Moving On Poem

One Day He'll Miss You

This poem is one I wrote for my Aunt Brandy when she and her boyfriend broke up. It touched her and hit a spot in her heart, and that's why I wrote it.

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I remember getting my heart broken by this boy. He was in 11th grade, and I was in 9th grade. We met over the summer. He went to my school, and he treated me like I was all he ever loved. In...

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One Day

© more by Shaydee A. Ault

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

One day you're gonna see her,
But she won't be looking at you.
One day you'll feel like she did,
And you won't know what to do.

One day you're gonna love her,
But she won't feel the same.
One day you'll know how it feels
To have your blue skies turn to rain.

One day you'll dream of only her,
But she'll be dreaming of someone else.
One day she'll feel as if she's in heaven,
And you'll be feeling as if you're in hell.

One day you're gonna cry for her
The way she did for you.
One day you're going to miss her,
But she'll be loving someone new.


more by Shaydee A. Ault

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Broken Hearts by Broken Hearts
  • 3 years ago

I remember getting my heart broken by this boy. He was in 11th grade, and I was in 9th grade. We met over the summer. He went to my school, and he treated me like I was all he ever loved. In reality, he was dating me to get closer to knowing my best friend, Emma. He broke my heart after us dating for 11 months just to end everything to get with who I thought was my best friend since 1st grade, but it was okay because she broke his heart the same way he did to me. Now he's in collage and we're kinda friends, but my mom and dad don't like how I'm giving him a second chance to be in love again after what he did to me.

  • Pretty Joyful by Pretty Joyful, Philippines
  • 5 years ago

"One day you're gonna love her,
But she won't feel the same.
One day you'll know how it feels
To have your blue skies turn to rain."

I can actually relate with this stanza of the poem. I have already moved on with that engineer and now he's trying to win me back again. Maybe because he experienced the feeling of this so-called "one day." He keeps on telling me that he regrets what he did, but I guess he's too late already because I don't feel the same way anymore. I'm writing this on Valentine's Day, and tomorrow we'll be having our anniversary break-up. I know that it's really weird to have felt this tragic experience on Valentine's Day. I guess it's normal to cry and to miss those memories, but I am tired of him already. I lost myself loving him, but I hope he'll set himself free at the right time.

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