Halloween Poem

Trick Or Treaters On Halloween

Loving the Fun of this mystical, magical holiday, just a time of fun and imagination for all ages, and the best part are all the sweet treats that come along with it, Happy Halloween to all, enjoy it with fun in your heart no matter your age!

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Mystic Magination Night!

© more by Patricia L. Cisco

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

On one mystic, magic night,
Jack O Lanterns glowing bright,
kids with bags of candy sweet,
roam door to door and street to street,
all dressed up for trick or treat!

Wizards with wands, pirates with hooks,
monsters and clowns with spooky looks,

kings and queens with capes and crowns,
a princess in her royal gown,

witches with warts and fairies with wings
movies stars with sparkling rings,

vampires with fangs that bite,
ghost that boo all dressed in white.

Imaginations taken flight,
on that one mystic, magic night.

Oh, the fun of Halloween,
be young or old or in between!



I am a mother of two grown sons, we are an extremely close family & extended family, like all families we have had many wonderful & blessed times through life and we have experienced heart ache as well, I raised my sons, to never make judgement upon another persons journey in this life and to be the best them that they can be , that is all we...

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