November 2023 Poetry Contest - $500 Cash Prize

Published: November 6, 2023

November 2023 Poetry Contest Semi-finalists

These poems have been submitted to the November 2023 Poetry Contest. Below this list you will find the semi-finalist poems.

  • November 2023 Poetry Contest, First Prize $500 Cash!
  • Submission Deadline is November 30th. CLOSED.
  • Semi-Finalists Published here through December 6th CLOSED.
  • Winner Announced: December 7th
  • The Winning Poem is - "True Friend" by David J. Herring. Congratulations!

These poems have been submitted to the November 2023 Poetry Contest.

  • Chambers Of My Heart by Josephine Zavala-Florez
  • Evil Can't Kill Human Feelings by Teresa Zajewska
  • Mother by Jessica R. Wilson
  • Who Would've Thought? by Doug Benson
  • A Stranger Passed My Gate Today by Michael Quinn
  • Our Mum by Pauline Faller
  • No Denial Of Love And A Smile by Daniel H. Garza
  • "Attraction" by Fayette C. Goralski
  • The Bear In The Window (Strange Days Indeed) by Mike Cannon
  • Waterfall by Mary Green
  • Breaking The Cycle by Tonya R. Zuber
  • Blame Of The Innocent by Sennette Gaoses
  • Real Prediction by Laurentiu
  • Entrapped By Addiction by Chris Gallagher
  • Rosa And Rosie by Noel Avis
  • Tiny Light by Apryl R. Morris
  • Thief Of Happiness by Samantha K
  • Senses by Dpross1
  • The Pearl by Danielle Spencer
  • A Long Drive by Gabrielle M. Payne
  • The Airport Park by Colin Faucher
  • My Reality Within A Dream by Roderick Dupree
  • They Say I Rest by Spencer Foxe
  • Mary And The Mouse by Trish Moyles
  • Now I Know You're There by Trish Moyles
  • That Little Girl by Edna Lopez
  • Cheeky Beak by Mary Denise Lyons
  • My Heart Knows Her by Michael J. Lepre
  • Withholding by Anthony L. Maulucci
  • Reins Of Peace And War by Malike Seymenoglu
  • My Search For Real Friends by Danielle Anglin
  • The Father I Grew Up To Know by Philip Jorgenson
  • You'll Get Through The Day by Caroline T. Wallace
  • He Has A Story by Jodi M. Kucera
  • Nothing's Changed by Jack Bowden
  • I Wish Heaven by Watyne Greer
  • The Cardinal by Nancy Lombardo
  • Moving Away by Jessica Langner
  • My Christmas Wish by Sylvia Stults
  • Living The Gift by Audrey Klatkiewicz
  • Big Brother Arises Again by David H. Norton
  • Magnets by Marie22
  • I Hurt Too by Ingrid Pegram
  • A World Of Words by Writer's Block
  • The Real Me by Tonya R. Zuber
  • Mother Earth by Lisa K. Putnam
  • I Am Now The Butterfly by PeoplepleaserHJ
  • True Friend by David J. Herring
  • You Would Of Loved Her by Steven Anctil
  • Created by Lisa Jessie
  • Sing To Me, Autumn by Patricia Cisco
  • Observations by Christian Ledek
  • Fernweh by Brad Madsen
  • Embrace Of The Sea by Gabriela M. Sanchez
  • A Child's Fear by Susieque63
  • Love Is by Marie22
  • An Angel Walks Among Us by Tony L. McDonald
  • I'm Proud To Be by Carolyn V. June-Jackson
  • Air.. by John W. Coyle
  • The Lost: A Story by David Ward
  • The Zoo by Jerry N. BOCKOVEN
  • Twenty- One by Josephine F. Chambers
  • Ode To A Princess by Barry J. Robinson
  • Make It Stop by Amy Cutting
  • Mothers Reflection On Life by Samuel Aragone
  • A Fleeting Image by Avi Fleischer
  • Nonsense Needs You by Iola Zaan
  • Lest We Forget by Iola Zaan
  • Hollow Words by Richard G. Martin
  • Yesterday by Elizabeth James
  • Brighter Skies by Ann D. Stevenson
  • Lost In Time by Rayna Palacios
  • Unforgiveness by Regina M. Elliott
  • Listen To My Confessions by Michelle D. Deocampo
  • What Do You Think? by Laura Sanders
  • The Garden by Randall W. West
  • An Ode To The Komodo by Geraldine Craig
  • A Home Of My Own by Henrietta M. Moyle
  • He Almost by Rayna Palacios
  • Always And Forever by Judith A. Bell
  • You Are Salt by Ugo A. Odogwu
  • I Love You, Please Stay by Rebecca Siow
  • The Hunter by Michael J. Malone
  • Gamophobia by Ember Batista
  • The Little Christmas Tree by James C. Gordon
  • The Final Link by Sirrom
  • Cracked Windows by Zoraida M. Colon-Collado
  • Terrapin Soup by Karl H. Plischke
  • A Gift For You by Keith Burroughs
  • It's That Time Of Year by Ann D. Stevenson
  • Sometimes by Lucy Petersen
  • Whenever I See You by Emily J. D'Auria
  • Just Want To Be Me by Wade S. Boruck
  • Onomatopoeia by Bruce D. Jacobs
  • Dear Mum, by Rachel A. Rose
  • Little Cabin On The Hill by Kaitlyn E. DiVito
  • Godmother Katherine by Summer L. Cason
  • Mom And Dad by Regina M. Elliott
  • Elizabeth by Patricia A. Howard
  • What If by Marcia A. Newton
  • If Only You Could Have Stayed by Catherine Lamberton
  • Pain Ends by Katy A. Brown
  • In My Heart by Raelene J. Elliss
  • A Window In Heaven by Jac Judy A. Campbell
  • Broken by Shahinaz Soliman
  • Let Kids Be Kids by Jennifer Caldwell
  • Ascension by Anita Mareno

