So Lucky Are The Angels
Since you're gone, Christmas time will never be the same.
When asked what I wish for, I can only speak your name.
The only gift I ever want at Christmas time for me
Is my precious, loving son beside my Christmas tree,
Since you're gone, Christmas time will never be the same.
When asked what I wish for, I can only speak your name.
The only gift I ever want at Christmas time for me
Is my precious, loving son beside my Christmas tree,
With angels on this summer day,
you never woke; you slipped away.
Now day just dims into the night.
Linda, You ask me how I go on, I wish I could tell you. I'm exactly where you are. I feel no peace in my son Chris's passing, Chris was long into recovery he was on a low dose antidepressant...
in Fall Poems
Sun with his artistic touch,
streaks skies of blue with rosy blush,
trimming Oak and Maple too,
crimson reds with yellow hue.
The poem brings such a panoramic picture of Autumn that you can't help but be present for the synesthetic experience. The alliteration of the words gives a beautiful rhythm to the poem, such...
Your very first breath of life, I was there.
Tiny miracle of God, you appeared,
overflowing with joy, my eyes cried a tear,
outstretching my arms to hold you so near.
On one mystic, magic night,
Jack O Lanterns glowing bright,
kids with bags of candy sweet,
roam door to door and street to street,
in Religious Poems
So deceitful and full of desire,
Stealing souls, he's a wonderful liar.
He'll befriend and seduce you
Ever since I can remember,
on the fourth Thursday of November,
long before the crack of dawn,
in Loss Poems
Suffering up close is so different from afar,
it's the supreme test in life,
to show what strengths there are.
Dear Melissa, I am so sorry it took me so long to reply to you. I am sorry for the loss of your father, my heart goes out to you. I wrote "Suffering Up Close" after my precious mother passed...
in Fall Poems
Sing to me, Autumn, with the rustle of your leaves.
Breathe on me your spicy scents that flow within your breeze.
Dance with me, Autumn, your waltz that bends the boughs of trees.
This poem beautifully provides us an opportunity to feel connected with nature. As human beings, we have been born in the lap of nature, have grown under the protection of nature, but we’ve...
in Spring Poems
Reminiscent melodies
serenade the morning breeze.
Feathered creatures nest with care
It's a very beautiful creation about the everlasting beauties of nature. It reminds me of the poem by Robert Frost "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."