Friendship Poem by Teens

Poem About Being Thankful For Friends

I'm 13 years old and SO thankful that I have my friends! They've helped me through so much, and these words don't even begin to describe how appreciative I am towards them. Thank you.

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Very touching poem. I loved the poem. I have a friend like this. I'm glad I do, too.

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Real Friends

© more by Olivia

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2010 with permission of the Author.

There's this little thing called friendship.
I experience it every day,
And I will always be thankful that I have friends,
Because they have helped me along the way.

A friend is a flashlight in the dark,
A rainbow after the storm,
The sunshine after a cold, damp day,
The glue when you are torn.

I have friends I love like sisters.
(I know they love me too.)
They'll be there through thick and thin,
For I know their friendship is true.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Thomas  E. McCullough by Thomas E. McCullough
  • 8 years ago

Very touching poem. I loved the poem. I have a friend like this. I'm glad I do, too.

  • Heaven by Heaven
  • 11 years ago

The phone rang I could tell something was wrong, because of how many times the same number called, I answered it they said that you're gone, I asked how could this be he loved his life so much we we're planning on having a long day of fun so much to break such a strong bond...then I seen your name on Facebook. So many people saying you're gone I knew it was real I wish it was a Dream. I need God to return you to help me. I need a hug just a little goodbye if I could rewind time I would come with you that same day you died and jump in front of the truck that was going 45 miles. I would have got hit pushed you out the way I know you see me cry so many tears that you'd usually wipe away but you're in my heart forever you'll always be gone but never forgotten

  • Rashmi Chaturvedi by Rashmi Chaturvedi, Delhi
  • 13 years ago

Few lines remembered by reading this poem

_ I believe in angels,
The kind that heaven sends
I am surrounded by angels,
But I call them Friends.

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