Fall Poem

Loving the season of autumn as I do, I think about all the changes and beauty this season brings with it. It almost seems like a royal time of year with all the flaming magical colors and aromatic smells in the atmosphere, mystical in an eerie sort of way.

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The poem brings such a panoramic picture of Autumn that you can't help but be present for the synesthetic experience. The alliteration of the words gives a beautiful rhythm to the poem, such...

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Autumn's Majesty

© more by Patricia L. Cisco

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2017 with permission of the Author.

Sun with his artistic touch,
streaks skies of blue with rosy blush,
trimming Oak and Maple too,
crimson reds with yellow hue.

Birch and Hemlock, purple and gold,
apples, pumpkins bright and bold,
burns by day and cools by night,
cloaking trees in fiery might.

Wispy winds and tumbling leaves,
cypress scents within the breeze,
starry eves and harvest moon,
sets the stage for crickets' tune.

As spiders spin their tapestry
and crickets sing in symphony,
their final song of destiny,
it's clear for all the world to see,
Autumn's vibrant majesty!



I am a mother of two grown sons, we are an extremely close family & extended family, like all families we have had many wonderful & blessed times through life and we have experienced heart ache as well, I raised my sons, to never make judgement upon another persons journey in this life and to be the best them that they can be , that is all we...

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  • Rating 4.51
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Wow! I think you hit all the right notes. You painted a verbal picture that is very easy to connect with. I remember all of those things and colors growing up years ago. I like that you named so many different trees. And for a time, apples were my favorite fruit. Thanks for bringing me back. Very nicely done.

  • Nidhi Rana by Nidhi Rana
  • 4 years ago

The poem brings such a panoramic picture of Autumn that you can't help but be present for the synesthetic experience. The alliteration of the words gives a beautiful rhythm to the poem, such that the lilt stays on the tongue for a while after you've read it.
The poem has an ethereal feel to it! Simply beautiful!

  • SWARUP MONDAL by SWARUP MONDAL, Kandi, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
  • 5 years ago

What a magnificent description of Autumn! Really, Autumn is such a season that glorifies the earth with the nature's beauty. Autumn gives life to the whole world. Thank you, poet Patricia Cisco.

  • Shani by Shani
  • 5 years ago

What a feeling. It's so refreshing for someone sitting alone at home sometimes even unable to breathe with freedom.

  • Richard by Richard
  • 5 years ago

Ahhh, such an enthralling tribute to Autumn you've gifted us from your golden pen! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely rendition of the Quatrain form ... my favorite for composing rhyming poetry. Your well-chosen title certainly is expressed with great appeal and imagery, pleasing to the senses, with such a smooth, even flow in a fetching aabb rhyme-scheme, wrapping it all up with a creative mono-rhyme quintet ... quite brilliant, indeed! Your imagery and metaphor is impeccable, your silky syntax - easy to read and follow ... you've left me with a light and airy sensation of gratitude and well-being. I really enjoyed your lovely writing skills. Thank you ever so warmly! -Richard : )

  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

It is a beautiful poem. It reminded me of my student days when our teachers used to recite such poems written by renowned poets like Wordsworth, Longfellow or Shakespeare. Their style of narration and explanation was so good that impact left some 54 years ago is still fresh. There after we got lost in routine of complexities of life and found ourselves immersed in petty oddities. Thanks for making us feel the fresh breeze by posting this poem. Please keep it up.
-Subhash Bansal

I am so pleased you enjoyed my description of this beautiful season of Autumn. I also Love Autumn. Out of all four seasons, Autumn is my favorite also. I think each season has its very own unique beauty, but I have to admit that, for me, Autumn is most beautiful!

This poet describes the autumn season so you feel like you're right there in present time! I love this season also! The fall colors are so beautiful and the sky with the huge harvest moons looking like they're smiling back at you! You can still get the warm days and cooler nights usually under the starry skies. Coming together with family and friends to celebrate a Thanksgiving feast! She covered all of these subjects in a nicely written poem! Thank you. I totally enjoyed it!

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