The poems below have been selected as semi-finalists for the November 2023 Poetry Contest.

Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.

View our Previous Poetry Contest Winners

November 2023 Poetry Contest Semi-finalists

  1. Pain Ends

    • By Katy A. Brown
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

    Growing up, I always struggled so much with things going on in my mind. My parents were sick, I kept getting my heart broken, and I even got to a point where I started harming myself. Things cruel people had said to me always circled around in my head, and it made me hate myself. I was so lost. But when I turned 15, I met someone who made me see things differently. And I was finally able to let go. The war in my mind stopped. That's why I wrote this poem.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Breathe in the fresh air,
    Put your mind at ease.
    Let down your hair,
    Let it flow in the breeze.


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    Love this poem, most of us go through our minds taking over in a negative way at some point in life, not just the young, all ages go through our thoughts that play over and over in our minds,...

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  2. Sing To Me, Autumn

    Since I was a child, I've loved the season of autumn. I love its return each year with its vibrant magical colors, warm bright days, the change from the heat of summer into cool but crystal clear sparkling nights, and the aroma of the woods and spice in the atmosphere. It's like a familiar loved one or friend who's back for a visit. It's the same season each year, but it's always new and refreshing. We share our lives with the seasons. As we mature, we understand ourselves and all the world more intimately.

    in Fall Poems

    Sing to me, Autumn, with the rustle of your leaves.
    Breathe on me your spicy scents that flow within your breeze.

    Dance with me, Autumn, your waltz that bends the boughs of trees.


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    This poem beautifully provides us an opportunity to feel connected with nature. As human beings, we have been born in the lap of nature, have grown under the protection of nature, but we’ve...

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  4. A Fleeting Image

    • By Avi Fleischer
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

    Recently, a friend of mine died very suddenly and unexpectedly. He was a talented photographer and a fantastic human being who devoted much of his time to the happiness of others. I had seen him a few weeks before, and he was so vibrant and alive. The death hit me pretty hard, and for the first time in over 20 years I felt compelled to write and the words just flowed. This poem is not so much about death, more so it's about the fleeting nature of life and the uncertainty we feel as we navigate it.
    In Memory Of Jakob Barak

    in Meaningful Poems

    So fleeting is this thing called life, we journey toward its end,
    experiencing pieces of a puzzle we don't truly comprehend.

    The hues of our emotion paint a picture of our past,


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    I love this poem. Very artful, well balanced, and full of depth. You struck a nerve with me. I often like to say that life has two real purposes. One, to find, build, and refine our...

