Hope Poem

A Villanelle About Brighter Times Ahead

The poem is in the form of a villanelle. I wrote it as I am going through a difficult time at the moment, with my husband on chemotherapy, and I thought the challenge of writing a villanelle would take my mind off things.

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Florence, what a lovely comment; it means a great deal to me. Thank you.

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Brighter Skies

Ann D. Stevenson © more by Ann D. Stevenson

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2020 with permission of the Author.

When I awake to one more dreary day,
an empty heart with empty hours to fill,
I know that brighter skies will come my way.

A breath of air can blow the clouds away,
my thoughts, like clouds, can drift aloft at will,
when I awake to one more dreary day.

If some stubborn clouds should decide to stay,
their shadows causing something of a chill,
I know that brighter skies will come my way.

I search out old memories, I find that they
help lift my spirits up, and linger still,
when I awake to one more dreary day.

Memories, like sunshine, do not stay at bay,
their warmth and love my empty heart may fill.
I know that brighter skies will come my way.

As sunny days arrive, I hope that they
bring further magic moments to instill.
When I awake to one more dreary day
I know that brighter skies will come my way.



Ann D. Stevenson only began writing after she retired, when she joined a Writing for Well-Being course. It was during a difficult time, as her husband had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She found writing very therapeutic, more especially poetry. It was a real boost to her morale when Family Friend Poems began publishing her poems.

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  • Stories 3
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  • Rating 4.39
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  • Florence Hope by Florence Hope
  • 4 years ago

I love this awesome Villanelle that you have written. I appreciate how you have written such a meaningful and thought-provoking poem with such skill. Thank you for sharing it!

Florence, what a lovely comment; it means a great deal to me. Thank you.

I just wanted to thank whoever it was who marked my poem as a favourite. This is the first poem I have ever had published, so it is very good for morale, firstly to have it published at all and then to feel that someone has enjoyed reading it. Thank you, whoever you are.

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