Sonnet Poem

Finding Freedom: Sonnet About Leaving A Toxic Relationship

A Shakespearean 14-line sonnet that's composed of three heroic quatrains and a heroic couplet (each line is 10 syllable). It's not a traditional being "in love" poem but rather about falling back in love with myself again after I almost lost who I was after a toxic relationship.

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He Almost

Rayna R Palacios © more by Rayna R Palacios

Published by Family Friend Poems June 16, 2023 with permission of the Author.

I ask, why did you want to damage me?
My aching heart felt it all with blunt force.
So sad how you acted out savagely.
What's even worse is you had no remorse.

I was weak and emotionally drained.
I felt sick, I worried about my health,
Toxic but mentally had to maintain,
It was time for me to distance myself.

It was time to redirect my focus -
Find me, 'cause I was completely off track.
Silly me, crying upon your shoulders,
Didn't see you stabbing me in the back.

You took up space in my life from the start.
Now it's so good to finally depart.



This girl began reading and writing poetry at a young age. Using poetry as a way to vent and heal from situation she faced. She would pour out her heartaches and sadness becoming a emotional writer and creating a therapeutic mind for herself. This is the poetry of Rayna Renee Palacios, utilizing a wonderful opportunity here on family friend...

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