Special Friend Poem

The Best Of Friends

I wrote this poem for my friend of many years, also called David. Like myself, David and my wife Gillian enjoyed writing poetry, and we would read our work to one another, and the three of us enjoy conversation around poetry and our experiences of life's joys and troubles. David loved this poem I wrote about true friendship, maybe an ideal, but one to aspire to. Both friend David and my wife Gillian have now passed on, but I hope to see them again, in Heaven's Home!

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Thank you so much for sharing - a lovely tribute after the amazing success of the poem, which I had told myself in advance not to expect, but which has caused rejoicing among my loved ones!...

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True Friend

© more by David J. Herring

Published by Family Friend Poems December 1, 2023 with permission of the Author.

A true friend's like a sunny day
Of light, and warmth, and cheer,
That heals with hope along life's way,
Dispelling every fear.

A true friend's like a summer rain:
Refreshing, gentle, kind;
Water of life for all life's bane
Of spirit, body, mind.

A true friend's like a flake of snow,
A pattern formed by Love;
Uniquely given to us below,
A blessing from Above.

A true friend's faithful, most of all;
Will never let you down,
And still is there if you should fall,
If smiles in tears should drown.

A true friend's like a melody
Of life, its joyful ringing!
An echo of Heaven's harmony:
True friends, for ever singing!


more by David J. Herring

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I really enjoyed this Poem "True Friend" such a beautiful Tribute to Your Friend David also to Your wife. I'm sure they are still very near to You watching over You from Heaven. Someday they will be with You again for all eternity. Your poem has so much thought & Love in every word, every verse, beautifully written. Thank You for sharing. Congratulations on your poem, "True Friend" most certainly was best choice for Winning Poem for December !

Thank you so much for sharing - a lovely tribute after the amazing success of the poem, which I had told myself in advance not to expect, but which has caused rejoicing among my loved ones! You have blessed me with your words; I thank you again, and am glad that the poem inspires you. May the Lord bless you and all you do for Him, and keep you in His love and care always.

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