Messages Of Thankfulness
Published: November 2017

We all have people in our lives we are thankful for. These poems can be shared with them to show our gratitude for their influence on us.
25 Poems About Being Thankful For The People In Your Life
Famous Poem
Gettin’ together to smile an’ rejoice,
An’ eatin’ an’ laughin’ with folks of your choice;
An’ kissin’ the girls an’ declarin’ that they
Are growin’ more beautiful day after day;Featured Shared StoryThe second to last stanza is so familiar. Edgar Guest so kindly reminds us of those who mean the most to us and are the ones we can let our hair down around. They speak of things only we...
I know it's been a hard task,
the things we ask of you.
You should know you're very special
for all the things you do.Featured Shared StoryThe best mother in the world is a mother that speaks the word of truth and sees her family needs and wants. A mother's love is a love that you would never want to forget about. To my mother,...
My One, My Only, My Everything
For so long, I wished for the day.
The day that our love would find its way.
From my heart and into your soul,
The feeling so strong, I had no control.Featured Shared StoryI am in love with a girl, it's been five years now but we're not dating yet. I've been trying to show her how much I love her. It's really hard for me, I don't think I can be in a...
For My Grandpa
I know we are all feeling a little bit sad
That we've lost our Grandpa, our friend, and our dad.
Together we have cried an ocean of tears
As we feel so empty and hold many fears.Featured Shared StoryI lost my grandfather today as of 1:15 am on 3/21. I cannot get over the fact that he's gone, I'm only fifteen years old and felt that I should document his life here. He came from Poland...
My Sister
in Sister Poems
What you mean to me
Is more than I can express.
You see, I had no sister when I was little
To call when I was in distress.Featured Shared StorySusan, I hopped on the site to find words and meaning to send to a new sister. At the tender age of 52 and 54, respectively, we found each other due to closed adoptions in the late 60s. Felt...
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Mother Unlike Any Other
in Mother Poems
My dear mother unlike any other,
You taught me how to walk,
And you taught me how to talk.Featured Shared StoryMy mother is my bus driver. She has always been there for me & when she can't be there for me, I always have my other relatives. I love her & my relatives with all my heart!
I Want To Thank You Again
To me, you're like an angel, sent by God above,
To cleanse my soul of sadness and fill it with love.
You are my inspiration, and I want to thank you,
For without you, I don't know what I would do.Featured Shared StoryThis poem is dedicated to my best friend, she was 16 and died in a car crash. I love her.
I Love You, Mom
You brighten up my life
With tender love and care.
When I reach out,
You're always there.Featured Shared StoryA parent's job most days goes unnoticed, unless they take away your phone. It's true I gave my mother fits and most times I didn't understand, but I had my day of reckoning when I finally had...
The Whispering Winds
Like the wind whispering through the trees,
Your spirit lifts me,
Teaching me valuable lessons.
I wait patiently to grow in the light of your eyes,Featured Shared Storyhi, my name is Cynthia. I fell in love with this poem the first time I read it. you see, I have a true friend that I've been through ups and downs with. At school my English teacher assigned...
Real Friends
There's this little thing called friendship.
I experience it every day,
And I will always be thankful that I have friends,
Because they have helped me along the way.Featured Shared StoryVery touching poem. I loved the poem. I have a friend like this. I'm glad I do, too.
For My Aunt
My aunt is to me the greatest person in this world,
one of a kind and one in a million.
She has the biggest heart with the most caring touch,Featured Shared StoryThis is a very nice, touching, and sweet poem. It really defined my aunt the way I have always wanted to define her. I like it. I have read it to her on her birthday and on Women's Day. Thank you
Daddy, I Love You
in Father Poems
You held me up when I was weak.
You hugged me close when tears I'd weep.
When things got hard, you pushed me through.
You always showed me you loved me true.Featured Shared StoryMy dad passed away 2 months ago and I can not forget and my mom and I are sad. I know that he is not in any more pain in heaven.
Sunshine Of You That I Saved
I thank you for the kind words and for being that beautiful you,
For listening to my side regardless of whatever you had to do.
Thank you for the gifts of love and for going out of your way.
Thanks for that great "just us girls" day.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Being Thankful
I could list the gifts I'm thankful for and write until next week.
My health, my eyes, my darling wife, granddaughter's rosy cheeks.
Treasured friends that, if I called, would say, "I'm on my way."Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Just Who You Are
You've got quite an easy style
with a tender heart to match,
and how you'd wear a cheerful smile
then that kindly voice attach.Featured Shared StoryThere was a time when I no longer believed in best friends. I had been heartbroken by a primary school friend and had lost all hope. One day I met a girl who is my best friend now. She has...
The Perfect Little Girl
When God was making our granddaughter,
He thought, "What can I do
To create a perfect little girl
To make a grandma's dream come true?"Featured Shared StoryThis is the perfect poem. My granddaughter is Madison and almost 7 and has blue eyes...I could've sworn this poem was made for My Madison. Awesome
Treasures come in so many ways:
the sun that lights the cloudy days,
a rainbow from a summer shower,
a rose that blooms within an hour.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Thank You For Taking Care Of Me
Thank you
For everything you have ever done
To make my life better.
I might deny it sometimes,Featured Shared StorySince I was born, I have never been loved by a person like the way my parents do. I was sometimes naughty, but they guided me through the right path. Days were sometimes dark friends turned...
My Mother
I'm thankful for my mother
for always standing by my side.
For letting me cry on her shoulder,
and for being my greatest guide.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!