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  5. Sometimes

    • By Lucy Petersen
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2020 with permission of the Author.

    A poem about the struggles of depression and finding a way to move on and smile again.

    in Poems about Life Struggles

    Sometimes I can't find the words
    That fill my messy head.
    Can't find the effort to smile
    Or get out of my silly old bed.


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    Few words to explain me. Thanks, dear. You are not alone.

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  7. I Hurt Too

    • By Ingrid Pegram
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 21, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    My poems are about life experiences. I have worked in the age care sector for many years and have a passion and understanding as they evolve through life's struggles

    in Aging Poems

    Do you feel the pain I feel when I leave you in this place ?
    the heartache and the grief are etched in the lines upon your face
    I truly hate to leave you...but you know the time has come
    and you'll be so well cared this lovely nursing home


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  8. Let Kids Be Kids

    Our poor kids nowadays have so many expectations to live up to. It seems like everything we sign them up for takes up all their time to actually enjoy life. We schedule them for multiple activities, one after another. They become anxious and have no idea when they get a day off how to enjoy life! I am guilty of this myself with my 4 children! Sometimes we need a reminder to just let them be kids!

    in Children Poems

    Let kids be kids; just let them be
    Princesses, pirates; let the bath be the sea!

    Let them stare at the sky and find animals in the clouds.


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    Wow! A truly amazing poem with a beautiful message for parents. Childhood is a special period with so much joy, innocence and wonder. It is a delightful stage. Besides, so much good can be...

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  9. Cheeky Beak

    I love robins, and this poem was inspired by a real bird who I christened Cheeky Beak. He was a friendly little robin who came to us to be fed and actually did many of the things in the poem, like hopping into the house to say hello. Another trick he had was to light on the door handle and tap on the glass with his beak if we were slow with his breakfast! Caring for the natural world is as good for us as it is for Nature. I hope that message comes across in the poem, and that you enjoy it!

    in Nature Poems for Kids

    Cheeky Beak's a robin,
    He lives beside my house.
    He's redder than a berry,
    And rounder than a mouse.


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    Such a fun loving poem. This poem painted your chirping friend beautifully.

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  10. Withholding

    • By Duke Forrester
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    This poem was written based on when I was a teenager and would not tell people about my emotions because I thought that was what was expected. These were more than just feelings, for as they grew, they gave me additional problems later on with mental illness. Hopefully through this poem, people can relate to hiding their emotions from others. Everyone has done this during their life to an extent, resulting in negative consequences.

    in Depression Poems by Teens

    I learned to hold my breath in me
    'Til my blue face blended in with the sea

    Classroom of students in rows, front to back


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  11. True Friend

    • By David J. Herring
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem for my friend of many years, also called David. Like myself, David and my wife Gillian enjoyed writing poetry, and we would read our work to one another, and the three of us enjoy conversation around poetry and our experiences of life's joys and troubles. David loved this poem I wrote about true friendship, maybe an ideal, but one to aspire to. Both friend David and my wife Gillian have now passed on, but I hope to see them again, in Heaven's Home!

    in Special Friend Poems

    A true friend's like a sunny day
    Of light, and warmth, and cheer,
    That heals with hope along life's way,
    Dispelling every fear.


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    Thank you so much for sharing - a lovely tribute after the amazing success of the poem, which I had told myself in advance not to expect, but which has caused rejoicing among my loved ones!...

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  12. If Only You Could Have Stayed

    I wrote this poem 6 days after my sister suddenly passed away. She had survived 2 heart transplants and was in GREAT health when she was taken from us. This poem explains everything I was going through at the time and am still going through now, 3 months later. My sister was an incredible wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. She will always be missed!

    in Sister Death Poems

    Constantly thinking,
    never to be the same.
    The tears fall quickly
    just hearing your name.


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    My beloved sister, my friend, just died 3 days ago of a sudden heart attack. I still have a hard time believing the reality of it that it took me few days to even able to cry or grieve...

