into our marriage I found out that he was cheating, and it hurt me so badly. I say to you that if you truly love her, then pray for forgiveness and let GOD work in your favor. True love comes maybe once in a lifetime. Love her unconditionally if you are allowed back into her life. Time brings about a change, so prove to her that you not only love her but also that you are head over heels in love with her.

  • Davon Woodley by Davon Woodley
  • 7 years ago

I'm still in love with my wife. We are apart and miles away from each other. I want to reconnect and show her that divorce is a destruction of God's plan for us. I will move on, but I can't keep her out of my mind and heart. We said and did some hurtful things to each other, but I still want her in my life. For sickness and health, for richer for poorer. I just want us to work through whatever she been wanting from me, but I want a change that will make us best friends again. I believe that when you're married you have to keep people out of your business. The words I share to her...I love you and I will do anything to make this work. I didn't mean anything, so my heart cracks more and more for a battle I'm willing to fight, so I question myself. Is there still hope? Because I believe if she she will answer someday. Hear my cry...

  • Jackie by Jackie
  • 7 years ago

Such sweet revelation. I sincerely hope and pray that she is back with you.

  • Jordel Romeo Canul by Jordel Romeo Canul
  • 8 years ago

Why didn't you want me? I always had you
Why didn't you care for me? I always protected you.
Why didn't you come for me? I was always there.
Why didn't you hold me? You pushed me away.
Why did you give up on me? I waited so long.
Why did you stop looking at me? You ignored me.
Why did you stop smiling? The feelings faded away.
Why didn't you say you love me? I showed it to you.
Why did you stop loving me? You stabbed my heart.
Why did you walk away? I found someone who can love me every day.

But I love you. I'm sorry, but now it's too late...
I waited for you, I tried to make you smile every day. I gave you my all, but then I realized we weren't meant for each other...Sometimes in life you meet that person who gave himself to you and you ignored him. At the end you get to know that he is your all but then it's already too late.

  • June McGarvey by June McGarvey
  • 7 years ago

True love never dies. Nor can it be replaced. Two marriages later to men I was "fond" of. Love is a bond that holds forever. If you don't have it, you will only settle, never to be truly happy again. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. Fight for the one you love. There is nothing else.

  • Nqobani Lionel by Nqobani Lionel, Pietermaritzburg South Africa
  • 9 years ago

I am in love with a girl, it's been five years now but we're not dating yet. I've been trying to show her how much I love her. It's really hard for me, I don't think I can be in a relationship with any girl because of her....I truly love her, I want her to be part of my life and for us to be together and never to be apart. I just don't know what to do anymore, can somebody please help me, my life is falling apart.

  • Simon Foderingham by Simon Foderingham
  • 3 years ago

Try not to worry. Space is important. If it were true love, the girl may come back to you. Remember, everything will be all right in the end. Life has a strange way of sorting hard things out. There may be pain in the moment and darkness, but the pain will soon go, and the light will soon shine for you once again. Have faith in the power of love and all things good.

  • Edward Dixon by Edward Dixon
  • 8 years ago

You know I was in the exact same position when I was quite a few years younger and didn't know what to do. This girl was all I could ever want and the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So my friends had their girls make idle chit chat with her and brought my name up to see how she reacted. She was cool and said I was cute and that was it. So they told me that she was holding back on the me thing and that if I ever wanted to be with her that I should give her a chrysanthemum (her favorite flower) and ask her if she would like to split a hot fudge sundae and cola with me. Well, as corny as it sounds, it worked and we are still together. Been 19 1/2 yes now. Best I can say is go for it. 50-50 chance. Just be yourself and be confident. Best of luck and if it is meant to be it will be. If not, then it's not meant to be. GOD has a special someone for all of us. Hope I was helpful in your decision. Merry Christmas!

  • Alex Connaly by Alex Connaly
  • 8 years ago

The worst she can say is no. But don't go at her too fast. Let her warm up to you. Make small gestures like get her a small flower such as a daisy. Then when you think you're ready ask her. Then take it slow from there.

  • Andrew by Andrew, Michigan
  • 9 years ago

Go to her. Don't treat her badly ever. Treat her as if she was the only woman on the planet. Life is too short to let true love slip away to the abyss for eternity. To make a long story short, the worst she can say is 'no', but at least you will finally know the unknowns. Try. Don't let her slip away.

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