Hope Poem

Overcoming Fear In Life

Reviewing my life and feeling that I've wasted most of it in fear of actually living it.

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Oh Patricia, your poems are as good as ever and mean so much. You only have to look at all the comments to see how your writing affects so many of us. Keep going. Very best wishes, Ann.

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Finding Hope

Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2017 with permission of the Author.

I've always viewed life from the side lines,
Just watching it passing me by.
In the past, too afraid to just let go and live,
And lately too tired to try.

I've envied the people around me
So invested in living each day,
While I spent my time hiding out from the world
And searching for ways to escape.

For most of my life I truly believed
I was here to help somebody else,
But now it's so clear it was just an excuse.
To avoid living life for myself.

It's sad that our lives and the pain we endure
Can weaken our strength to move on,
But if we get lost in the scars of our past,
Without knowing our lives will be gone.

It's true, people are disappointing,
They can turn in the blink of an eye,
But we can't avoid hurting each other,
When we all want a chance at this life.

But there's something I've learned through the wisdom of age,
A truth about all of our lives,
And that is no matter what path we each take,
In the end, we just want to survive.

So the time has now come to conquer my fears
And to stand up and face a new day.
Let the hurts of my past wash away with my tears
And stop letting my life slip away.



Started writing at an early age and kept journals over the years. After retiring in 2016, wrote primarily poetry every day. This site is the best of all and I am still so grateful to have found it. There are some immensely talented writers on here.
I have not been writing quite as often lately but I keep my hand in it. My other hobbies include...

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This poem is absolutely amazing! Definitely one of my favorites. I've learned so much from reading your poetry. I also must apologize for carelessly referring to you as "Pat" on my last response to your kind outreach. I meant no disrespect. My apologies and ask your forgiveness. Thanks for all you've unknowingly done for me.


Oh Patricia, your poems are as good as ever and mean so much. You only have to look at all the comments to see how your writing affects so many of us. Keep going. Very best wishes, Ann.

  • Seraphina Night by Seraphina Night
  • 1 year ago

Beautiful poem! I love it. We must live life rather than just merely exist and this poem captures it all...

  • Dan Cole by Dan Cole
  • 2 years ago

I had been in the game of life, but too many times it has passed me by. With the few years I have left, I want to watch...watch my grandkids grow, watch the clouds go by, and watch my love grow.

  • Jeff Meade by Jeff Meade
  • 5 years ago

Thank you for this poem. It hit my best friend perfect. I wrote it down and read it to her, and I think it could really help her. I told her to keep it near and when she felt down to read it. Thank you once more and keep writing.

  • Darian by Darian
  • 6 years ago

Thank you so much for this poem. I can relate to it a lot. I struggle sometimes with anxiety and depression and finding hope through it all, and this was something I could really connect to. I liked it so much I chose to read it out loud to my Language Arts class for our poetry unit. I'm presenting it tomorrow! :) Your poetry writing skills are truly amazing, and I really appreciate your views on life and for sharing your thoughts and feelings through poetry. My dream is to be an author, and I love great writing. Thank for your inspiration!

Darian, I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner to your wonderful comment about my poem. Your words touched my heart so deeply because I go through periods when I question my skill as a poet and stop writing for awhile. You showed me that we just never know who we may be affected by our words. You must pursue writing if you have a love for it so you can influence and touch others with your words as well. You are so special for even taking the time to read my work and write me such a lovely comment. I really appreciate you!

  • Janna Lynne Jones by Janna Lynne Jones
  • 6 years ago

I can relate to the poem because I've hidden from the world several times because I thought that maybe if I wasn't around the world would be a better place. I spoke to our Pastor and First Lady at our church that I go to and told them how I felt. Rev. Ford and First Lady Ford both told me that I shouldn't end my life because that would make things worse. They both helped me turn my life around. If it hadn't been for their support and encouragement, I wouldn't be the person that I am. Ever since I became a member at Little Zion, I have felt God tugging on my heart. Rev. Ford and First Lady Ford have done so much for me, helping me to get my life back together and leading me in the right direction. I don't hide from the world anymore, like I used to before I had my life changed.

You are a brave girl, Janna, and I am so proud of how you fought those feelings and reached out for help, which is not easy sometimes. God will always use people to help us, just as he did your Church Pastor. God did that for you because he loves you and has a great plan for you, something that only you can do for Him. You are sweet for reading my poem and letting me know it helped you. I will keep you in my prayers, and remember you are very special and important to God. Don't ever give up because that would be a terrible loss to this world. You take good care of yourself!

  • Janna Lynne Jones by Janna Lynne Jones
  • 6 years ago

I can relate to the poem because that's how my life has been. I've tried hiding from the world several times. I was never popular in school. I've tried killing myself several times because I thought the world would be a better place without me. But Rev. Ford and First Lady Ford, our new pastor and First Lady at the church I go to, helped me turn my life around.

  • Paul T. McMahon by Paul T. McMahon
  • 6 years ago

Great poem. It's very insightful. Each of us is different with ourselves and our experiences. It is understandable that we all hurt and don't want to engage. Trust in something greater is like the hope of the hopeless at times. I like depth of meaning, and too often the world is so shallow. It is also a world of contrasts like belief in mastery of oneself and yet the need to surrender. Strange isn't it?

Thank you, Paul, for taking the time to read my poem and for your kind compliment. I agree with your thoughts about this world. Sometimes people are so self-absorbed and superficial that there is nowhere to go to really talk about our fears and feelings. That's where I depend on my poetry to release my thoughts and feelings. Thank God there are people like you out there who take the time to really think and deeply care.

  • Sreelal K. Sreedharan by Sreelal K. Sreedharan
  • 6 years ago

Wow! I liked your poem, and I think I have also gone through something similar in my life. Our life has a purpose and whatever we have gained or lost in the journey of life has a valid reason. The reason may be unknown.

  • Lata Bisht by Lata Bisht
  • 6 years ago

I can relate to this poem. My past didn't let me face the world. A ray of hope struck me a year after my graduation. That's MUSIC. I sink myself in it. Believe it or not, good music and great books can take you away to a brand new world. It let you enjoy your life and live carefree. I want to live life to the end of this world.

  • Janice Smith by Janice Smith
  • 7 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this with me. That is how my life had been in the past. People can be their own worst enemy. With God's help, I have been able to want to live again. I hope that your poem makes people want to live for the future. I wish I had seen this a year earlier; it would have helped me a lot. I pray it is seen by someone who needs the hope to live again!

  • Marvellous by Marvellous
  • 5 years ago

I have seen it as well today, and I am filled with so much hope to live now.

  • Elena by Elena
  • 7 years ago

This poem describes how I feel in my life, and it's hard for me to express myself because I'm afraid. I'm trying to let go of my past that I have held onto for most of my life.

  • Happiness Nsikak by Happiness Nsikak
  • 6 years ago

Hi Elina,
The past always try to get at us, but you have to let it belong where it should...in the past. Concentrate on the now, and live your life to the fullest. The Lord can help you if you can ask him.

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