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  13. Breaking The Cycle

    • By Tonya R. Zuber
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    Using rhythm and rhyme my poem encourages people to break the cycle with their generational trauma. I was abused, neglected, starved, mistreated, and unloved as a child. I take pride that my children have never experienced or felt what I've went through. They deserve a better life than I had, and they do because I broke the cycle, instead of repeating the same mistakes my own mother made.

    in Inspirational Poems

    You're breaking the cycle
    Its starts with you today
    So with that power
    This I want you to say


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  14. Entrapped By Addiction

    • By Chris Gallagher
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    In 2009, I lost my only brother to drugs. Within 2 more years, I lost 2 cousins the same way. These 3 young men left 4 children fatherless. The drug epidemic hits too close to home for me. I often still find myself wondering how life would be different for all of us had they all never tried drugs in the first place.
    This poem is an appeal to society to stop the silence surrounding drugs and addiction, and especially appeal to today's youth to never try drugs because it destroys multiple lives.

    in Drug Abuse Poems

    We have a silent epidemic,
    Killing off our next generation.
    It starts with one poor choice,
    And ends with a struggle against temptation.


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  15. A Child's Fear

    • By Susan M. Reichennek Reid
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 17, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    I am a 60 year old women with couples post traumatic stress disorder. I witnessed so much violence against my mother from my father as a very young child. To this day I am haunted by the disturbing and painful memories. I found writing this poem and a few others has helped me in a therapeutic way. Whether the poem is considered good or not doesn't concern me too much after realizing how writing it out has helped me. I do want everyone to like it but the journey to heal is more important.

    in Abuse Poems

    As I lay silently, my heartbeat in my ear
    The thunder of footsteps ringing in fear
    The night is long and the anger strong
    I wonder, is this where I belong?


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  16. A Long Drive

    • By Gabrielle M. Payne
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    I am 16 years old and recently diagnosed as autistic. I didn't realise when I had to leave school without being able to take my GCSEs that I was in autistic burnout. I was in a very dark place, and I wrote this poem to help process how I'd changed from early childhood to now.

    in Feelings Poems by Teens

    At the start of the drive all the places seemed new
    I roll down the window and I bask in the view
    The breeze is so gentle
    The temperature just right


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  17. The Pearl

    • By Danielle Spencer
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about how uncomfortableness allows for growth and from growth comes wisdom.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    I am but a small oyster
    In a deep complicated sea
    The waves pushing and rolling


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    Love this poem. "I was never the oyster" You were all along the pearl. Perception at its finest.

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  18. In My Heart

    Written in memory of a dear friends late husband to bring her comfort .

    in Husband Death Poems

    You're not here
    For me to see
    My heart longs for
    The day to be


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  19. Created

    • By Lisa D. Jessie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

    I recently lost the love of my life to divorce. It has nearly devastated me. I also have many friends experiencing the same pain. I don't write much, but at 2am, I started thinking of all the things that I could say to comfort my friends. As I was writing, I began to comfort myself also by including the things that I had read and heard about how God would want me to feel and think. The only thing that has kept me going is knowing that God has a better plan for me.

    in God Poems

    When God created you,
    He knew what he would see.
    Someone that wasn't perfect,
    Or in heaven you would be.


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    This poem spoke volumes about myself, my feelings, my thoughts, and the love that my God has always poured in my heart in order to be able to love deeply and unconditionally. It also teaches...

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  20. What If

    • By Marcia A. Newton
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 4, 2023 with permission of the Author.

    Poem is about having a best friend that you love and wondering if there is a future together as lovers.

    in Just Friends Poems

    What if I belonged to you and you belonged to me
    and what if there's a future together that's not a fantasy.
    What if riding a wave of ecstasy
    is how it could be for you and me.


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  21. He Almost

    A Shakespearean 14-line sonnet that's composed of three heroic quatrains and a heroic couplet (each line is 10 syllable). It's not a traditional being "in love" poem but rather about falling back in love with myself again after I almost lost who I was after a toxic relationship.

    in Sonnet Poems

    I ask, why did you want to damage me?
    My aching heart felt it all with blunt force.
    So sad how you acted out savagely.
    What's even worse is you had no remorse.


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  22. Lost In Time

    I wrote this because I was lost, hurt, and famished for a better life.

    in Lonely Poems

    There are people all around me,
    Yet I can't help but feel alone.
    And although he says he loves me,
    He no longer lets it show.


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